User since: May 31, 2001 at 20:07 UTC (23 years ago)
Last here: Feb 14, 2024 at 17:35 UTC (10 weeks ago)
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Location:Peoples' Independent Republic of South London
User's localtime: Apr 24, 2024 at 00:20 BST
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At job interviews, I've always been asked what I want to be doing in N years. And so I trot out an acceptable answer - I want to be looking back at what I did over the past few years and be proud of it.

But this is a lie. I actually want to be Benevolent Dictator Of The World. I am actively recruiting Minions and Henchmen, and still have a couple of Cabinet vacancies. If you think you qualify in any of those categories, please send a recent CV to my email address, And remember, if you get on the short-list, one of the questions you'll have to answer is what do you want to be doing in N years time.