in reply to How to move up/down the row element in a ListBox/Mlistbox

If you are doing it in a GUI, why not do it with the GUI? Drag and drop, baby!

#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Tk; use Tk::DragDrop; use Tk::DropSite; my %tk; my $font = '{Helvetica} 14'; $tk{mw} = MainWindow->new; $tk{lbframe} = $tk{mw}->Frame->pack( -expand => 1, -fill => 'both', -anchor => 'nw' ); $tk{listbox} = $tk{lbframe}->Scrolled( 'Listbox', -selectmode => 'single', -scrollbars => 'ose', -font => $font, )->pack( -expand => 1, -fill => 'both', -padx => 5, -pady => 5, ); $tk{listbox}->insert( 'end', $_) for qw/first second third fourth fift +h etc./; my $dnd_token = $tk{listbox}->DragDrop( -event => '<B1-Motion>', -sitetypes => [qw/Local/], -startcommand => \&DragStart, ); $tk{listbox}->DropSite( -droptypes => [qw/Local/], -dropcommand => [ \&Drop, $tk{listbox}, $dnd_token ], ); MainLoop; sub DragStart { my ($token) = @_; my $site = $token->parent; my $e = $site->XEvent; my $idx = $site->index( '@' . $e->x . ',' . $e->y ); if ( defined $idx ) { $token->configure( -text => $site->get($idx), -font => $font ) +; $site->delete($idx); my ( $X, $Y ) = ( $e->X, $e->Y ); $token->MoveToplevelWindow( $X, $Y ); $token->raise; $token->deiconify; $token->FindSite( $X, $Y, $e ); } } sub Drop { my ( $site, $token ) = @_; my $text = $token->cget('-text'); my $y = $site->pointery - $site->rooty; my $nearest = $site->nearest($y); if ( defined $nearest ) { my @xy = $site->bbox($nearest); if ( $xy[1] + $xy[3] > $y ) { $site->insert( $nearest, $text ); } else { $site->insert( 'end', $text ); } } }