Re: Hacking Perl (I think)
by ikegami (Patriarch) on Aug 25, 2011 at 03:36 UTC
You can get a snapshot of blead from
Although git patches are preferred, one created using diff -u should be acceptable too.
That said it'll be easier to use git, especially when it comes time to rebase your patches when you're about ready to submit them.
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Well... I really don't know how to use Git. And I guess I don't, really, no the purpose of Git. But if it is easier, I guess I should learn Git ;-)
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The purpose of git is to be a version control system which you can use when you're offline. I'm told that it has some other funky features too, but I'm not convinced that they are either particularly important or couldn't be implemented with cvs or svn and a few shell scripts.
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Re: Hacking Perl (I think)
by FunkyMonk (Chancellor) on Aug 25, 2011 at 13:08 UTC
Reading perlguts, PerlGuts Illustrated, perlxstut and perlxs might help. The Porting directory in the perl source also contains a lot useful info.
However, there's a lot of source code with much magic hidden within. I'd suggest a more focussed approach, such as picking a TODO from perltodo and work towards DOing it.
The p5p mailing list (subscribe or archive) and #p5p on could be sources of assistance, as well as here.
At some point, you will have to learn how to use git. There's a free book, or a more perl oriented cheat sheet in perlgit.
Another avenue you might like to try, is looking at perl5's bug-tracker (it's much easier to use if you log in first) and see if there are any bugs you can try to fix.
Update^2: Corrected address of #p5p (thanks moritz!)
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Perfect! Thanks Funky Monk! Also, if anyone knows of a good Git tutorial online (besides perlgit) that would be great!
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Re: Hacking Perl (I think)
by Anonymous Monk on Aug 25, 2011 at 03:51 UTC
I've read perlhack, but it really didn't help. Also, I don't want to use Git if I don't have to. Thanks.
Didn't help what?
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Didn't help to learn how to hack Perl.
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Didn't help to learn how to hack Perl.
You already said that, what does that mean?
perlhack DESCRIPTION is
This document explains how Perl development works. It includes details
about the Perl 5 Porters email list, the Perl repository, the Perlbug
bug tracker, patch guidelines, and commentary on Perl development
And perlhack does indeed teach that
So what do you mean?
FunkyMonk points you to perlguts, but that can't be what you're after, after all, perlhack points you to perlguts
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Re: Hacking Perl (I think)
by Logicus (Initiate) on Aug 25, 2011 at 03:20 UTC
Just one question... why? | [reply] |
Why? Because I would like to learn about the internals of Perl. And what better way to that than hacking the source?!
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I guess for academic curiosity there is no better way, I just find it hard to imagine that there are more than a few dozen people on the planet capable of making any significant improvements to it.
Personally I'd quite like to have a look at the source code to perl version 1, just to see where it all started in it's most simplistic form.
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