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These nodes all have stuff by le (showing 1-50 out of ~173?):

Next 50
Node ID Writeup Created
109625 Re: Re: Re: Net::IRC does not connect 2001-09-01 14:17
78581 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Maximum DBI query length? 2001-05-07 21:52
78579 Re: Re: Re: Maximum DBI query length? 2001-05-07 21:48
78110 Re: Web Hosting for Monks 2001-05-05 00:19
77490 Re: It's alive, I tell you! Llama 3 is alive! 2001-05-03 00:06
77484 Re: Net::IRC does not connect 2001-05-02 23:47
76947 Re: Regular expression 2001-05-01 17:34
76937 Re: e-mail question 2001-05-01 17:18
44685 "unique" filename? 2000-12-03 22:04
41469 RE: Re: How do I execute as root? 2000-11-14 03:15
41468 RE: Re: How do I execute as root? 2000-11-14 03:13
41317 RE: RE: RE: Re: Boolean algebra 2000-11-13 19:09
41313 RE: Re: Boolean algebra 2000-11-13 18:41
41299 RE: Re: Boolean algebra 2000-11-13 17:57
41295 RE: Re: Boolean algebra 2000-11-13 17:54
41235 Boolean algebra 2000-11-13 04:02
37107 RE: Re: practical aspects of sessions and state 2000-10-17 12:09
35485 Re: How do I pass a sequence of variable names to a subroutine one at a time? 2000-10-06 01:24
35477 Re: How do I pass a sequence of variable names to a subroutine one at a time? 2000-10-06 00:56
35468 Re: Hashes hunt me even when I sleep.... 2000-10-05 23:55
35382 RE: Newest Nodes too big? 2000-10-05 11:58
35232 Re: Dial into ISP 2000-10-04 12:01
34900 PMail 2000-10-02 17:47
34480 Re: Need HTML Redirect 2000-09-29 00:07
32075 RE: Re: Date format question 2000-09-12 11:32
32000 sort performance 2000-09-12 02:04
31797 RE: RE: Training wheels again 2000-09-10 20:06
31795 RE: RE: big performance gain 2000-09-10 19:59
31103 RE: Re: mod_perl: Is it so necessary? 2000-09-05 13:05
31031 Training wheels, part II (was: RE: Training wheels again) 2000-09-04 23:40
30948 RE: RE: Training wheels again 2000-09-04 00:58
30945 Training wheels again 2000-09-04 00:43
30823 2000-09-02 02:29
30757 RE: Buzzcutbuddha (You had to start a holy war?) - Re: FrontPage 2000 and wave files 2000-09-01 21:08
30747 RE: RE: Re: Attaching Files to E-mail 2000-09-01 20:33
30746 RE: Re: Attaching Files to E-mail 2000-09-01 20:28
30648 RE: Seeking in SOPW and other sections... 2000-09-01 01:59
30361 Re: Turning an argument into a regexp 2000-08-30 22:04
30217 RE: Perl Golf - A proposal for a new section of 2000-08-30 01:32
30003 RE: Fame, Fortune, Pride, and Vanity 2000-08-28 21:02
29457 Re: Removing certain elements from an array 2000-08-24 20:58
29267 RE: HTML tags to be filtered out 2000-08-23 20:45
29254 RE: What OS are you using. 2000-08-23 20:26
29185 Re: Sendmail Aliases to HTML? 2000-08-23 16:03
29057 RE: Javascript and other evil goodies 2000-08-22 21:29
28985 Re: ASCII in regex 2000-08-22 13:23
28900 Re: How to use pass and return hashes in a subroutine 2000-08-21 23:50
28155 RE: On the matter of Books 2000-08-16 21:36
27960 Re: Assessing Perl skill level in job interviews 2000-08-15 21:13
27813 Re: require in .pm and .pl = blow up? 2000-08-14 23:27
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