Some days ago, someone was asking about web robots... I pointed him to some CPAN modules, including LWP::Simple and HTML::Parser. Well, this program isn't precisely a robot, but may provide some help.

Furthermore, it is supposed to be a spot of GraphViz and the related package GraphViz for the other monks. If you want a more complex tool to do such things, use WebStalker.

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; # Did someone say 'robot'? use LWP::Simple; use HTML::Parser; use URI; use GraphViz; my $start_page = 'http://localhost/~stefano/'; my $graph = GraphViz->new( width => 8, height => 8 ); my %is_known = (); my @to_be_explored = (); my $current; # Formerly known as $explorer :) # Rename it according to your sympathies :) my $scout = HTML::Parser->new( start_h => [sub { my $self = shift; my ($tagname, $attr) = @_; if ($tagname eq "a") { $attr->{href} =~ s/\#.*//; $graph->add_edge($current, $attr->{href}); unshift @to_be_explored, $attr->{href}; } }, "self, tagname, attr"]); push @to_be_explored, $start_page; while (@to_be_explored) { $current = URI->new( shift @to_be_explored ); if ( not $is_known{ $current } ) { $is_known{ $current }++; $graph->add_node( $current, fontsize => 8, height => 0.5, wodth => 0.5); print "Exploring $current ($#to_be_explored)...\n"; my $html_string = get( $current->abs( $start_page )) || warn "Can't get page! - $!\n"; $scout->parse( $html_string ); } } open OUT, "> out.png" || die "Can't open file for output! - $!\n"; print OUT $graph->as_png; close OUT;