in reply to Seeking guidance on getting better at Perl.
Just in case you want more reading, I keep a list of PM nodes related to Perl books:
- Best Perl Books of All Time
- If I could only own one Perl book, it would be:
- (Perl) Programming Books like the Camel Book
- Which Book
- Book question
- So what is your Perl book "Trilogy" anyway?
- Books to master Perl, LAMP and web development
- Network Programming with Perl Book Recommendation
- What book would be valuable to someone self-taught?
- New Beginning Perl book due out in August
- Perl Videos and Book (followed by re-asking in Perl Book OOPS)
- Suggestions for getting a more solid understanding of Perl
- Please guide me regarding good books/resources on data structures and algorithms
- Modern Perl: The Book: The Draft
- Perl Recommended Reads
- Modern Perl
Update: and another on learning and improving at Perl:
- Perl Tutorial Hub
- Perl 101
- perlmaven tutorial
- Getting Started with Perl
- Perl online documentation especially perlintro
- What is the best way to master perl
- Re: Real Life Perl Exercises
- Re: Perl Exercises: For Beginners
- Problems to solve for Perl Beginners
- Small Perl quests for a beginner?
- In need of guidance
- Perl Puzzles
- Additional exercises for "Learning Perl" book?
- Want to be a part of a project
- Forgetting Syntax, Forgetting logic, Heck, Should I even try keep learning Perl??
- Whats the average time taken to learn Perl?
- Seeking guidance on getting better at Perl.
- need help!
- Bling Bling (or: Teaching Perl to Teenagers)
- Learning Fundamentals: Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Perl
- Best ways of learning Perl!
- seeking direction to start with perl
- how can I learn well
- Recommended Reading
- How does one learn perl programming efficiently - if they do not come from computer science background?
In Section
Seekers of Perl Wisdom