(Ovid - humor) Re: Confessional
by Ovid (Cardinal) on May 02, 2001 at 23:43 UTC
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Re: Confessional
by mirod (Canon) on May 02, 2001 at 21:40 UTC
OK, so I admit:
- to posting way too much in the week before would jump a level in order to get there faster ,
- to have gone through periods where I looked at the stats page 10 times a day
- to have snuk into the computer room on Sundays while my wife was asleep just to cast as many of my votes as possible, just to get the xp's before making breakfast,
- to have archived my first home node as a saint (except I missed the moment and it shows 3001 xp and a comment by arhuman in the CB saying
"LOL, you missed it!"...)
- to have posted much less since then,
- to have rationalized this behaviour by pretending (to myself!) that this way other monks have their chances,
- to have registered a second, stoopid, handle, because I thought it would be a clever joke (it wasn't...) (although I never used it to vote I wrote a couple of posts under that name),
- to have been thouroughly p****d off by seing the rep of a post my merlyn go up while my follow-up showing that he had made a mistake was stuck at rep 2, talk about personnality voting, pffuh!
- to have promoted some of my old nodes by linking them from new ones,
- to looking at the list of my posts by rep and to be really sad at how little technical content my best posts have (and no, I won't link to them!)
- to thinking that I am not the only one to have sinned and that the voting/xp system makes PM partly a game and that it is part of its addictive power, so at the end of the day those sins are part of enjoying the site. Amen!
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Re: Confessional
by dws (Chancellor) on May 03, 2001 at 01:03 UTC
- I often finish editing my posts long after I've posted them.
- I have downvoted several high-ranking monks when I thought they were being snooty, but seldom /msg them with an explanation.
- When I fall behind, I tend to read posts from certain high ranking monks first, thus generating more "personality" votes for them.
- Much of my personal work doesn't use POD.
- I committed many grievous sins before aligning myself with CGI.pm, yet have failed to clean up all of those sins.
- I have given out many easy answers to Seekers of Perl Wisdom, rather than providing them hints so that they can earn the answer themselves.
- I have used objects for the sake of using objects, when a procedural approach would have solved the problem just fine.
- I have a junior high library book that is now way overdue.
- I've gotten out of bed after my wife is asleep to hack Perl, visit the Monastery, surf, ...
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- I just lost several weeks worth of personal scripts because I (hanging head in shame) didn't have them backed up.
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(kudra) Re: Confessional
by kudra (Vicar) on May 03, 2001 at 13:15 UTC
I ++ed the root node because of the penance suggestion...
(Real things now)
- edited this post after it had already been voted on
to add this list
- put hidden content in a lot of my posts
- have not requested that vroom remove some of my posts
which show clear evidence of personality upvoting,
nor have I firmly requested that people not upvote
me for that reason
- asked questions privately rather than revealing
ignorance in SoPW (thus not giving others the
opportunity to learn from the discussion that
might have resulted)
- used all my votes for the three days before I reached
level 8 in an attempt to get xp (and mentioned in
the chatterbox that I was near level yesterday when
I was 7 points away from 9)
- have gained most of my xp through non-perl posts
- am so tired of mentions of a certain module that
I sometimes downvote posts that mention it regardless
of other content (although I mostly try to avoid
posts I think will mention it)
- once messaged someone I knew about changing a node
rather than just downvoting it as I would have for
someone else
- been bothered about some of the 'cabals' for the
simple reason that I haven't been invited to join
- gossiped about people at perlmonks both in person
and through chatterbox messages
- intentionally omitted the point that probably most
deserves to be on this list
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>>gossiped about people at perlmonks both in person and through chatterbox messages
- /me admits to
knowing hoping kudra was gossiping about him
Macphisto the I.T. Ninja
Everyone has their demons....
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Re: Confessional
by MeowChow (Vicar) on May 03, 2001 at 08:24 UTC
For great justice, here goes:
- Upvoted nodes to find out their rating
- Upvoted monks' best nodes to find out their node XP range
- Never explained a downvote
- Timed top-level posts for maximum XPosure
- Posted AYBABTU jokes.
- Been upset that nodes I posted were not frontpaged
- Frontpaged two of my own nodes
- Downvoted nodes I thought were overrated, but not bad
- Engaged in monastic politicking and demagoguery
- Ignored newest nodes by monks I'm unfamiliar with
- Finished editing nodes after posting them
You know what you doing.
s aamecha.s a..a\u$&owag.print | [reply] |
Re: Confessional
by Dominus (Parson) on May 03, 2001 at 00:43 UTC
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so you were hoping to... impress women with that node?
at least you were honest.
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(jeffa) Re: Confessional
by jeffa (Bishop) on May 03, 2001 at 09:37 UTC
- consistantly reply to nodes long after the hubub dies down
- shamelessly edit my posts if i make mistakes
- create other users from time to time
- i've submitted JavaScript code fer chrisake
- owe certain monks a bit of money
- plant HTML comments in various nodes of interest
- create more other users
once twice
- have not finished reading NPwP yet
- upvoted the top 100 user's highest node =)
- thought about downvoting the top 100 user's lowest nodes >:)
- create still more other users
- have been known to leave out the </ul> tag
- have been known to lie about leaving out the </ul> tag
- am really an evil minion of Zoltar, Overload of Cheese Sandwich
For penance I shall write^Wprint 'use strict' 1000 times:
print "use strict\n" x 1000;
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Re: Confessional
by Elgon (Curate) on May 02, 2001 at 23:29 UTC
Forgive me father Larry for I have sinned many times in the past month and greivous is the burden.
- I did fail in my promise to log into perlmonks once a day. Indeed I have only logged in three times in the past month.
- I did knowingly downvote a post because I didn't like the poster's name.
- I did write today in my Matlab exam some of the most heinous cruft ever to have graced paper. I only thank Larry that it will hopefully never get near a networked computer and risk escaping into the wide beyond. It would have worked though. In this sin is included the crime of cargo-cult code, direct translation from perl to matlab where possible and not using matlab's nice functions instead.
- I have not booted up my laptop or programmed Perl in over a month.
In my defence I can only say that I've been busy having exams, shooting competitions and that most distracting of posessions Elgon ducks a girlfriend. I also wrote on my exam paper that the last question (basically a regexp exercise in a language without regexps) that it could be solved with a Perl one liner as opposed to about ten lines of matlab and then proceeded to play Perl golf, albeit badly, with the possibilities.
Elgon | [reply] |
In this sin is included the crime of cargo-cult code, direct translation from perl to matlab where possible and not using matlab's nice functions instead.
Isn't it ironic to sin while using Matlab?
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Re: Confessional
by arhuman (Vicar) on May 03, 2001 at 11:41 UTC
Saint Larry forgive me for I'm a sinner :
- I've done almost EVERYTHING to climb up the XP ladder faster. (and I've tryed to rationalize this behaviour)
- I felt (almost) no guilt for being ranked higher than other more worthy monks (BooK, OeufMayo, Petruchio, boo_radley, epoptai, damian1301...Oh my god there are too many too mention them all !!!) ad I've tryed to rationalize this behaviour too
- I Sometimes think I'm quite good at Perl.
- I sometimes want to be Merlyn (just for the salary the knowledge and the fame (Not for the law problems))
- I sometimes forget the 'kind tone' I always advocate.
- I often say 'just five minutes' to my wife HOURS before eventually joining her.
- I don't contribute as much as I receive.
"Only Bad Coders Badly Code In Perl" (OBC2IP)
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Re: Confessional
by buckaduck (Chaplain) on May 03, 2001 at 02:21 UTC
- I have posted example code without testing it first, to try to
get my answer out there first. Never again.
- Until recently, I had not used the -T flag to enable
taint checking on all of my CGI scripts. And now I have a
disgraceful number of security holes.
- I used Perl for over two years before I discovered the
perldoc command. Believe it or not.
- My modules shamelessly @EXPORT their
subroutines and variables, rather than making them
- I have kept my wife waiting for me at home,
with dinner getting cold, while
I lost track of time here at PerlMonks.
In fact, I'm doing it now!
Must dash...
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I used Perl for over two years before I discovered the perldoc command. Believe it or not.
My god! How?
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Re: Confessional
by footpad (Abbot) on May 02, 2001 at 21:43 UTC
A better penance might be to rewrite MW's formmail.pl so that it's secure.
Alternatively, write a tutorial showing how to convert a script based on formmail to one using CGI.pm, MIME::Lite, and other appropriate modules.
As far as the rest of it goes, I'd rather we focused on moving forward and doing better in the future. We've all made mistakes.
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A better penance might be to rewrite MW's formmail.pl so that it's secure.
Like Not Matt's Scripts?
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Re: Confessional
by belg4mit (Prior) on Apr 19, 2002 at 02:50 UTC
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Re: Confessional
by Limbic~Region (Chancellor) on Dec 06, 2006 at 15:36 UTC
My list of confessions probably is incomplete and will probably continue to grow. These are my Monastery related transgressions that I can remember:
- I have cast votes just to gain XP
- I have cast votes (up & down) based on author not content
- I have updated my own nodes without annotation when I realized they were wrong
- I have unfairly judged others based on influence from others rather than direct interaction
- I have regretted posting a node I knew would get a lot of XP on days with low activity on the site
- I have downvoted posts by an author based on things said in the CB and not based on content
- I have monitored Saints in our Book to see how well I stacked up
- I have only skim read posts when I assumed the author was wrong instead of giving the benefit of the doubt
- I have recorded my XP achievements on my homenode
- Lately I only give time to fun, interesting, or challenging posts and ignore others
- Once, early on, I posted anonymous intentionally because I didn't want the downvotes I was sure it would get (it didn't)
- I have been extremely frustrated by lack of attention to a reply because of where or when in the thread it appeared
- As a result, I have intentionally replied to a node near the top of the thread so it would be seen
- Also as a result, I have mentioned the node in the CB to draw attention to it
- I have enjoyed getting upvotes based on the fact that "I posted it" rather than on content
- I have kept a running count of how many posts of mine have > 100 XP
- I have inconsistently been hard on authors for not doing more themselves
- I have neglected family while I worked on something here
- I have neglected work while I worked on something here
- Voted on nodes to find out their reputation
- Voted on author's highest rank node to see if it was higher than my own
- I have been upset when a node of mine I felt should be frontpaged wasn't
- I have refused to become a devil
- I have sometimes assumed I was more adept at Perl based off relative XP
- I have withheld some info when posting because I believed I wouldn't be helped otherwise
- I have been a jerk for reasons unrelated to matters being discussed in the CB
- I have tried to be the first to reply to a node I knew was going to get good XP
- I have replied to nodes without fully reading them and complained when others have done the same to my own
- I have assumed my code was better than someone else's without having tested it
- I have voted on a node referenced in the CB without considering the context of the entire thread
- To be continued...
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Re: Confessional
by jotti (Scribe) on Aug 27, 2002 at 10:58 UTC
Forgive me for using Perl only for CGI projects and prefering C++ for anything else.
Forgive me for uploading my picture even if I'm not allowed yet to do it.
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Re: Confessional
by mpeg4codec (Pilgrim) on Aug 28, 2004 at 08:09 UTC
This area seems far underused, but I need to cleanse my sins, really. My faults:
- I have been an XP whore
- I make sure to post detailed information that I may not completely understand
- I've used up all my votes in order to gain experience, although I voted on worthy posts
- I posted a reply to a CUFP that showed a faster, simpler, untested method of doing the same thing, with the simple comment "Untested."
- I was trying to show off my skill, when I realised that hundreds of monks knew the same thing better than I; it was humbling
- This one has been on my conscience for a few days
- I have been neglecting reading the site, and have been unable to make valid contributions to help better my fellow monks
I feel better, having got that out. I'm sorry, all! Please forgive.
Who will not mercie unto others show, How can he mercie ever hope to have?
~Edmund Spenser in The Faerie Queene (bk. VI, canto I, st. 42) | [reply] |
Re: Confessional
by suaveant (Parson) on May 03, 2001 at 00:58 UTC
I 8 the sandbox... :(
- Ant | [reply] |
Re: Confessional
by talexb (Chancellor) on Sep 02, 2002 at 03:38 UTC
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Re: Confessional
by gregor42 (Parson) on May 30, 2001 at 17:52 UTC
Forgive me Vroom-sama for I have sinned...
deep breath....exhale...nervous pause...another...
I did knowingly Personality vote ++ another monk to apologize to them for trollish/abusive behavior in the CB...
and... Oh yeah.. I was trollish & abusive in the CB...
and... Having been offended on other occasions by two monks, I did obessively read all of their postings & become very critical in terms of my voting... (hand held over heart & head bowed in shame) In truth, borderline personality voting.. Perhaps the worst kind of personality voting there is I suppose. Deceiving myself into thinking that wasn't the reason for the votes. Oh they maybe weren't nodes that deserved my ++ but they also didn't deserve --'s... Oh guilty.. guilty am I...
and... I am guilty of not posting enough code.
and... I pontificate/rant far too much.
and... I use smiley's far too much.
and... I suck at OOPERL even though I'm fluent in Java...
and... I use perlmonks to procrastinate at my job & look very busy
and... My production code has huge amounts of comments in it.
As pennance I shall restrict myself to only posting code for the next 10 nodes, and I shall only lurk in the CB during that time...
Wait! This isn't a Parachute, this is a Backpack!
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We have all sinned within the confines of this place. By recognizing your sins, ye shall be set free by the Gods of Perl. Knowledge is the forbidden fruit and yet we all like apple pie.
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Re: Confessional
by imp (Priest) on Oct 22, 2006 at 04:36 UTC
Forgive me, for I have sinned.
I have:
- Read perlmonks while camping, on my cellphone
- Read perlmonks during a lunchbreak on my cellphone
- Stayed awake hours after my girlfriend fell asleep, to answer a few questions.
- Written a node on a sunday, but waited until monday to post - because sunday posts always get lower XP
- Felt dissapointment when a node that I thought was reasonably well written received 0-1 XP
- Wrote a perl daemon to track my XP in a local database, and used a mozilla plugin to display current XP in the status bar
- Have not explained many of my downvotes (though I am doing it more often now)
- Looked for other good nodes by someone who helped me, and upvoted a few. The nodes genuinely deserved the vote, but..
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Re: Confessional
by arturo (Vicar) on May 08, 2001 at 06:34 UTC
- persist in maintaining my perfection, even though I've committed several of the sins outlined above
perl -e 'print "How sweet does a rose smell? "; chomp ($n = <STDIN>);
+$rose = "smells sweet to degree $n"; *other_name = *rose; print "$oth
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Re: Confessional
by arkturuz (Curate) on Jan 18, 2007 at 13:07 UTC
Among few not worth mentioning mistakes, I have one that is really funny to me now: few years ago when I became regular visitor on perlmonks.org (but not registered yet) I thought that an Anonymous Monk was the real user, and I thought: 'What a cool and imaginative name'.
Later I noticed some obvious contradictions in several of his/her posts, so I did some research (read help docs, etc), and when the truth came to me I just couldn't believe it :-)
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Heh, no need to mock about my split personality :(
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So, you do exist? What a relief! After all this years of fear, uncertainty and doubt :-)
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Re: Confessional
by hv (Prior) on Feb 28, 2003 at 03:04 UTC
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Re: Confessional
by monkfan (Curate) on May 26, 2005 at 01:48 UTC
Monks forgive me for I have 'sinned':
1. I blindly spend my votes at the earlier stage of my
membership in monastery, just to reach monkhood faster.
2. I sometimes nag to the expert monks (saints), asking
unnecessary silly questions, be it through CB or msg-ing them.
3. I did post anonymously, when knowing I will get --
4. I did frontpage the node which I answered, so I will get ++
More to come ... on the way to my sainthood (hopefully):
"SAINT, n. A dead sinner revised and edited."- Ambrose Bierce
"Many of the insights of the saint stem from his experience as a sinner." -Eric Hoffer
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Re: Confessional
by SilasTheMonk (Chaplain) on Mar 28, 2010 at 15:32 UTC
I confess to voting on nodes just so I can see how much XP the node got. | [reply] |
Re: Confessional
by BubbaMonk (Sexton) on Sep 19, 2006 at 06:04 UTC
I think I can code better if I am listening to Vanilla Ice.
Every now and then I like to watch chick flicks. It has nothing to do with Perl, but I need to let the world know. Dirty Dancing, 13 Going on 30, and First Wives Club.
Sometimes my definition of RTFM is "Ask someone how to do this".
I really, really hate Dan Rather. | [reply] |
Re: Confessional
by chaoticset (Chaplain) on Oct 07, 2004 at 02:09 UTC
It has been a long time since my last confession -- nearly a year.
- I avoid the Monastery, out of a sense of inadequacy. I am working to resolve this.
- I come to the Monastery to read the controversial readings of unpopular monks, when it only feeds my anger.
I will write ten source filters as penance.
You are what you think.
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