in reply to Regular expression query

Hi isha, I am not clear with your question. The problem may be in variable name $t1, which should be $t and inside character class range should be [A-Z], since you are using underscore seprately in the character class.

if($t1 !~ /A_[A_Z0-9_]+/i) it should be if($t !~ /A_[A-Z0-9_]+/i) Output: ------- $CD = 'A_TAG_HSSL_LBA_1'; #matches $CD = 'A_TAG_HSSL_LBAB_1'; #not matches

Also look into this How do I post a question effectively?

Velusamy R.

eval"print uc\"\\c$_\""for split'','j)@,/6%@0%2,`e@3!-9v2)/@|6%,53!-9@2~j';