NOAA updates its weather satellite images on the GOES website every 30 minutes, with images in infrared, visible light, and water vapor wavelengths; for both the eastern and western halves of the US. The script below grabs those images and saves them to a local file with a timestamp. Could prove useful for doing your own weather forecasting or whatever....
use strict; use LWP::Simple; use Time::Tiny; my $image; my $url; my %images = ( "eastconusir" => "", "eastconusvis" => "", "eastconuswv" => "", "westconusir" => "", "westconusvis" => "", "westconusvwv" => "", ); my $current_time = Time::Tiny->now; my $timestring = $current_time->hour.$current_time->minute.$curren +t_time->second; print $timestring."\n"; foreach my $key (keys %images) { print $key."\n"; print $images{$key}."\n"; my $status = getstore($images{$key},$key.$timestring.".jpg"); print $status."\n" ; };