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Re: Compiling Regular Expressions

by hv (Prior)
on Feb 19, 2003 at 13:38 UTC ( [id://236621]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

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  1. or download this
      for (@words) {
        print if /foo/;
  2. or download this
      my $s = "foo";
      for (@words) {
        print if /$s/;
  3. or download this
      my($s1, $s2) = qw/ foo bar /;
      for (@words) {
        print if /$s1/;
        print if /$s2/;
  4. or download this
      my @s = qw/ foo bar /;
      for (@words) {
          print if /$s/;
  5. or download this
      my @s = map qr{$_}, qw/ foo bar /;
      for (@words) {
          print if /$s/;

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