patcat88 has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I've been thinking of how to speed up XS code, and saw many hv functions take a "hash number". Its 99% of the time zero in every example I've seen. Your supposed to use the "PERL_HASH" macro to calculate the hash number. The only example I have found of PERL_HASH being used anywhere was here

I've been having problems figuring out if its faster or SLOWER to use precalculated hashes. I wrote a test library to time the difference. The Time::HiRes time() benchmarking says caching the key hashes is faster (get was 0.95s, getKC was 0.89s). My C profiler (DevPartner 8) says no key caching is faster (get=5.81us per run, getKC=5.89us per run). Nytprof says no key caching is faster (get is 516ms, getKC is 531ms).

I did my tests on Windows XP ActivePerl 5.10 build 1003 compiled with VS2003.

here is XHVKC.xs

#define PERL_NO_GET_CONTEXT #include "EXTERN.h" #include "perl.h" #include "XSUB.h" #include "ppport.h" typedef struct { const char * key; unsigned long hash; const signed long klen; } hvCacheKeyStruct; typedef struct { hvCacheKeyStruct jiugsdh1; hvCacheKeyStruct iusidfsd2; hvCacheKeyStruct ihfsdgsfg3; hvCacheKeyStruct sudfyf4; hvCacheKeyStruct sfyuihldfss5; hvCacheKeyStruct iuodafohsd6; hvCacheKeyStruct kjsdjdfsj7; hvCacheKeyStruct layer1; hvCacheKeyStruct layer2; hvCacheKeyStruct layer3; } hvCacheStruct; #define HVCKSINIT(keyname) {#keyname, 0, sizeof(#keyname)-1 } static hvCacheStruct hvCache = { HVCKSINIT(jiugsdh1), HVCKSINIT(iusidfsd2), HVCKSINIT(ihfsdgsfg3), HVCKSINIT(sudfyf4), HVCKSINIT(sfyuihldfss5), HVCKSINIT(iuodafohsd6), HVCKSINIT(kjsdjdfsj7), HVCKSINIT(layer1), HVCKSINIT(layer2), HVCKSINIT(layer3) }; #undef HVCKSINIT #define HVKC_KEY(x) (hvCache.x.key) #define HVKC_KLEN(x) (hvCache.x.klen) #define HVKC_HASH(x) (hvCache.x.hash) #define HVKC_ARR_KEY(x) ((((hvCacheKeyStruct*)&(hvCache))+(x))->key) #define HVKC_ARR_KLEN(x) ((((hvCacheKeyStruct*)&(hvCache))+(x))->klen) #define HVKC_ARR_HASH(x) ((((hvCacheKeyStruct*)&(hvCache))+(x))->hash) #define hvkc_hv_fetch(hv, key, klen, lval, hash) + \ ((SV**) hv_common_key_len((hv), (key), (klen), (lval) \ ? (HV_FETCH_JUST_SV | HV_FETCH_LVALUE) \ : HV_FETCH_JUST_SV, NULL, (hash))) #define hvkc_hv_fetch_kc(hv, key, lval) + \ ((SV**) hv_common_key_len((hv), (HVKC_KEY(key)), (HVKC_KLEN(key)), (lv +al) \ ? (HV_FETCH_JUST_SV | HV_FETCH_LVALUE) \ : HV_FETCH_JUST_SV, NULL, (HVKC_HASH(key)))) void initializeHVCache(pTHX) { unsigned long i; const unsigned long arraylength = sizeof(hvCacheStruct)/sizeof(hvC +acheKeyStruct); for(i=0; i<arraylength; i++){ printf("initializeHVCache b4 %s hash=%u klen=%u\n", (((hvCacheKeyStruct*)&(hvCache))+i)->key, (((hvCacheKeyStruct*)&(hvCache))+i)->hash, (((hvCacheKeyStruct*)&(hvCache))+i)->klen ); PERL_HASH( ((((hvCacheKeyStruct*)&(hvCache))+i)->hash), ((((hvCacheKeyStruct*)&(hvCache))+i)->key), ((((hvCacheKeyStruct*)&(hvCache))+i)->klen) ); printf("initializeHVCache after %s hash=%u klen=%u\n", (((hvCacheKeyStruct*)&(hvCache))+i)->key, (((hvCacheKeyStruct*)&(hvCache))+i)->hash, (((hvCacheKeyStruct*)&(hvCache))+i)->klen ); } } MODULE = XHVKC PACKAGE = XHVKC BOOT: initializeHVCache(aTHX); void get(self, num) SV * self unsigned long num PREINIT: void * voidPtr = 0; char * finalKeyName; unsigned long finalKeyNameLen; CODE: if (SvROK((HV*)self) && SvTYPE(SvRV((HV*)self))==SVt_PVHV) self = SvRV((HV*)self); else Perl_croak(aTHX_ "%s: %s is not a hash reference", "XHVKC::get", "self"); #define SWITCHMACRO(num,key) case (num): finalKeyName = #key; finalKey +NameLen = sizeof(#key)-1; break; switch(num){ SWITCHMACRO(1,jiugsdh1) SWITCHMACRO(2,iusidfsd2) SWITCHMACRO(3,ihfsdgsfg3) SWITCHMACRO(4,sudfyf4) SWITCHMACRO(5,sfyuihldfss5) SWITCHMACRO(6,iuodafohsd6) SWITCHMACRO(7,kjsdjdfsj7) #undef SWITCHMACRO default: printf("huh?"); exit(1); } (SV **)voidPtr = hvkc_hv_fetch((HV *)self, "layer1", sizeof("layer +1")-1, 0,0); if(voidPtr){ (SV *)voidPtr = *(SV **)voidPtr; if (SvROK((SV *)voidPtr)){ (SV *)voidPtr = SvRV((SV *)voidPtr); if (SvTYPE((SV *)voidPtr)==SVt_PVHV) { (SV **)voidPtr = hvkc_hv_fetch((HV *)voidPtr, "layer2" +, sizeof("layer2")-1,0,0); if(voidPtr) { (SV *)voidPtr = *(SV **)voidPtr; if (SvROK((SV *)voidPtr)){ (SV *)voidPtr = SvRV((SV *)voidPtr); if (SvTYPE((SV *)voidPtr)==SVt_PVHV) { (SV **)voidPtr = hvkc_hv_fetch((HV *)voidP +tr, "layer3", sizeof("layer3")-1,0,0); if(voidPtr) { (SV *)voidPtr = *(SV **)voidPtr; if (SvROK((SV *)voidPtr)){ (SV *)voidPtr = SvRV((SV *)voidPtr +); if (SvTYPE((SV *)voidPtr)==SVt_PVH +V) { (SV **)voidPtr = hvkc_hv_fetch +((HV *)voidPtr, finalKeyName, finalKeyNameLen,0,0); if(voidPtr) { voidPtr = (void *)SvIV(*(S +V **)voidPtr); } //else stays null } else {voidPtr = NULL;} } else {voidPtr = NULL;} } //else stays null } else {voidPtr = NULL;} } else {voidPtr = NULL;} } //else stays null } else {voidPtr = NULL;} } else {voidPtr = NULL;} } //else stays null if(voidPtr != (void *)999) { printf("wrong number at end of hash tree"); exit(1); } void getKC(self, num) SV * self unsigned long num PREINIT: void * voidPtr = 0; CODE: if (SvROK((HV*)self) && SvTYPE(SvRV((HV*)self))==SVt_PVHV) self = SvRV((HV*)self); else Perl_croak(aTHX_ "%s: %s is not a hash reference", "XHVKC::get", "self"); (SV **)voidPtr = hvkc_hv_fetch_kc((HV *)self, layer1,0); if(voidPtr){ (SV *)voidPtr = *(SV **)voidPtr; if (SvROK((SV *)voidPtr)){ (SV *)voidPtr = SvRV((SV *)voidPtr); if (SvTYPE((SV *)voidPtr)==SVt_PVHV) { (SV **)voidPtr = hvkc_hv_fetch_kc((HV *)voidPtr, layer +2,0); if(voidPtr) { (SV *)voidPtr = *(SV **)voidPtr; if (SvROK((SV *)voidPtr)){ (SV *)voidPtr = SvRV((SV *)voidPtr); if (SvTYPE((SV *)voidPtr)==SVt_PVHV) { (SV **)voidPtr = hvkc_hv_fetch_kc((HV *)vo +idPtr, layer3,0); if(voidPtr) { (SV *)voidPtr = *(SV **)voidPtr; if (SvROK((SV *)voidPtr)){ (SV *)voidPtr = SvRV((SV *)voidPtr +); if (SvTYPE((SV *)voidPtr)==SVt_PVH +V) { num -= 1; (SV **)voidPtr = hvkc_hv_fetch +((HV *)voidPtr, HVKC_ARR_KEY(num), HVKC_ARR_KLEN(num), 0, HVKC_ARR_HA +SH(num)); if(voidPtr) { voidPtr = (void *)SvIV(*(S +V **)voidPtr); } //else stays null } else {voidPtr = NULL;} } else {voidPtr = NULL;} } //else stays null } else {voidPtr = NULL;} } else {voidPtr = NULL;} } //else stays null } else {voidPtr = NULL;} } else {voidPtr = NULL;} } //else stays null if(voidPtr != (void *)999) { printf("wrong number at end of hash tree"); exit(1); }

here is

package XHVKC; use strict; use warnings; require Exporter; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); # Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not expo +rt # names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead. # Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants. # This allows declaration use XHVKC ':all'; # If you do not need this, moving things directly into @EXPORT or @EXP +ORT_OK # will save memory. our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ qw( ) ] ); our @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } ); our @EXPORT = qw( ); our $VERSION = '0.01'; require XSLoader; XSLoader::load('XHVKC', $VERSION); sub new { my $href = { 'layer1' => { 'layer2' => { 'layer3' => { 'jiugsdh1' => 999, 'iusidfsd2' => 999, 'ihfsdgsfg3' => 999, 'sudfyf4' => 999, 'sfyuihldfss5' => 999, 'iuodafohsd6' => 999, 'kjsdjdfsj7' => 999 } } } }; bless $href ; return $href ; } # Preloaded methods go here. 1; __END__

here is the, it may or may not apply to you, I've disabled a few compiler optimizations to enable step through debugging in VS

use 5.010000; use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; # See lib/ExtUtils/ for details of how to influence # the contents of the Makefile that is written. use Config qw(%Config); my $ccflags = $Config{'ccflags'}; warn $ccflags."\n"; $ccflags =~ s/O1/Od/; $ccflags =~ s/-DNDEBUG//; warn $ccflags."\n"; WriteMakefile( NAME => 'XHVKC', VERSION_FROM => 'lib/', # finds $VERSION PREREQ_PM => {}, # e.g., Module::Name => 1.1 ($] >= 5.005 ? ## Add these new keywords supported since 5.005 (ABSTRACT_FROM => 'lib/', # retrieve abstract from modu +le AUTHOR => 'A. U. Thor <a.u.thor@a.galaxy.far.far.away>' +) : ()), LIBS => [''], # e.g., '-lm' DEFINE => '', # e.g., '-DHAVE_SOMETHING' INC => '-I.', # e.g., '-I. -I/usr/include/other' CCFLAGS => $ccflags, OPTIMIZE => ' ', XSOPT => ' -nolinenumbers ' # Un-comment this if you add C files to link with later: # OBJECT => '$(O_FILES)', # link all the C files too );

the test script
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use XHVKC; use Time::HiRes qw( time ); $o = new XHVKC; $time = time; for(0..300000){ for (int(rand 6)+1) {$o->get($_);} } print "time was ".(time-$time)."\n"; $time = time; for(0..300000){ for (int(rand 6)+1) {$o->getKC($_);} } print "time was ".(time-$time)."\n";