HamNRye has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:


I have a program that crops PDF pages. Basically, we scan the file for the MediaBox[] area, and can enter our crop values as ASCII text. It all works great.

However, we came across a PDF we can't handle. The reason, it's from a mac. The line ends appear to be mostly "0D" as opposed to "0A". So, when I open the file and resave it, even in binmode, the file is mangled.

I'll try to explain this with as little BS as possible...

A sample of the two files:

Mac: %PDF-1.3 %â ====================== 25 50 44 46 2D 31 2E 33 0D 25 E2 PC: %PDF-1.3 %â ======================= 25 50 44 46 2D 31 2E 33 0A 25 E2

I have tried the usual "convert mac to dos" line ends and it screws up the xref table. Anyone have any experience with MAC PDF's and manipulating them on Windows?

perl -p -e 's/(\r\n|\n|\r)/\r/g'   inputfile > outputfile