in reply to Populating an array

What do you already know? Do you expect us to write the script for you? Why should we?

How to read from a file (The cmd-line way):
prompt> perl -we '@filecontents =<>' filename

How to read from a file (The script way):

#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; open FILEHANDLE, "< filename" or die "Failed to open 'filename', $!"; my @contents = <FILEHANDLE>; close FILEHANDLE;
How to read from a file (The OO way):
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use IO::File; my $file = IO::File->new( "< filename" ) or die "Failed to open 'filename', $!"; my @contents = <$file>; $file->close();
So you see, your question is not straight forward. The answer that I would give is:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use IO::File; use constant FILENAME => filename; my $file = IO::File->new( "< ". FILENAME ) or die "Failed to open '@{[FILENAME ]}', $!"; my @elements; { local $/ = $/.$/; @elements = <$file>; } $file->close();
With the hopes that my way contains so many perlisms that if your question is for HW that your teacher will recognize the plagarism, and that if you are truly trying to learn, then you will have plenty to figure out while perusing the library.