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Wall of Larry Quest
Starts at: Feb 26, 2024 at 05:00
Ends at: Dec 31, 2024 at 04:59
Current Status: Active
2 replies by jdporter

    By now you've all seen The St. Larry Wall Shrine. Well, it could use a fresh coat of gold leaf and shellac. Therefore, we are soliciting Larry-related items to be placed on the shrine. Links to offsite content are good; or if you have small bits of content, such as quotes, you'd like to contribute, that's fine too. Please reply to this Quest with your humble offerings. Thank you! And may St. Larry bless your codings and your debuggings.

poll ideas quest 2024
Starts at: Jan 01, 2024 at 00:00
Ends at: Dec 31, 2024 at 23:59
Current Status: Active
6 replies by pollsters
    First, read How do I create a Poll?. Then suggest your poll here. Complete ideas are more likely to be used.

    Note that links may be used in choices but not in the title.

Perl News
DuckDuckGo Donates $25,000 to The Perl and Raku Foundation
on Dec 03, 2024 at 11:24
1 reply by marto
PDL Advent Calendar 2024
on Nov 30, 2024 at 22:53
0 replies by etj
    Not to be outdone (much), the PDL community has made a PDL Advent calendar: Big up to Ea for the idea and impetus behind it.

    There are a couple of episodes beyond today's (the 1st) up already, so you can binge it if you like. Or, you can keep your cool and just read one per day. I won't tell you how to best enjoy it!

    Comments welcome.

23 years, and an old dog learning new tricks
1 direct reply — Read more / Contribute
by talexb
on Dec 12, 2024 at 19:42

    It's that day again, my Monk Day. I'm up to 23 years on this site. Cool!

    I had an idea recently that I wanted to scan the log files on the server I run to catch information about the life-cycle of customer tickets. I've written various scripts that run under crontab to create and to update a Freshdesk ticket.

    As each of the scripts run, it uses the very handy Log::Log4perl module to log stuff, and they end up in log files which get rotated (so foo.log becomes foo.log.1) automatically. How big the files are, and how many backups you have are all configurable, of course. The logs contain lines like

    2024/12/06 06:11:03 INFO : Create FD ticket 427993 for order 663363 .. + OK
    for ticket creation, and
    Update ticket 413229 to add invoice 802924 tag .. OK
    (The OK at the end is just the result from the API call.) So I could set up a regexp that would do the usual capture, then add a list of terms that I should expect, then copy each capture to the variable named in the list .. but something was telling me there was a cool feature in Perl that I could use. All of those presentations from YAPC::NA and TPRC were prodding my long-term memory.

    Of course! Named captures! (I wrote about this in Perl's hidden depths). I happily got the code working, and proudly pasted my clever solution here. And I got some feedback about how I could simplify my code. And then simplify it some more .. wow.

    Clearly, I am *still* learning Perl, after 25+ years. That's how deep the language is, and that's how generous the Perl community is with sharing its knowledge.

    "Nobody uses Perl anymore!!" Yeah, well, they should. it's an awesome language.

    Alex / talexb / Toronto

    For a long time, I had a link in my .sig going to Groklaw. I heard that as of December 2024, this link is dead. Still, thanks to PJ for all your work, we owe you so much. RIP Groklaw -- 2003 to 2013.

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