in reply to Sending attachments in emails using SMTP

Here is one that sends an image, you can alter it to send text attachments. For real attachments, you need to setup boundary layers, and a Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"=........

Don't ask me to explain this..... I tested it once and it worked.... but I use MIME::Lite. :-)

#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; # works but.................. # needs some taint checking if used with CGI # You would be wise to consider what happens if you try: #`myonewordcommandwithoutarg +s` # and consider if you really want to give the whole world access to # execute arbitrary commands on your server. # Put the name of your file here my $filename = shift || $0 ; # Location of sendmail program on your host my $mailprog = '/usr/sbin/sendmail'; # The email where you want the attachment to be sent to. my $to = ''; # Who the message is from my $from = ''; # Subject of the email. my $subject = "Attachment!"; # Type your message here. my $message = "This is an attachment."; # Confirmation message that the email has been sent. my $confirm_message = "The email and attachment has been sent!"; my $boundary = 'qwertry'.time; ###################################################### # Encode according to file extention. my $content_type = "text/plain; charset=\"us-ascii\";"; #default my $encoding; if ( $filename =~ /\.gif$/i ){ $content_type = "image/gif; name=\"$filename\"; $encoding = 'base64';"} if ( $filename =~ /\.jpg$/i ){ $content_type = "image/jpeg; name=\"$filename\"; $encoding = 'base64';"} if ( $filename =~ /\.zip$/i ){ $content_type = "application/zip; name=\"$filename\"; $encoding = 'base64';"} if ( $filename =~ /\.html$/i || $filename =~ /\.htm$/i ){ $content_type = "text/html; charset=\"us-ascii\";";} if ( $filename =~ /\.xls$/i ){ $content_type = "application/msexcel; charset=\"us-ascii +\";";} if ( $filename =~ /\.txt$/i || $filename =~ /\.dat$/i || $filename =~ /\.doc$/i || $filename =~ /\.pl$/i || $filename =~ /\.cgi$/i ){ $content_type = "text/plain; charset=\"us-ascii\";";} ############################################# # Get the attachment my $b64image; my @file; if($encoding){ open( IMAGE, "$filename"); binmode(IMAGE); undef $/; my $rawimage = <IMAGE>; $/ = "\n"; close IMAGE; $b64image = &encode_base64($rawimage); chomp $b64image; }else{ # Doesn't need encoding. (Plain text type of document) open( FILE, $filename ); @file = <FILE>; close(FILE); } ############################################# # Send Email open( MAIL, "| $mailprog $to" ) || die("$0: Fatal Error! Cannot open sendmail:: $!\n"); print MAIL "Reply-to: $from\n"; print MAIL "From: $from\n"; print MAIL "To: $to\n"; print MAIL "Subject: $subject\n"; print MAIL "Mime-Version: 1.0\n"; print MAIL "Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"======================_$bou +ndary==_\"\n"; print MAIL"--======================_$boundary==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii"; print MAIL "\n\n"; print MAIL "$message\n\n"; print MAIL "--======================_$boundary==_ Content-Type: $content_type\n"; if($encoding){ print MAIL "Content-Transfer-Encoding: $encoding\n"; print MAIL "Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"$filename\"\n\ +n"; print MAIL $b64image; }else{ print MAIL "Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"$filename +\"\n\n"; foreach my $line (@file) { print MAIL "$line"; } } print MAIL "\n\n\n"; print MAIL "--======================_$boundary==_--"; close(MAIL); ####################################### # Confirm Mail has been sent print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print " $confirm_message\n\n"; ####################################### sub encode_base64 { my $s = shift ; my $r = ''; while( $s =~ /(.{1,45})/gs ){ chop( $r .= substr(pack("u",$1),1) ); } my $pad=(3-length($s)%3)%3; $r =~ tr|` -_|AA-Za-z0-9+/|; $r=~s/.{$pad}$/"="x$pad/e if $pad; $r=~s/(.{1,72})/$1\n/g; $r; }

I'm not really a human, but I play one on earth CandyGram for Mongo