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This is perl 5, version 24, subversion 1 (v5.24.1)
Internal Warning: finished pid 12 is not in pq!?Signal SIGINT received
+, but no signal handler set.
Terminare il processo batch (S/N)? s
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
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use strict;
use warnings;
print "SCALAR slot of FH: ",$FH, $/;
- or download this
$n=4; print $n." -- ".(--$n,($n||'no more')).".\n" while $n;
No more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer.
Go to the store and buy some more, 99 bottles of beer on the wall.
- or download this
# more above but I suppose not so much related but ask me if intereste
<simcop2387> which is the kind of thing that WASI is targeting
<simcop2387> C itself doesn't know a damned thing about linking.
- or download this
Global symbol "$VERSION" requires explicit package name (did you forge
+t to declare "my $VERSION"?) at D:/ulisseDUE/perl5.26.64bit/perl/site
+/lib/Tk/Frame.pm line 16, <__ANONIO__> line 21.
Compilation failed in require at D:/ulisseDUE/perl5.26.64bit/perl/lib/
+base.pm line 100, <__ANONIO__> line 21.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at D:/ulisseDUE/perl5.26.64bit/perl/
+site/lib/Tk/MainWindow.pm line 5, <__ANONIO__> line 21.
Compilation failed in require at D:/ulisseDUE/perl5.26.64bit/perl/site
+/lib/Tk.pm line 192, <__ANONIO__> line 21.
Compilation failed in require at D:/ulisseDUE/pm-cb-Mar2019/lib/PM/CB/
+GUI.pm line 38, <__ANONIO__> line 21.
- or download this
use strict;
use warnings;
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git-client> git request-pull master https://github.com/LorenzoTa/Win32
11 files changed, 512 insertions(+), 81 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 t/10-restore.t
create mode 100644 t/11-restorehistory.t
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C:\Users\io\gittest2>git status
On branch master
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general>check_perl_distro -e "use B::Xref; print $B::Xref::VERSION,$/;
| 1.07
[OK] D:\ulisseDUE\perl5.26.64bit\perl\bin\perl.exe
| 1.06
[OK] D:\ulisseDUE\perl-5.26.64bit-PDL\perl\bin\perl.exe
- or download this
general>check_perl_distro -MO=Xref,-r,-d tst_b_xref.pl | grep row
| tst_b_xref.pl (main) 9 (lexical) @ row
+ intro
[OK] D:\ulisseDUE\perl-5.26.64bit-PDL\perl\bin\perl.exe
- or download this
perl -MList::Util="first" -E "@c[0..123456789]=(0..123456789);say for
+grep{$e=eval $_;$c[$e]=undef if $e >=0;$h{$e}++;eval $_ == 100} glob
+'{-,}'.join '{+,-,}',1..9;END{ say for (sort{ $h{$b}<=>$h{$a}}grep{$_
+>=0}keys %h)[0], first{defined $_}@c}"
Out of memory!
panic: gen_constant_list JMPENV_PUSH returned 2 at -e line 1.
- or download this
use warnings;
Subroutine decode redefined at test_decode01.pl line 23.
- or download this
# $Id: Encode.pm,v 2.92 2017/07/18 07:15:29 dankogai Exp dankogai $
- or download this
do {
my $f = undef;
Prototype mismatch: sub main::decode ($$;$) vs none at test_decode01.p
+l line 26.
Subroutine decode redefined at test_decode01.pl line 23.
- or download this
perl -MMath::Prime::Util::GMP=":all" -E "@p=grep{is_prime($_)}1..1000;
+ say qq($p[$_] = ),$p[$_]-($p[$_-1]-1),
(is_prime($p[$_]-$p[$_-1]-1)?' prime':'')for 1..$#p"
- or download this
use warnings;
use strict;
print $out $resized->jpeg or die "unable to write jpg data!";
close $out;
- or download this
use strict;
use warnings;
- or download this
#output preceded by pipe sign, Perl version below
| 1
[OK] C:\ulisse\strP5.22-32\perl\bin\perl.exe
- or download this
#1#print STDERR "Option 1\n"; open($fh1, '>&', $fhSave)
+ or die "Can't restore fh1";
#2#print STDERR "Option 2\n";open($fh1, '>', \ substr($s1, length($s
+1)) ) or die "Can't restore fh1";
- or download this
use strict;
# Cannot decode string with wide characters at C:/uliss
+e/strawberry/perl/lib/Encode.pm line 196.
$t->parse_html ($html);
- or download this
use strict;
- or download this
use 5.10.0;
use warnings;
#return $xml->{settings};
} # get_config_and_servers_Twig
- or download this
use strict;
if (exists &readline::rl_basic_commands){print "IN CONTINUE EXISTS\
+n"; &readline::rl_basic_commands(keys %cmds);}
- or download this
use strict;
print "\n",(join '::',@cur_names or 'CPAN'),($$hr{'+'}->[0] ? "\t$
+$hr{'+'}->[0]\t$$hr{'+'}->[1]" : ""),
" has ",(scalar@{[grep $_ !~ $skiprx, keys %$hr]})," namespa
- or download this
my $ua;
A::CC 0.2 I/ID/IDOPEREL/Abilities-0.2.tar.gz
A::CC::DD 0.2 I/ID/fake/Abilities-0.2.tar.gz
XX::ZZ::YY 0.1 I/jhsjkha
- or download this
use strict;
A::CC 0.2 I/ID/IDOPEREL/Abilities-0.2.tar.gz
A::CC::DD 0.2 I/ID/fake/Abilities-0.2.tar.gz
XX::ZZ::YY 0.1 I/jhsjkha
- or download this
use strict;
about undef S/SH/SHERWOOD/xisofs-1.3.tar.
above 0.03 B/BR/BRUMMETT/UR-0.43.tar.gz
- or download this
use strict;
use warnings;
foreach $line (<MYFILE>) {
print "$line" if $. >= $cnt;
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use strict;
my ($comp,$first,@sec);
#$comp = "descr is ".(defined $first ? q{$first} : <C>null').