Category: utils
Author/Contact Info demerphq, contact via /msg or reply. License: Same as perl. If you improve this code please post your changes here so they can
Description: Download and install nmake from microsoft automatically using only modules distributed with ActiveState Perl. Automatically download, unpack and install nmake 1.5 from microsoft. The downloaded and unpacked files will be compared with known valid checksums and if there are any mismatches the files will not be execut +ed or installed. The install location will by default be the Perl 'bin' directory. If the script detects nmake already installed it will do nothing. Options are: --help|-h Print out this documentation --verbose Be verbose during installation process --force Download and install it regardless --path Specify the install location, if the direction doe +s not exist it will be created. Many thanks to Microsoft for making this essential tool available to all for free.
use strict;
use warnings;
use LWP::Simple;
use Config;
use Digest::MD5;
use File::Copy;
use File::Path;
use Getopt::Long;
use vars qw/$VERBOSE $FORCE/;

sub say(@) { 
    my $str=join "",@_;
    print $str if ($VERBOSE);
sub help_them(){
    local $VERBOSE=1;
    die <<'EOFBLURB';

Automatically download, unpack and install nmake 1.5 from microsoft.
The downloaded and unpacked files will be compared with known valid
checksums and if there are any mismatches the files will not be execut
or installed. The install location will by default be the Perl 'bin'

If the script detects nmake already installed it will do nothing.

Options are:

   --help|-h        Print out this documentation
   --verbose        Be verbose during installation process
   --force          Download and install it regardless
   --path           Specify the install location, if the direction doe
                    not exist it will be created.

Many thanks to Microsoft for making this essential tool available to 
all for free.


sub md5_file_check {
    my ($file, $expect) = @_;
    open my $fh,"<", $file
        or die "Error: Can't open '$file' for md5 check: $!";
    my $digest = Digest::MD5->new->addfile($fh)->hexdigest;
    if ($expect and $digest ne $expect) {
        my $msg ="Error : '$file' fails md5 check, '$expect' ne '$dige
        if (wantarray) {
            warn $msg;
        } else {
            die $msg;

sub run_and_check {
    my ($cmd,$qr) = @_;
    my $res = `$cmd 2>&1`;
    if ($res=~/$qr/) {
        return $res;
    } else {

my $path = $Config{bin};
my $remove;
my $url = "
my $exe = "nmake15.exe";
my $md5 = "3d0a6e5b6d49ce18df33ad5a84a4403b";
my %unpacked = qw( 
    nmake.exe   08465a1db6aa445ddcb62d0f29e8486b
    nmake.err   676935b178bbe8eb3e21d41bd5666b2c
    readme.txt  7e3ec06f008ae3deacc73f90c7e43405

GetOptions ( 
             "force|f" => \$FORCE,    # numeric
             "verbose" => \$VERBOSE,      # string
             "help|h"  => \&help_them,
             "path"    => \$path,
             "remove"  => \$remove,
           ) or help_them; 

say " starting in verbose mode.\n\n";

if ($remove) {
    say "Removing files\n";
    for (keys %unpacked) {
        if (-e $_) {
            unlink "$path/$_" 
                or warn "Failed to remove '$path/$_':$!";
if ( ! -d $path ) {
    say "Install directory '$path' does not exist, creating\n";
    mkpath $path;

unlink $_ for sort keys %unpacked;

if ( my $res = run_and_check('nmake /?','Microsoft') ) {
    my ($version)=$res=~/(Version .*)$/m;
    if (!$FORCE) {
        say "You do not need to use this tool as you have nmake $versi
+on installed.\n\n";
    } else {
        say "Will force install even though you have nmake $version in
} else {
    say "I can not detect nmake on your system, will install now into 

if ( $FORCE || !-e $exe || !md5_file_check( $exe, $md5 ) ) {
    say "Downloading '$exe'.";
    getstore $url.$exe, $exe;
    md5_file_check( $exe, $md5 );
} else {
    say "Not downloading '$exe' as it is already present and has a val
+id checksum.";

if (!-e $exe) {
    die "Error : Failed to download '$exe'";

say "\nRunning self-extracting package.";
my @install = `$exe 2>&1`;
say $_ for @install,"";

foreach my $file (sort keys %unpacked) {
    md5_file_check( $file, $unpacked{$file} );
    my $dest = "$path\\$file";
    if ($file=~/readme/i) {
        say "Not copying '$file' to '$path' as it is a readme.\n";
    copy $file, $dest
        or die "Error : Failed to copy '$file' to '$dest': $!";
    say "File '$file' copied to '$path' ok.\n";
say "\nAll Done -- No errors.";