in reply to My questions: new to perl


Hi friends..i want get these questions solved as i am near exams and can't solve these on my own..for you guys its a quick task i know. so here are these basic questions..i may get these Q's in exams..i am at basic level

Perhaps it would've been a good idea to study? I'm certain your instructor probably already answered these questions in class.

Anyway, your questions are easily answered:

1 Explain difference between my and local ? Read perldoc perlfaq7 and perldoc perlvar

2 What is the purpose of -w , strict , -T ? Read perldoc perlrun and perldoc strict

3 How do we set environment variables in perl ? Read perldoc perlvar

Well, this gets tiring. For the remainder of your questions, you should read perldoc perltoc to get an overview of the documentation available, and then read the ones appropriate to your questions. You'll also want to search older questions in the monastery for the answers.


When your only tool is a hammer, all problems look like your thumb.