User since: Jun 15, 2002 at 15:26 UTC (22 years ago)
Last here: Apr 17, 2003 at 04:30 UTC (21 years ago)
Experience: 33
Level:Novice (2)
Writeups: 10
Location:The Valley, CT, USA
User's localtime: Apr 19, 2024 at 03:20 UTC
Scratchpad: None.
For this user:Search nodes

Interested in perl/TK, and the movement to bring perl out of web production and into software development
Recently earned a 2 year Diploma in C Programming from local college...and hopes never to have to write a GUI in VC++ again
Also a musician, writer and community volunteer. I am sketching out several software products which serve these needs, trying to do them in the fewest lines possible
Employed (sorta) by and a large books & multimedia store (free O'Reilly books on lend!!!) which shall remain nameless
Single, loves ta mingle