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Re: logrotate

by CharlesClarkson (Curate)
on Nov 12, 2001 at 20:54 UTC ( [id://124855]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

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  1. or download this
    foreach (@config) {
            next unless /^(\b)\s+(\b)\s+(\b)/;
            my $file = $1;
            my $versions = $2;
            my $pidfile = $3;
  2. or download this
         Gzip  => 'lib',
         Post   => sub{
         kill("HUP", $appid); },
         Dir    => '/var/log/old',
         Flock  => 'yes',
  3. or download this
         File   => $file,
         Count  => $versions,
         Dir    => '/var/log/old',
         Flock  => 'yes',
  4. or download this
            if (defined $log) { print "Looks ok..\n";
            } else {
            undef $log;
  5. or download this
        defined $log or die "An error accured processing config data\n";
        print "Looks ok..\n";

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