in reply to Argument "" Isn't numeric in numeric eq (==)

Consider using a regex that captures sets of two digits (or 'empties') separated by a comma, as tuples:

use strict; use warnings; while ( my $line = <DATA> ) { print +( join ',', map "($_)", $line =~ /(\d*,\d*),?/g ), "\n"; } __DATA__ 1,1,,,, 1,2,,,, 3,4,1,1,, 1,1,1,1,, 5,6,3,4,1,2 1,1,1,1,1,1 ,,,,1,1 ,,1,2,, ,,1,1,1,2 ,,,,, 5,6,3,4,2,2


(1,1),(,),(,) (1,2),(,),(,) (3,4),(1,1),(,) (1,1),(1,1),(,) (5,6),(3,4),(1,2) (1,1),(1,1),(1,1) (,),(,),(1,1) (,),(1,2),(,) (,),(1,1),(1,2) (,),(,),(,) (5,6),(3,4),(2,2)

And then testing for '1,1' and '1,2' in each line:

use strict; use warnings; my ( $i, $success, $fail ); while ( my $line = <DATA> ) { $i++; my %tuples = map { $_ => 1 } $line =~ /(\d*,\d*),?/g; $success++ if exists $tuples{'1,1'}; $fail++ if exists $tuples{'1,2'}; } print "Total Lines: $i\nSuccess: $success\nFail: $fail\n"; __DATA__ 1,1,,,, 1,2,,,, 3,4,1,1,, 1,1,1,1,, 5,6,3,4,1,2 1,1,1,1,1,1 ,,,,1,1 ,,1,2,, ,,1,1,1,2 ,,,,, 5,6,3,4,2,2


Total Lines: 11 Success: 6 Fail: 4

BTW - You were off by one in all of your array indices. You had:

if((($f[1]==1)&&($f[2]==1))|| ...

when you meant:

if((($f[0]==1)&&($f[1]==1))|| ...

Hope this helps!

Edit: Updated to reflect the '1,2' "Fail" condition, which I failed to notice. Thank you, Jim.