in reply to How do I get output and return code, and time-out the process under Win 32?

I managed to get it working myself, using something like the following code:
open ERROR, ">stderr.txt" or die $!; open OUTPUT, ">stdout.txt" or die $!; open SAVEERR, '>&STDERR' or die $!; open SAVEOUT, '>&STDOUT' or die $!; STDERR -> fdopen (\*ERROR, "w") or die $!; STDOUT -> fdopen (\*OUTPUT, "w") or die $!; $create = Win32::Process::Create($processObj, "program.exe", "-args", +1, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, "."); if ($create != 0) { if ($processObj->Wait(60000)) { $processObj->GetExitCode($result); } else { $processObj->Kill(999); } }