in reply to Copyright conflicts?

The notion that someone can patent an idea or an algorithm (or a dna sequence, or a mathematical equation) is ridiculous -- however, as we know, in spite of being nonsensical -- and as absurd as it may seem -- these patents actually currently exist.

It's my understanding that most any non-trivial piece of software is going to have ... (it feels silly to even *say* this) ... bits in it that happen to be patented.

The GPL contains language referring to patents. You might have a look at that. I tend to favor the GNU licenses.

Personally, if I released a module, then got harassed about infringing patents, I'd make a big public stink about it to raise awareness of how screwed up the situation currently is.

You ask about safety... I don't know about you, but I'm less concerned about safety and more concerned about repairing the broken patent system.