in reply to Spatial Japh

You totally broke my putty window. It's light blue. I was hoping I'd get a clue as to what you're doing by just running it in a putty window to a BSD box. (No, no activestate on this windows box, rarely use it). But no. You gotta go breakin' stuff.

Update: Man, serves me right for trying to understand or even run an obfu... a masterful one at that... that late at night, after, well... a few beers.

Had I any votes left that night, I would've ++'d liverpole without hesitation. As such, I just made a rambling unfunny attempt at being funnyish, and a negative rep is my just reward.

$/ = q#(\w)# ; sub sig { print scalar reverse join ' ', @_ } + sig map { s$\$/\$/$\$2\$1$g && $_ } split( ' ', ",erckha rlPe erthnoa stJu +" );