in reply to A request from level 21

How about turning this matter into a Poll?

Not to make this sound like a democracy but opinions have been requested and the polls could be used for something other than jokes and trivialities (though I really like those too).

The obvious problems with this approach is that people may complain if the most popular solutions are not followed and some may wish to change their vote after being persuaded by the arguments of others. Still, it would be a quick and easy way to handle an RFC.

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re^2: A request from level 21
by Anonymous Monk on Jul 12, 2008 at 02:22 UTC
    The obvious problems with this approach is that people may complain if the most popular solutions are not followed and some may wish to change their vote after being persuaded by the arguments of others.

    However popular an idea might be, what if its unconstitutional? If it goes against the spirit and tradition of the monastery? We've always held that XP is a game, and part of the game was that levels aren't flaunted. Now its NAME and RANK because there might be trolls afoot. Because one guy in power had to fight the evil doers, so he made everyone wear a patch on their coat.

    Who does Number Two work for? Cowboy: Yeah, that's right buddy! You show that turd who's boss.

      Whoa, this is way too harsh. Though I agree with you, comparing ysth with Hitler is not the way to discuss. I also second igelkott. Make it a poll.

      holli, /regexed monk/

      Taking a poll on an unconstitutional or inappropriate question would be silly, if the question clearly falls into one of these categories. Otherwise, since no lives are at stake, a popular vote doesn't really seem all that dangerous.

      NAME and RANK

      No one could possibly be suggesting that the XP system is some kind of direct measure of the value of a post (or poster). XP should have some connection to the time and/or effort spent here but that obviously can't translate to "worthiness" in any sense. Obviously, any "newbie" might actually be an experienced Perl programmer or expert in some other field. XP can only provide a hint to the background of an op and providing it up front can either be seen as a convenience or as a distraction -- not some sort of human right's issue.