rmexico has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

i'm parsing files and trying to find a given variable followed by a dot. so, the file that i'm parsing is this:
package blah.blah.blah; import blah.Log; public void addLeadType(LEAD_TYPE type) { _leadTypes.add(type); } // ** PROTECTED METHODS // ** PRIVATE METHODS // ** ACCESSORS // ** INNER CLASSES }
and the perl code that i'm using to find a word in that file:
#!/usr/bin/perl undef $/; sub fileContainsWord() { my $file = $_[0]; my $word = $_[1]; my $found = 0; open FILE, "<$file"; while(<FILE>) { my $filecontents = $_; if($filecontents =~ /$word/smg) { $found = 1; last; } } close FILE; return $found; } my $file = ""; my $word = "LEAD_TYPE."; my $flag = &fileContainsWord($file, $word); print $flag . "\n";
for some reason, it's not picking up the trailing dot in $word, and flag is coming back '1' why is this?