philosophia has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I'm having trouble with this subroutine. It worked when the script was strictly procedural, but now that I'm trying to divide it into subroutines I get the error
[Tue Jun 06 14:53:09 2006] [error] [client x.x.x.x] [Tue Jun 6 14:53: +09 2006] Use of uninitialized value in concat +enation (.) or string at /usr/lib/cgi-bin/ line + 56., referer: http://tangerine/cgi-bin/ [Tue Jun 06 14:53:09 2006] [error] [client x.x.x.x] [Tue Jun 6 14:53: +09 2006] readline() on unopened filehandle at + /usr/lib/cgi-bin/ line 57., referer: http://ta +ngerine/cgi-bin/
-the error msgs reference these lines
$filename=~m/^.*(\\|\/)(.*)/; # strip the remote path and keep the fil +ename my ($newfilename) = $1; open(LOCAL, ">/var/www/html/upload/".$newfilename);
sub process_form { my ($from_address) = $query->param('from'); my ($reply_to_address) = $query->param('reply_to'); my ($subject) = $query->param('subject'); my ($message) = $query->param('message'); my ($description) = $query->param('description'); my ($msg_month) = $query->param('msg_month'); my ($msg_day) = $query->param('msg_day'); my ($msg_year) = $query->param('msg_year'); my ($from_address2) = ''; my ($to_address) = ''; my ($mail_host) = ''; if ( validate_form ( $from_address, $reply_to_address, $subject, $mes +sage, $description, $msg_month, $msg_day, $msg_year ) ) { my ($filename) = $query->param('email_list'); $filename=~m/^.*(\\|\/)(.*)/; # strip the remote path and keep the fil +ename my ($newfilename) = $1; open(LOCAL, ">/var/www/html/upload/".$newfilename); while(<$filename>) { print LOCAL $_; } my ($mm) = new File::MMagic; # use internal magic file my ($res) = $mm->checktype_contents("/var/www/html/upload/".$filename) +; # Adjust subject and body message my ($message_body) = "Request submission\rFrom: ".$from_address."\rRep +ly_to: ".$reply_to_address."\rSubject: ".$subject."\rMessage:\r\r".$m +essage."\r\rRecipients: ".$description."\r\rDate message is to be sen +t: ".$msg_month."/".$msg_day."/".$msg_year; # Create the multipart c +ontainer my ($msg) = MIME::Lite->new ( From => $from_address2, To + => $to_address, Subject => $subject, Type =>'multipart/mixed' ) +or die "Error creating multipart container: $!\n"; # Add the text me +ssage part $msg->attach ( Type => 'TEXT', Data => $message_body ) + or die "Error adding the text message part: $!\n"; # Add the file $ +msg->attach ( Type => $res, Path => '/var/www/html/upload', +Filename => $filename, Disposition => 'attachment' ) or die "Error + adding $filename: $!\n"; # Send the Message MIME::Lite->send('smtp' +, $mail_host, Timeout=>60); $msg->send; print $query->header; print +"<b>Thank you!</b><br>Confirmation of your submission will be emailed + to you."; } }