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Think about Loose Coupling


by FoxtrotUniform (Prior)
on Jul 10, 2001 at 00:32 UTC ( [id://95145]=user: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Do you misuse apostrophe's? Don't.

Haskell is delightfully ambiguous, especially by analogy.

--Markov FoxtrotUniform

So it isn't good. Thanks FU.

--Markov diotalevi

I became Perl Monks' 103rd Saint on June 4th, 2002.

Nodes that impress me Nodes that I'm proud of

A small (but growing) collection of obfuscations:

I tend to think that writing obfuscations with strict and warnings is more fun.

%/usr/games/fortune -o

GOD is applied POWER

  • which is applied GOVERNMENT
    • which is applied POLITICS
      • which is applied ADVERTISING
        • which is applied SOCIOLOGY
          • which is applied PSYCHOLOGY
            • which is applied BIOLOGY
              • which is applied CHEMISTRY
                • which is applied PHYSICS
                  • which is applied MATH
                    • which is applied PHILOSOPHY
                      • which is applied BULLSHIT


Just another Perl-(and Scheme-, and C-, and Haskell-)hacking, guitar-playing, sesquipedalian, vim-using graphics geek in a trenchcoat

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