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Discipulus's scratchpad

by Discipulus (Canon)
on Jun 03, 2004 at 10:36 UTC ( [id://360051]=scratchpad: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

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  1. or download this
    This is perl 5, version 24, subversion 1 (v5.24.1)
    Internal Warning: finished pid 12 is not in pq!?Signal SIGINT received
    +, but no signal handler set.
    Terminare il processo batch (S/N)? s
  2. or download this
    <!DOCTYPE html> 
    <html lang="en"> 
  3. or download this
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    print "SCALAR slot of FH: ",$FH, $/;
  4. or download this
    $n=4; print $n." -- ".(--$n,($n||'no more')).".\n" while $n;
    No more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer.
    Go to the store and buy some more, 99 bottles of beer on the wall.
  5. or download this
    # more above but I suppose not so much related but ask me if intereste
    <simcop2387> which is the kind of thing that WASI is targeting
    <simcop2387> C itself doesn't know a damned thing about linking.
  6. or download this
    Global symbol "$VERSION" requires explicit package name (did you forge
    +t to declare "my $VERSION"?) at D:/ulisseDUE/perl5.26.64bit/perl/site
    +/lib/Tk/ line 16, <__ANONIO__> line 21.
    Compilation failed in require at D:/ulisseDUE/perl5.26.64bit/perl/lib/ line 100, <__ANONIO__> line 21.
    BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at D:/ulisseDUE/perl5.26.64bit/perl/
    +site/lib/Tk/ line 5, <__ANONIO__> line 21.
    Compilation failed in require at D:/ulisseDUE/perl5.26.64bit/perl/site
    +/lib/ line 192, <__ANONIO__> line 21.
    Compilation failed in require at D:/ulisseDUE/pm-cb-Mar2019/lib/PM/CB/ line 38, <__ANONIO__> line 21.
  7. or download this
    use strict;
    use warnings;
  8. or download this
    git-client> git request-pull master
     11 files changed, 512 insertions(+), 81 deletions(-)
     create mode 100644 t/10-restore.t
     create mode 100644 t/11-restorehistory.t
  9. or download this
    C:\Users\io\gittest2>git status
    On branch master
  10. or download this
    general>check_perl_distro -e "use B::Xref; print $B::Xref::VERSION,$/;
     | 1.07
    [OK] D:\ulisseDUE\perl5.26.64bit\perl\bin\perl.exe
     | 1.06
    [OK] D:\ulisseDUE\perl-5.26.64bit-PDL\perl\bin\perl.exe
  11. or download this
    general>check_perl_distro -MO=Xref,-r,-d | grep row
     |         (main)           9 (lexical)       @ row     
    +         intro
    [OK] D:\ulisseDUE\perl-5.26.64bit-PDL\perl\bin\perl.exe
  12. or download this
    perl -MList::Util="first" -E "@c[0..123456789]=(0..123456789);say for 
    +grep{$e=eval $_;$c[$e]=undef if $e >=0;$h{$e}++;eval $_ == 100} glob 
    +'{-,}'.join '{+,-,}',1..9;END{ say for (sort{ $h{$b}<=>$h{$a}}grep{$_
    +>=0}keys %h)[0], first{defined $_}@c}"
    Out of memory!
    panic: gen_constant_list JMPENV_PUSH returned 2 at -e line 1.
  13. or download this
    use warnings;
    Subroutine decode redefined at line 23.
  14. or download this
    # $Id:,v 2.92 2017/07/18 07:15:29 dankogai Exp dankogai $
  15. or download this
    do {
      my $f = undef;
    Prototype mismatch: sub main::decode ($$;$) vs none at test_decode01.p
    +l line 26.
    Subroutine decode redefined at line 23.
  16. or download this
    perl -MMath::Prime::Util::GMP=":all" -E "@p=grep{is_prime($_)}1..1000;
    + say qq($p[$_] = ),$p[$_]-($p[$_-1]-1),
    (is_prime($p[$_]-$p[$_-1]-1)?' prime':'')for 1..$#p"
  17. or download this
    use warnings;
    use strict;
      print $out $resized->jpeg or die "unable to write jpg data!";
      close $out;
  18. or download this
    use strict;
    use warnings;
  19. or download this
    #output preceded by pipe sign, Perl version below
     | 1
    [OK] C:\ulisse\strP5.22-32\perl\bin\perl.exe
  20. or download this
      #1#print STDERR "Option 1\n"; open($fh1, '>&', $fhSave)             
    +        or die "Can't restore fh1";
      #2#print STDERR "Option 2\n";open($fh1, '>', \ substr($s1, length($s
    +1)) )  or die "Can't restore fh1";
  21. or download this
    use strict;
                   # Cannot decode string with wide characters at C:/uliss
    +e/strawberry/perl/lib/ line 196.
    $t->parse_html ($html);
  22. or download this
    use strict;
  23. or download this
    use 5.10.0;
    use warnings;
        #return $xml->{settings};
        } # get_config_and_servers_Twig
  24. or download this
    use strict;
       if (exists &readline::rl_basic_commands){print "IN CONTINUE EXISTS\
    +n"; &readline::rl_basic_commands(keys %cmds);}
  25. or download this
    use strict;
        print "\n",(join '::',@cur_names or 'CPAN'),($$hr{'+'}->[0] ? "\t$
    +$hr{'+'}->[0]\t$$hr{'+'}->[1]" : ""),
              " has ",(scalar@{[grep $_ !~ $skiprx, keys %$hr]})," namespa
  26. or download this
    my $ua;
    A::CC                  0.2  I/ID/IDOPEREL/Abilities-0.2.tar.gz
    A::CC::DD             0.2  I/ID/fake/Abilities-0.2.tar.gz
    XX::ZZ::YY          0.1 I/jhsjkha
  27. or download this
    use strict;
    A::CC                  0.2  I/ID/IDOPEREL/Abilities-0.2.tar.gz
    A::CC::DD             0.2  I/ID/fake/Abilities-0.2.tar.gz
    XX::ZZ::YY          0.1 I/jhsjkha
  28. or download this
    use strict;
    about                             undef  S/SH/SHERWOOD/xisofs-1.3.tar.
    above                              0.03  B/BR/BRUMMETT/UR-0.43.tar.gz
  29. or download this
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    foreach $line (<MYFILE>) {
    print "$line" if $. >= $cnt;
  30. or download this
    use strict;
    my ($comp,$first,@sec);
    #$comp = "descr is ".(defined $first ? q{$first} : <C>null').

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