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Curses Chatterbox Client

by {NULE} (Hermit)
on Oct 08, 2001 at 05:23 UTC ( [id://117372]=sourcecode: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Category: Chatterbox Clients
Author/Contact Info {NULE}
Description: This is a client for the PerlMonks chatterbox which uses ZZamboni's PerlMonksChat2 module. You will also need Curses and Curses::Widgets.

Supports most basic PerlMonksChat features with a primitive help system (type /help for all commands). Also uses a configurable buffer size and opens a separate sub-window to scroll through the old messages (type /log to see what I mean). I want to add more fun features, so tell me what you want to see!

Note that it doesn't use colors in this version, because I want it to be "non-descript" on my desktop. I also want it to be very simple so it is not nearly as fancy as some of the excellent clients out there.

Let me know what you think!

- Do some name high-lighting and other niceties.
- The way PerlMonksChat2 works this requires you to have a ~/.netscape/cookies file. Must fix this behaviour.
- Must finish the personal messages handling as well.

20011007 - There was a request to actually post the code here. I will do so, but prefer that you get it from - it will be updated there first.

20011009 - Small bug squished where the buffer would display the line about to be deleted (which could be hours old). That's fixed, and some other visual stuff is, but I think you may see a line doubled when the end of the buffer is reached. I'm off to Atlanta for a week, I'll fix it when I get back.

20011010 - Figured out the "Lag" Problem, but can't fix it until the 15th. Curses::Widgets handles keystrokes differently than I thought. For a workaround set /freq to something very high, like /freq 200

20011015 - The "Lag" problem is squished with a timer that uses "time()" not callback counts. I still want to use "fork()" and do this the right way. By the way, if you have trouble with the current version, my site has all previous versions. Update - /me is fixed now.

20011022 - The lag is gone for good now with a version that forks! I've been testing this for about a week so I have confidence that it works well. I could see this more complicated version not running on a system where it ran before so I'll keep a non-forking version on my web site.

20011031 - Fixed a bug with IPC. Added timestamps, save chat buffer to a file, some handling private messages, and ccb will now try to guess when you have mis-typed a command and give you a chance to retype it before submitting. The ability to delete personal messages will be added soon.

20011105 - More tweaks to IPC. Hopefully it will work better with 5.6.0 now.

See also to download the latest and archival versions.

#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# - a Chatterbox client written in Perl Curses              #
# Abstract: ccb is a simple curses interface to the chatterbox     #
#         : feature of the website.                  #
#         : Some functionality is missing, but it is designed to   #
#         : to meet some very specific goals - and should be easy  #
#         : to enhance.                                            #
#                                                                  #
# Thanks  : Go to Shendal for his Perk/Tk client,                  #
#         : Zzamboni for the PerlMonks modules and the sample code #
#         : Vroom for creating                       #
#         : ybiC for saying "A curses CB client would be mondo++!" #
#         : and merlyn, for not turning me into a frog             #
#         : Lots of other people that deserve mention              #
#                                                                  #
# History : 20011004 - mbl - Initial version.                      #
#         : 20011006 - mbl - Some primitive functionality is here. #
#         : 20011007 - mbl - Created the chat buffer object.       #
#         :                - I guess I pretty much made the whole  #
#         :                - thing work - all options and stuff.   #
#         : 20011008 - mbl - Fixed a little big in the log buffer  #
#         :                - and some other screen bugs.           #
#         : 20011015 - mbl - Removed some of the lag by correcting #
#         :                - the timing and help in a window.      #
#         : 20011016 - mbl - Forking code added.                   #
#         : 20011018 - mbl - More things to make the behavior      #
#         :                - match the CB spec.                    #
#         : 20011021 - mbl - Added support for ignore/unignore     #
#         : 20011022 - mbl - Adjusted IPC timing to reduce errors. #
#         : 20011024 - mbl - Added support for timestamps.         #
#         : 20011025 - mbl - Added confirm odd message dialog.     #
#         : 20011026 - mbl - Added support to save message buffer. #
#         : 20011027 - mbl - Fixed a bug when the child lags.      #
#         :                - Some private message handling.        #
#         : 20011104 - mbl - Some more tweaks to IPC.              #
#                                                                  #
# To-do   : More fun stuff, like colors.                           #
#         : Get personal messages checkoff to work.                #
#         : Improvements to the IPC performance might be possible. #
#         : I *still* like the idea of a PM minibrowser...         #
# Boring, pointless crap:                                          #
# This is free software that may be distributed under the same     #
# license as Perl itself.  This software comes with no warranty.   #
#                                                                  #
# I suppose that it's Copyright (C) 2001 M. Litherland             #
#                                                                  #
# Get the latest version from which is also   #
# where the author can be reached.                                 #
my $VERSION = "1.0pre2a"; 

# change your @INC if you have weird module locations.
use lib "/home/litherm/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/PerlMonksChat2";

use strict;
use Curses;
use Curses::Widgets;
use IO::Handle qw(autoflush);
use Socket;
use Text::Wrap;

# PM Modules
use PerlMonks::Chat;
use PerlMonks::Users;

# Record separator for IPC
use constant RSEPARATOR => "MiKeIsDaUbErCoDeR"; #:)

# Variables #

# Widgets
my ($main, $input, $display, $dialog);

# Variables for dealing with curses widgets
my ($text, $test);

# Handles for our PM objects
my ($chat, $monks, $buffer, $pid);

# More variables
my ($username, $password);

# Initialize chat package #

# I'm a newbie when it comes to OO Perl too - be gentle...
{ package Chat;

# Object constructor
sub new
    my $self = {};
    shift; # Package name

    # Counter for updating the buffer
    $self->{COUNTER}   = time();
    $self->{MCOUNTER}  = 20; # Max time

    # Flag for time stamps
    $self->{TIMESTAMP} = 1;  # 0 is off

    # Variables for working with the buffer
    $self->{POSITION}  = 0;
    $self->{LENGTH}    = 500;
    $self->{BUFFER}    = []; # Message buffer

    return $self;

# Provide a method for changing the buffer size
sub length 
    my $self = shift;
    if (@_)
        $self->{LENGTH} = shift;

    return $self->{LENGTH};

# Provide a method for toggling the time stamp
sub show_time
    my $self = shift;
    if (@_)
        $self->{TIMESTAMP} = shift;

    return $self->{TIMESTAMP};

# A simple counter to set the chat request interval.
# Passing a value instead sets the Max Counter interval,
# returns the time remaining (0 if done);
sub counter
    my $self = shift;
    my $delta;
    if (@_)
        $self->{MCOUNTER} = shift;

    $delta = ($self->{COUNTER} + $self->{MCOUNTER}) - time();

    if ($delta <= 0)
        $self->{COUNTER} = time();

        return 0;
        return $delta;

# Add lines into the scrollback buffer
sub addlines
    my $self = shift;
    my $line;

    if (@_)
        foreach $line (@_)
            # Attempt to remove empty lines.
            next if ($line =~ /^\s*$/);

            # Add the line in the next available position
            # in the buffer
            $self->{BUFFER}[$self->{POSITION}] = $line;

            # If we are at the last available position in
            # the buffer, reset and start over.
            if ($self->{POSITION} >= $self->{LENGTH})
                $self->{POSITION} = 0;

# Return an array with the number of lines requested.
sub getlines
    my $self = shift;
    my ($rows, $i, $position);
    my (@return);

    if (@_)
        $rows = shift;
        # POSITION is one past the current line (ahem, bug? :-)
        $position = $self->{POSITION} - $rows - 1;
        $position += $self->{LENGTH} if ($position < 0);

        for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i++)
            # Set the position ahead, but rewind if hit the
            # end.
            $position = 0 if ($position >= $self->{LENGTH});

            # When first initialized Much of the buffer may
            # be empty.
            if (defined($self->{BUFFER}[$position]))
                push @return, $self->{BUFFER}[$position];
                push @return, "";

    return @return;

} # Back to the main package

# Main Routine #

# Create a new main window
$main = new Curses;

# Configure some options
noecho();         # Disable echoing from the console.
$main->keypad(1); # Map special keys.
halfdelay(10);    # This works like Poll when a function is passed
                  # to a widget. Redraws the chat window every 2
          # seconds, and gets new messages per /freq
select_colour($main, 'black');


# Prompt for username and pass
($text, $test) = input_box(
    'title' => "Logon",
    'prompt' => "Enter your PM username",
    'border' => "white",
    'cursor_disable' => 1,
    'function' => \&header

if (($test == 1) && ($text ne ""))
    $username = $text;
    &handle_error("Username required and not provided");

($text, $test) = input_box(
    'title' => "Logon",
    'prompt' => "Enter your PM password",
    'border' => "white",
    'cursor_disable' => 1,
    'password' => 1,
    'function' => \&header

if (($test == 1) && ($text ne ""))
    $password = $text;
    &handle_error("Password required and not provided");

# Get rid of the login boxes while we wait
$main->addstr(0, 1, "Attempting to log in, please wait...");

# Log in (all your password are belong to us)
$chat = PerlMonks::Chat->new();

$chat->login($username, $password)
    or &handle_error("Could not login: $!");

$monks = PerlMonks::Users->new();

# Produce a child to handle the transactions.
$main->addstr(1, 1, "Starting child process...");

# Create a socketpair
    or &handle_error("Socket could not be created.");

# Fork here
if ($pid = fork())
    close PARENT;

    # Create a chat buffer
    $buffer = new Chat;
    print CHILD $buffer->counter . "\n";
    close CHILD;


    exit 0;

# Clear the screen

# From now on the &message subroutine and the chat $buffer handle
# all screen draws.
$buffer->addlines("{CCB} - Curses Chatterbox client, Type '/help' for 
+available commands.");

# Main loop
while (1)
    ($test, $text) = txt_field(
        'window' => $main,
        'regex' => "\n",
        'xpos' => 0,
        'ypos' => $LINES - 3,
        'lines' => 1,
        'cols' => $COLS - 2,
        'border' => "white",
        'cursor_disable' => 1,
        'function' => \&messages

    chomp $text;
    # Begin processing the message entered
    if ($text =~ /^\/help/i)
    elsif ($text =~ /^\/who/i)
    elsif ($text =~ /^\/xp/i)
    elsif ($text =~ /^\/log/i)
        &show_log($buffer, "SHOW");
    elsif ($text =~ /^\/save/i)
        &show_log($buffer, "SAVE");
    elsif ($text =~ /^\/msgs/i)
    #elsif ($text =~ /^\/(?:checkoff|co)\s+/i)
        # Don't quite have this figured out...
    elsif ($text =~ /^\/freq\s*(\d*)/i)
        # This is used to set an alarm and shouldn't be
        # too small.
        my $min = 5;
        if ($1 > $min)
            $buffer->addlines("{CCB} - Interval set to $1");
            $buffer->addlines("{CCB} - Interval must be greater than $
    elsif ($text =~ /^\/time/i)
        if ($buffer->show_time)
            $buffer->addlines("{CCB} - Time stamps disabled");
            $buffer->addlines("{CCB} - Time stamps enabled");
    elsif ($text =~ /^\/(?:msg|tell)\s+(\S+)\s+(.+)$/i)
        # A private message is being sent

        $buffer->addlines(split "\n", wrap("", "\t", "{CCB} - private 
+message sent to $1: $2"));
    elsif ($text =~ /^\/(ignore|unignore)\s+(\S+)/i)
        my $action = lc($1);
        my $user = $2;

        $action =~ s/.$/ing/;

        # A private message is being sent

        $buffer->addlines(split "\n", wrap("", "\t", "{CCB} - $action 
+user $user"));
    elsif ($text =~ /^\/me\s*/i)
        # /me emotes.
    elsif ($text =~ /^\/quit/i)
        # Ask the child to exit then quit.
        $main->addstr(0, 1, "Ending child process...");

        # Code to exit.
        print CHILD "-1\n";

        waitpid($pid, 0);
        exit 0;
    elsif (($text =~ /^\s{0,1}\//) || ($text =~ /^.{0,2]msg/i))
        # All valid forms of commands are accounted for,
        # here we can handle near misses.
        ($text, $test) = input_box(
            'title' => "Vague response",
            'prompt' => "Please confirm, cancel or change your message
            'border' => "white",
            'content' => "$text",
            'cursor_disable' => 1

        if (($test == 1) && ($text ne ""))
            # Text was confirmed to send.
            $buffer->addlines("{CCB} - message not sent");
        # Try to send whatever message was entered.
        if ($text ne "")

    # Ask Curses to exit cleanly.

exit 0;

# Subroutines #

sub header
    # Display a nice header whilst we perform various tasks
    $main->addstr(0, 1, "{CCB} - Curses ChatterBox Client by {NULE} v.

sub child
    my ($request, $text);

    # Listen for a timing value from the parent.
    # Request the resource from
    while (1)
        chomp($request = <PARENT>);

        if ($request == -1)
            # We have been asked to exit
            return 1;
            # The parent is expecting a response
            # in this many seconds or we will
            # send a lag error message
                local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "ALARM\n" };
                alarm ($request - 1);
                $text = join "\n", $chat->getnewlines(1);
                alarm 0;

            if ($@)
                # Timeouts are different from other problems
                print PARENT "{CCB} - ERROR with child: $@" unless $@ 
+eq "ALARM\n";
                # Request timed out
                print PARENT "{CCB} - Lag problem, try setting /freq h
                    . RSEPARATOR;
                print PARENT "$text" . RSEPARATOR;

sub messages
    # Note that our handles are global here because Curses::Widgets 
    # doesn't seem amenable to passing arguments ($buffer, $main)
    my ($chat, @chat, @prechat, $line, $length);
    my $i = 0;

    if ($buffer->counter == 0)
        local $/ = RSEPARATOR;

            local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "ALARM\n" };
            alarm 2;
            chomp ($chat = <CHILD>);
            alarm 0;

        if ($@)
            $buffer->addlines("{CCB} - ERROR with parent: $@") unless 
+$@ eq "ALARM\n";
            $buffer->addlines("{CCB} - May have lost sync with child. 

            local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "ALARM\n" };
            alarm 2;
            print CHILD $buffer->counter . "\n";
            alarm 0;

        if ($@)
            $buffer->addlines("{CCB} - ERROR with parent: $@") unless 
+$@ eq "ALARM\n";
            $buffer->addlines("{CCB} - May have lost sync with child. 

        @chat = map { "$_\n" } split "\n", $chat;

        $Text::Wrap::columns = $COLS - 2;

        foreach $line (@chat)
            if ($buffer->show_time)
                $line = &time_stamp . " $line";

            $buffer->addlines(split "\n", wrap("", "\t", $line));

    @chat = $buffer->getlines($LINES - 3);

    # Start drawing from the bottom of the screen
    $i = $LINES - 4;
    foreach $line (reverse @chat)
        # Not the best way to do this, but length()
        # doesn't handle tabs correctly. # TODO? #
        $line =~ s/^\t/        /;
        $length = $COLS - length($line) - 2;

        $line = " ".$line." "x$length;
        $main->addstr($i, 0, "$line");


        last if $i < 0;

    return 1;

sub help_popup
    # Display a window with help information in it.
    my $buffer = shift;
    my ($line, $help);

    my @help = (
        "Curses ChatterBox Client v. $VERSION",
        " ",
        "Commands available:",
        "- /help     - displays this message",
        "- /who      - shows the monks logged on",
        "- /xp       - shows some quick information about you",
        "- /log      - show the chat log",
        "- /freq <#> - sets the refresh interval to # seconds",
        "- /time     - toggles time stamps on messages",
        "- /save     - dump buffer to a save file",
        "- /quit     - exits the Chatterbox client",
        "Supported Chatterbox Commands",
        "- /me ...          - emote a message.",
        "- /msg <user> ...  - send a message to <user>.",
        "- /tell <user> ... - same thing.",
        "- /msgs            - show all private messages.",
        #"- /co ###<,###...> - check off private messages.",
        #"- /checkoff ###    - same thing.",
        "- /ignore <user>   - Ignore <user>.",
        "- /unignore <user> - Unignore <user>.",
        "- Colors",
        "- I keep having imaginings of building a mini-browser in...",
        "  if winamp can do it, so can I!",
        "- Tell me what features you would like!"

    foreach $line (@help)
        chomp $line;

        if ($line ne "")
            $help .= "$line\n";

        'window' => $main,
        'title' => "{CCB} Help - PGUP and PGDOWN to scroll, ENTER to e
        'regex' => "\n",
        'xpos' => 0,
        'ypos' => 0,
        'lines' => $LINES - 2,
        'cols' => $COLS - 2,
        'border' => "white",
        'edit' => 0,
        'cursor_disable' => 1,
        'content' => $help

    # Clear the screen before returning.

sub list_users
    my $buffer = shift;
    my (%users, $users);

    %users = $monks->users;

    if (%users)
        $Text::Wrap::columns = $COLS - 2;

        $users  = "{CCB} - " . (scalar(keys(%users)) + 1);
        $users .= " users logged in: " . join " ",sort keys(%users);
        $buffer->addlines(split "\n", wrap("", "\t", $users));
        $buffer->addlines("No users logged in (oddly enough)");

sub show_msgs
    # Retrieve and display all personal messages
    my $buffer = shift;
    my (%msgs, $msg);

    %msgs = $chat->personal_messages;

    if (%msgs)
        $Text::Wrap::columns = $COLS - 2;

        foreach $msg (sort keys(%msgs))
            $buffer->addlines(split "\n", wrap("", "\t", "($msg) $msgs
        $buffer->addlines("Could not get personal messages");

sub show_xp
    # Print a display of current XP information
    my $buffer = shift;
    my (%xp, $xp);

    %xp = $monks->xp;

    if (%xp)
        $Text::Wrap::columns = $COLS - 2;

        $xp  = "{CCB} - User: $xp{user}, Level: $xp{level}, XP: $xp{xp
+}, ";
        $xp .= "Votes: $xp{votesleft}, Next level in: $xp{xp2nextlevel
+} XP";
        $buffer->addlines(split "\n", wrap("", "\t", $xp));
        $buffer->addlines("Could not get XP information");

sub show_log
    my ($buffer, $mode) = @_;
    my (@chat, $line, $chat, $length, $filename);

    # If mode is SAVE then prompt for a file name
    if ($mode eq "SAVE")
        my ($text, $test) = input_box(
            'title' => "Save log",
            'prompt' => "Please enter a path and filename to save your
+ message:",
            'border' => "white",
            'edit' => 0,
            'cursor_disable' => 1

        if (($test == 1) && ($text ne ""))
            $filename = $text;
            $buffer->addlines("{CCB} - log not saved.");
            return 0;

    $length = $buffer->length;

    # Retrieve all the lines.
    @chat = $buffer->getlines($length);
    $chat = "";
    foreach $line (@chat)
        chomp $line;

        if ($line ne "")
            $chat .= "$line\n";

    if ($mode eq "SAVE")
        open (FILEHANDLE, ">$filename");
        print FILEHANDLE $chat;
        close FILEHANDLE;
        $buffer->addlines("{CCB} - log saved as $filename");
            'window' => $main,
            'title' => "{CCB} Chat log - PGUP and PGDOWN to scroll, EN
+TER to exit (max $length lines).",
            'regex' => "\n",
            'xpos' => 0,
            'ypos' => 0,
            'lines' => $LINES - 2,
            'cols' => $COLS - 2,
            'border' => "white",
            'cursor_disable' => 1,
            'content' => $chat

    # Clear the screen before returning.

sub time_stamp
    # Produce a time stamp
    my ($sec, $min, $hour) = localtime;

    $sec  = "0".$sec if $sec < 10;
    $min  = "0".$min if $min < 10;
    $hour = "0".$hour if $hour < 10;
    return ("$hour:$min:$sec")

sub handle_error
    my $message = shift;

        'message' => "$message",
        'title' => "Error"

    die "$message\n";
Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Improved Curses Chatterbox Client
by {NULE} (Hermit) on Oct 22, 2001 at 17:42 UTC
    Hi all,

    For those who have had problems with this client lagging - it has now been rewritten with a fork and some alerts. In normal working mode it should not ever lag.

    The non-forking version will remain on my website for those who may wish to still use it.

    Any problems or desired features please let me know. Thanks!

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