in reply to Using perl to extract data from multiple .txt files

Hi, lalalala1, and welcome to PerlMonks!

Excellent suggestions above. The following incorporates almost all of them, and avoids a collision with the output file by grepping the glob (sounds like a horror movie title...).

It opens each text file for the data you need, and that data is pushed onto an array that's written out to the output file:

use strict; use warnings; my $outFile = 'extractedData.txt'; my @sampleLines; for my $file ( grep !/^\Q$outFile\E$/, <*.txt> ) { open my $fh, '<', $file or die $!; # Get data from file... push @sampleLines, $data; close $fh; } open my $outFH, '>', $outFile or die $!; print $outFH @sampleLines; close $outFH

I know that this is more than you requested, but I hope it's helpful.

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Re^2: Using perl to extract data from multiple .txt files
by lalalala1 (Initiate) on Nov 15, 2012 at 14:27 UTC

    Thank you guys, I'll give your suggestions a try and let you know how it worked out.