Takes in an HTML page and extracts everything that looks like a ZIP code (that is, 5 digits in a row.) Prints them out, separated by commas. I'm sure there's an better way to do this, but thought I'd share. :)
cat zips.html | perl -ne 's/(\d{5,})//g; print "$1," if $1'

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Re: Grab zip codes out of an HTML page
by damian1301 (Curate) on Feb 24, 2001 at 09:31 UTC
    Wouldn't the s/(\d{5,})//g; match 5 or more instances of consecutive numbers? So if, in a webpage, there is 123456778990, it would match all of the numbers and return them in $1 A better solution to this would be to omit the comma and result with this


    But, since your not actually making a substitution in that code, you should just use a match.


    That way you don't have to falsely delete anything and its much more tidier :). Also, now you can catch the full zip code for better accuracy (eg. 12345-1234). Hope I helped.

    UPDATE:Thanks albannach for pointing out my typing mistake and for suggesting the (-\d{4})? part :)

    Almost a Perl hacker.
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