My Regex Commenting Convention:
Say i have a regex that might look pretty hairy to the uninitiated.
$calar =~ tr/\/{1,}//; #############$1----###

Might need some clarification but, this is a scratchpad after all...
Tricking the File::Find::dir "&wanted" routine Dynamically:
One Liner to get the size of a file in bytes.
perl -e '$size=(stat("/etc/profile"))[7];' -e 'print "size:[".$size."]bytes\n";'
MIME::Base64 basic use
use warnings; use strict; use MIME::Base64; sub mimencode($); my $inputstring = $ARGV[0]; my $outputstring = mimencode($inputstring); print "input:$inputstring\n"; print "output:$outputstring\n"; sub mimencode($){ my $in = shift; my $out = ''; $out = MIME::Base64::encode_base64($in); return $out; }