in reply to Another 64-bit Perl bug. Is it fixed post 5.18?

For as long as I remember doing Perl development, there was always a limitation that a quantifier like + or * wouldn't actually match an unlimited number of characters, but at most a fixed, upper limit.

IIRC in the days of perl 5.8, it was more like 2**15.

It seems the situation has improved a bit for + and *, but you can still see the explicit limit with the generic quantifier:

$ perl -Mre=debug -e '/.{2,}/' Compiling REx ".{2,}" Final program: 1: CURLY {2,32767} (4) 3: REG_ANY (0) 4: END (0) minlen 2 Freeing REx: ".{2,}"

So the upper limit for {2,} is actually 32767 (== 2**15 - 1), not unlimited.

If its been fixed already, which version did the fix happen?

I don't think it was ever fixed.