wishartz has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Dear Monks, I'm trying to create a program that runs a 'du' command on a file system and prints to a file the people who are using the most space. There is just one part that I am having a problem with and that is, one host could have more than one file system. So, the hash key of host would have more than one value. Do I need to use a hash of array's? The program will take one argument and that is the file system. What I want to do is if that file system is not on the host that the program is running on, it will display an error. I've tried to use this, but it doesn't work.
our %filesystems = ( 1 => { host => "hosta => 1", description => "filesysa", filesystem => { \/file\/system\/a => \/file\/system\/b => 1 +}, }, 2 => { host=> "hostb => 2", description => "file sys c)", filesystem => { \/file\/system\/c => 2 }, }, ); host=`hostname`;
Can anybody help?