in reply to Posting "Other Users" on potential personality voters from now on

Personality downvoting is a fact especially for you merlyn,
and even if I agree it's a bad thing,
I don't think a denunciation campaign is the right path to follow.

We all know you don't care about XP, most of us know you're technically a demi-god,
if you really care about personality voting, try rather education :
A kind tone explaining why/how you answered would, to my mind, achieve better results...
Of course it is only my point of view, I don't pretend to have the truth, but this way often keep me away of some troubles...
I don't ask you to answer like ovid or tilly but maybe trying to adapt your anwer to your listener could help...

Just my 2 cents idea.

"Only Bad Coders Badly Code In Perl" (OBC2IP)
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