in reply to Ask for STDIN but don't pause for it

There is alot of code around for doing this, here are a few methods to save you the search. They all involve running a loop of some kind. In the Glib examples, you can substitute another event loop of your choosing.

Term-ReadKey in a thread
#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Term::ReadKey; use threads; $|++; ReadMode('cbreak'); # works non-blocking if read stdin is in a thread my $count = 0; my $thr = threads->new(\&read_in)->detach; while(1){ print "test\n"; sleep 1; } ReadMode('normal'); # restore normal tty settings sub read_in{ while(1){ my $char; if (defined ($char = ReadKey(0)) ) { print "\t\t$char->", ord($char),"\n"; #process key presses here if($char eq 'q'){exit} #if(length $char){exit} # panic button on any key :-) } } } __END__

And an event loop based example using Glib

#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Glib; my $main_loop = Glib::MainLoop->new; Glib::IO->add_watch (fileno 'STDIN', [qw/in/], \&watch_callback, 'STDI +N'); #just to show it's non blocking my $timer1 = Glib::Timeout->add (1000, \&testcallback, undef, 1 ); $main_loop->run; sub watch_callback { # print "@_\n"; my ($fd, $condition, $fh) = @_; my $line = readline STDIN; print $line; #always return TRUE to continue the callback return 1; } sub testcallback{ print "\t\t\t".time."\n"; } __END__

Another one combining an eventloop Glib with threads

#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Glib; use Term::ReadKey; use threads; $|++; ReadMode('cbreak'); # works non-blocking if read stdin is in a thread my $count = 0; my $thr = threads->new(\&read_in)->detach; my $main_loop = Glib::MainLoop->new; my $timer = Glib::Timeout->add (1000, \&timer_callback, undef, 1 ); # can also have filehandle watches #my $watcher; #$watcher = Glib::IO->add_watch( fileno( $pty ), ['in', 'hup'], \&call +back); # must be done after main_loop is running #Glib::Idle->add( sub{}); #print "$ps\n"; my $timer1 = Glib::Timeout->add (10, \&testcallback, undef, 1 ); $main_loop->run; ReadMode('normal'); # restore normal tty settings sub testcallback{ my $ps = `ps auxww`; print "$ps\n"; return 0; #only run once } sub timer_callback{ #do stuff $count++; print "\n$count\n"; return 1; } sub read_in{ while(1){ my $char; if (defined ($char = ReadKey(0)) ) { print "\t\t$char->", ord($char),"\n"; #process key presses here if($char eq 'q'){exit} #if(length $char){exit} # panic button on any key :-) if($char eq 'p'){ Glib::Idle->add( sub{ my $ps = `ps auxww`; print "$ps\n"; return 0; # run only once } ); } } } } __END__

And finally an IO::Select based solution to avoid threads

#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use IO::Select; # remember what select says about mixing # buffered reading and "select", so even though the # code works, you might want to substitute # the read via <$fh> with: # my $input; # sysread( $fh, $input, 1024); # loop every 5 second my $timeout = 5; my $s = IO::Select->new(); $s->add( \*STDIN ); while (1) { if ( my @ready = $s->can_read($timeout) ) { # we got input for my $fh (@ready) { print "$fh\n"; my $input = <$fh>; print "got: $input"; } } else { # no input } # just to show that we're looping print scalar localtime,"\n"; }

I'm not really a human, but I play one on earth.
Old Perl Programmer Haiku ................... flash japh