in reply to Re^5: global var
in thread global var

Rather than trying in your application, make a SSCCE. I got one working in 10min, and I don't usually export scalars, so don't have much experience with it.

package pm1187349; use warnings; use strict; use Exporter 'import'; our @EXPORT_OK = qw($someScalar someFunction); our $someScalar = "Scalar Text"; sub someFunction { print "I am some function\n"; }

use warnings; use strict; use lib '.'; # don't import anything into the main:: namespace; must prefix everyth +ing with pm1187349:: use pm1187349; # use them pm1187349::someFunction(); print "someScalar = ${pm1187349::someScalar}\n";

use warnings; use strict; use lib '.'; # import both a function and a scalar variable, so you don't need to p +refix with pm1187349:: use pm1187349 qw(someFunction $someScalar); # use them someFunction(); print "someScalar = ${someScalar}\n";