Anonymous Monk has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Monks, hi there!

I followed a node here while ago and one part of the code got me going, I wish someone could show me a better way to accomplish this issue, I can't figure it out. Is got to be a better and simpler way to do this.
It needs to place a space in the $ref_b to make sure consistency when generating a report out of this and avoid errors.

use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; my $ref_a = [ [ qw/a b c/ ], [ qw/d e f/ ], [ qw/g h i/ ], [ qw/x y z/ ], [ qw/3 4 5/ ], [ qw/6 7 9/ ], ]; my $ref_b = [ [ qw/j k l/ ], [ qw/m n o/ ], [ qw/p q r/ ], ]; for my $i (0..$#$ref_a) { push @{$ref_a->[$i]}, @{$ref_b->[$i]}; } print Dumper($ref_a);