in reply to Re^17: header
in thread header

Do I place the code you recommended inside  sub change_password ?

Currently I am getting this error now

perl Global symbol "$system" requires explicit package name at +line 27. Global symbol "$ssh" requires explicit package name at lin +e 28. Global symbol "$system" requires explicit package name at +line 30. Execution of aborted due to compilation errors.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use warnings; use strict; use Expect; my $filename = "/var/tmp/expect_script.log"; my $header = "\r\n\r\n======= system =======\r\n"; my $timeout = 60; my @servers = qw( remotehost ); for my $server (@servers) { # do your thing with $server change_password($server); } sub change_password { my $my_header = $header; $my_header =~ s/system/$system/; $ssh->print_log_file($header); my $ssh = Expect->new('ssh amagana@' . $system); $ssh->debug(1); $ssh->log_file("$filename"); $ssh->expect ( $timeout, [ qr/Password:/], [ qr/Are you sure you want to continue connecting \(yes\/no\)?/] );

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Re^19: header
by sn1987a (Deacon) on Apr 09, 2015 at 03:25 UTC

    Yes, it goes in the subroutine where the other lines involving the header. This should have everything in the right place.

    #!/usr/bin/perl -w use warnings; use strict; use Expect; my $filename = "/var/tmp/expect_script.log"; my $header = "\r\n\r\n======= system =======\r\n"; my $timeout = 60; my @servers = qw( remotehost ); sub change_password { my $system = shift; my $ssh = Expect->new('ssh amagana@' . $system); $ssh->debug(1); $ssh->log_file("$filename"); my $my_header = $header; $my_header =~ s/system/$system/; $ssh->print_log_file($my_header); $ssh->expect ( $timeout, [ qr/Password:/], [ qr/Are you sure you want to continue connecting \(yes\/no\)?/] ); if ($ssh->match() =~ m/Are you sure you want to continue connecting \( +yes\/no\)? +/ ) { $ssh->send("yes\r"); } elsif ($ssh->match() =~ m/Password:/ ) { $ssh->send("mycurrentpassword\n"); } $ssh->expect(60, '$'); $ssh->send("su - root\n"); $ssh->expect(60, 'Password:'); $ssh->send("rootpassword\n"); $ssh->expect(60, '#'); $ssh->send("hostname\n"); $ssh->expect(60, '#'); $ssh->send("uptime\n"); $ssh->expect(60, '#'); $ssh->send("passwd amagana\n"); $ssh->expect(60, 'New Password:'); $ssh->send("mynewpassword\n"); $ssh->expect(60, 'Re-enter new Password:'); $ssh->send("mynewpassword\n"); $ssh->expect(60, '#'); $ssh->send("exit\n"); $ssh->expect(60, '$'); $ssh->send("exit\n"); $ssh->close(); }

      I apologize I had to tend to my son he was not feeling well so I was not in the office yesterday April 9th

      so I am trying to run this script as suggested I do not see that my log has a header, I also added three remote hosts to run the script to see if I could get a header for each one but no header

      #!/usr/bin/perl -w use warnings; use strict; use Expect; my $filename = "/var/tmp/expect_script.log"; my $header = "\r\n\r\n======= system =======\r\n"; my $timeout = 60; my @servers = qw( remotehost03 remotehost04 remotehost05 ); for my $server (@servers) { # do your thing with $server change_password($server); } sub change_password { my $system = shift; my $ssh = Expect->new('ssh amagana@' . $system); $ssh->debug(1); $ssh->log_file("$filename"); my $my_header = $header; $my_header =~ s/system/$system/; $ssh->expect ( $timeout, [ qr/Password:/], [ qr/Are you sure you want to continue connecting \(yes\/no\)?/] ); if ($ssh->match() =~ m/Are you sure you want to continue connecting \( +yes\/no\)?/ ) { $ssh->send("yes\r"); } elsif ($ssh->match() =~ m/Password:/ ) { $ssh->send("mycurrentpassword\n"); } $ssh->expect(60, '$'); $ssh->send("su - root\n"); $ssh->expect(60, 'Password:'); $ssh->send("rootpassword\n"); $ssh->expect(60, '#'); $ssh->send("hostname\n"); $ssh->expect(60, '#'); $ssh->send("uptime\n"); $ssh->expect(60, '#'); $ssh->send("passwd amagana\n"); $ssh->expect(60, 'New Password:'); $ssh->send("mynewpassword\n"); $ssh->expect(60, 'Re-enter new Password:'); $ssh->send("mynewpassword\n"); $ssh->expect(60, '#'); $ssh->send("exit\n"); $ssh->expect(60, '$'); $ssh->send("exit\n"); $ssh->close(); }

        I am sorry to hear about your son. I hope he is feeling better today.

        You are just missing the call to print_log_file. Find the place in your code where you have:

        my $my_header = $header; $my_header =~ s/system/$system/; $ssh->expect ( $timeout,
        and add the line as shown below:
        my $my_header = $header; $my_header =~ s/system/$system/; $ssh->print_log_file($my_header); # This line needs to added here <<<< +<<< $ssh->expect ( $timeout,