in reply to How to split

Please help me in this... Say my code is as follows:...

FWIW, when we talk about "code" we usually mean "source code" as in "perl program", not about the data

Here is a start, run with it

#!/usr/bin/perl -- use strict; use warnings; my $blah = ' VAR DS 0D DC AL1(045),AL2(286),AL2(117),AL2(290)'; my ( $top, $bottom ) = split /[\r\n]+/, $blah; print "$top\n"; my( $prefix, @biscuits ) = grep length, split /[\s,]+/, $bottom; for my $tack ( @biscuits ){ print "$prefix $tack\n"; } __END__ VAR DS 0D DC AL1(045) DC AL2(286) DC AL2(117) DC AL2(290)

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Re^2: How to split
by Anonymous Monk on Sep 13, 2012 at 07:58 UTC

    Adventures in regular expressions

    #!/usr/bin/perl -- use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dump; my $blah = ' VAR DS 0D DC AL1(045),AL2(286),AL2(117),AL2(290)'; my ( $top, $bottom ) = split /[\r\n]+/, $blah; print "$top\n"; #~ my( $prefix, @biscuits ) = grep length, split /[\s,]+/, $bottom; my( $prefix, @biscuits ) = split /(?:(?<!^)\s+)|,/, $bottom; dd \$prefix, \@biscuits ; for my $tack ( @biscuits ){ print "$prefix $tack\n"; } __END__ $ perl shineon001 VAR DS 0D (\" ", ["DC", "AL1(045)", "AL2(286)", "AL2(117)", "AL2(290)"]) DC AL1(045) AL2(286) AL2(117) AL2(290)

      Adventures in regular expressions, part 2

      #!/usr/bin/perl -- use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dump; my $blah = ' VAR DS 0D DC AL1(045),AL2(286),AL2(117),AL2(290)'; my ( $top, $bottom ) = split /[\r\n]+/, $blah; print "$top\n"; #~ my( $prefix, @biscuits ) = grep length, split /[\s,]+/, $bottom; #~ my( $prefix, @biscuits ) = split /(?:(?<!^)\s+)|,/, $bottom; my( $prefix, @biscuits ) = split /(?:(?<!^)\b\s+)|,/, $bottom; dd \$prefix, \@biscuits ; for my $tack ( @biscuits ){ print "$prefix $tack\n"; } __END__ $ perl shineon002 VAR DS 0D ( \" DC", ["AL1(045)", "AL2(286)", "AL2(117)", "AL2(290)"], ) DC AL1(045) DC AL2(286) DC AL2(117) DC AL2(290)

        Adventures in regular expressions, part 4

        #!/usr/bin/perl -- use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dump; my $blah = ' VAR DS 0D DC AL1(045),AL2(286),AL2(117),AL2(290)'; my ( $top, $bottom ) = split /[\r\n]+/, $blah; print "$top\n"; #~ my( $prefix, @biscuits ) = grep length, split /[\s,]+/, $bottom; #~ my( $prefix, @biscuits ) = split /(?:(?<!^)\s+)|,/, $bottom; #~ my( $prefix, @biscuits ) = split /(?:(?<!^)\b\s+)|,/, $bottom; #~ my( $prefix, @biscuits ) = split /(?:(?<!\A)\b\s+)|,/, $bottom; my( $prefix, @biscuits ) = $bottom =~ /(^\s+\S+)|([^\s\(]+\([^\s\)]+\) +)/g; dd \$prefix, \@biscuits ; for my $tack ( @biscuits ){ print "$prefix $tack\n"; } __END__ $ perl shineon004 Use of uninitialized value $tack in concatenation (.) or string at shi +neon004 line 20. Use of uninitialized value $tack in concatenation (.) or string at shi +neon004 line 20. Use of uninitialized value $tack in concatenation (.) or string at shi +neon004 line 20. Use of uninitialized value $tack in concatenation (.) or string at shi +neon004 line 20. Use of uninitialized value $tack in concatenation (.) or string at shi +neon004 line 20. VAR DS 0D ( \" DC", [ undef, undef, "AL1(045)", undef, ",AL2(286)", undef, ",AL2(117)", undef, ",AL2(290)", ], ) DC DC DC AL1(045) DC DC ,AL2(286) DC DC ,AL2(117) DC DC ,AL2(290)