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Re: Re: Useful addition to Perl?

by Jenda (Abbot)
on Mar 05, 2004 at 21:50 UTC ( [id://334379]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Useful addition to Perl?
in thread Useful addition to Perl?

I have a module called that does this for me currently using -Mg, ...

Something like my (US mirror) ? ;-)

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Re: Re: Re: Useful addition to Perl?
by BrowserUk (Patriarch) on Mar 05, 2004 at 21:59 UTC

    Yes. almost exactly like your Thanks.

    Actually, I have your on my other machine, but when I set this one up, I couldn't remember where I got it -- my portable was dead at the time with a flaky motherboard connection. Then I came across a description of something called "" which I cut and paste but then got fed up with typing -mWild and renamed it to

    So yes, probably very similar, and I definitely stole the name from you--I'd gotten used to it. Thanks:)

    Now you've reminded me of where I got it from in the first place, I'll probably grab yours again (and rename it (I just tried but your site seems to be off the air at this moment).

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