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by mojotoad (Monsignor)
on May 16, 2002 at 21:17 UTC ( [id://167120]=sourcecode: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Category: PerlMonks Related Scripts
Author/Contact Info /msg mojotoad
Three Scripts for the Acolytes under the sky,
seven for the Friar-lords in their halls of stone,
nine for Mortal Bishops doomed to die,
one for the Dark Saint on his dark throne
in the Land of Monkwhore where the Black Stats lie.
One Mod to rule them all,
one Mod to find them,
one Mod to bring them all
and in the darkness bind them
in the Land of Monkwhore where the Black Stats lie.

A module that encapsulates behavior and code from jcwren's and, plus aspects from, and Also included is the histogram code by larryl.

I started playing with the scripts when I noticed that in the early versions jcwren had experienced problems using my HTML::TableExtract module. The later versions of each script instead use the XML ticker and XML::Twig module, an understandable choice given the circumstances. Nevertheless I started investigating what the original problems were with HTML::TableExtract. As it turns out, these problems have since gone away: perlmonks has a different query interface and results format for writeups via HTML, plus there are later versions of HTML::TableExtract that greatly assist in extracting HTML from the tables in question (as opposed to the traditional role of extracting tables from the HTML in question). These developments negate the need for hoop gymnastics and inheritance hell that jcwren had been forced into.

The XML interface is far quicker, but apparently not all people wish to install the associated XML modules and libraries.

This module incorporates both query methods, XML as well as HTML. The default is XML, but this behavior can be changed via the mode parameter.

If you have XML parsing problems with non UTF-8 encodings in your titles, then simply set the mode to HTML.

Behind a proxy server? Set your http_proxy environment variable to the URL of your proxy server.

See the POD for more information. Thanks to jcwren and larryl for the original code.

Basic usage:

#!/usr/bin/perl use PerlMonks::StatsWhore; $sw = PerlMonks::StatsWhore->new( user => 'username', password => 'password', ); print $sw->summary_as_string;

Check out the code if you're interested in inheritance and polymorphism.


Updates thus far:

  • POD fix per Biker's suggestion
  • Added $VERSION info. For gawd's sake we might as well attempt to approach the book keeping abilities of CPAN.
  • Added reminder of motivation for XML barfing on non "standard" characters (forget Latin-2) in node titles thanks to another nudge from the ever-testing Biker.
package PerlMonks::StatsWhore;

#   Three Scripts for the Acolytes under the sky,
#   seven for the Friar-lords in their halls of stone,
#   nine for Mortal Bishops doomed to die,
#   one for the Dark Saint on his dark throne
#   in the Land of Monkwhore where the Black Stats lie.
#   One Mod to rule them all,
#   one Mod to find them,
#   one Mod to bring them all
#   and in the darkness bind them
#   in the Land of Monkwhore where the Black Stats lie.
# Mucho original code by jcwren and larryl
# Objectified, merged, and tweaked by mojotoad
# Based on,, parts
# of and
# See the POD for instructions.
# This code is public domain. Feel free to contact jcwren with tales
# of interesting applications.

use LWP::Simple;
use URI;
use Carp;
use POSIX qw(ceil floor);

use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '1.04';

my %Defaults = (
                mode    => 'XML',
                binsize => 5,

sub new {
  my $self = {%Defaults};
  bless $self, shift;
  my %parms = @_;
  $self->{$_} = $parms{$_} for keys %parms;

sub user {
  my $self = shift;
  if (@_) {
    $self->{user} = shift;

sub password {
  my $self = shift;
  if (@_) {
    $self->{password} = shift;

sub mode {
  my $self = shift;
  if (@_) {
    $self->{mode} = shift;

sub binsize {
  my $self = shift;
  if (@_) {
    $self->{binsize} = shift;

sub reset {
  my $self = shift;
  delete $self->{cache};
sub reset_summary   { delete shift->{summary}   }
sub reset_histogram { delete shift->{histogram} }

sub writeups_ref {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->fetch unless $self->{cache};

sub node_ids { sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{shift->writeups_ref} }
sub writeups {
  my $self = shift;

sub writeup_count {
  my $self = shift;
  scalar keys %{$self->{cache}};

sub fetch {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->{cache} if ref $self->{cache};
  my $fetch_class = __PACKAGE__ . '::' . $self->mode;
  eval "require $fetch_class";
  my $fetcher = $fetch_class->new(user => $self->user, password => $se
  ref $fetcher or croak "Could not load class $fetch_class\n";
  $self->{cache} = $fetcher->nodes(@_);

sub summary {
  # code originally by jcwren
  # Crammed into object by mojotoad
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->{summary} if ref $self->{summary};

  my $total  = 0;
  my $repmax = 0;
  my $repmin = 999999999;

  $self->{summary}{repmax} = 0;
  $self->{summary}{repmin} = 999999999;

  foreach my $node ($self->writeups) {
    $total += $node->{rep};
    $self->{summary}{repmax} = max($self->{summary}{repmax}, $node->{r
    $self->{summary}{repmin} = min($self->{summary}{repmin}, $node->{r

  $self->{summary}{reputation} = $total;
  $self->{summary}{average}    = $total / $self->writeup_count;

sub repmax     { shift->summary->{repmax}     }
sub repmin     { shift->summary->{repmin}     }
sub reputation { shift->summary->{reputation} }
sub average    { shift->summary->{average}    }

sub summary_as_string {
  # Code originally by jcwren
  # Crammed into object method by mojotoad
  my $self = shift;

  my $total = 0;
  $total += @$_[1] for (@$rarticles);
  @$rarticles = sort {@$a[1] <=> @$b[1]} @$rarticles;

  my $str;
  $str .= sprintf ("              User: %s\n",    $self->user);
  $str .= sprintf ("    Total articles: %d\n",    $self->writeup_count
  $str .= sprintf ("  Total reputation: %d\n",    $self->reputation);
  $str .= sprintf ("    Min reputation: %d\n",    $self->repmin);
  $str .= sprintf ("    Max reputation: %d\n",    $self->repmax);
  $str .= sprintf ("Average reputation: %3.2f\n", $self->average);
  $str .= "\n";


sub histogram_as_string {
  # histogram code originally by larryl, modified by jcwren.
  # Unceremoniously crammed into an object method by mojotoad.
  my $self = shift;

  # Divide articles into bins based on reputation:
  my %bins = ();
  my $binsize = $self->binsize;

  $bins{floor (($_->{rep} + 0.5) / $binsize)}++ foreach ($self->writeu

  my @bins   = sort {$a <=> $b} keys %bins;
  my $minbin = $bins [0];    # lowest reputation bin
  my $maxbin = $bins [-1];   # highest reputation bin

  # Try to keep histogram on one page:
  my $width  = 50;
  my $scale  = 1;
  my $maxrep = $self->repmax;

  if ($maxrep > $width && $maxrep <= ($width * 5)) {
     $scale = 5;
  elsif ($maxrep > ($width*5)) {
    while (($maxrep / $scale) > $width) 
      $scale *= 10;

  my $start = $minbin * $binsize;
  my $end   = $start + $binsize - 1;

  my $str;
  $str .= "  Reputation   Article Count\n";
  $str .= "------------- -------" . "-" x 50 . "\n";

  do {
    my $count = $bins {$minbin} || 0;
    my $extra = ($count % $scale) ? '.' : '';
    $str .= sprintf "%4d .. %4d  \[%4d\] %s$extra\n", $start, $end, $c
                                                         '#' x ceil ($
+count / $scale);
    $start += $binsize;
    $end   += $binsize;
  while ($minbin++ < $maxbin);

  $str .= "\n  Scale: #=$scale\n" if $scale > 1;


sub max {
  my ($x, $y) = @_;
  return ($x > $y ? $x : $y);

sub min {
  my ($x, $y) = @_;
  return ($x < $y ? $x : $y);


  package PerlMonks::StatsWhore::Base;

  # Main accessor: nodes()
  # Subclass and override extract_writeups() and init_query()

  use strict;
  use Carp;
  use LWP::Simple;

  my %Defaults = ( url => '' );

  sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my %parms = @_;
    foreach (keys %Defaults) {
      next if defined $parms{$_};
      $parms{$_} = $Defaults{$_};
    my $self = \%parms;
    bless $self, $class;
    $self->uri($self->make_uri($self->{url})) unless $self->uri;

  sub user {
    my $self = shift;
    @_ ? $self->{user} = shift : $self->{user};

  sub password {
    my $self = shift;
    @_ ? $self->{password} = shift : $self->{password};

  sub uri {
    my $self = shift;
    @_ ? $self->{uri} = shift : $self->{uri}

  sub make_uri { shift; URI->new(@_) }

  sub set_query {
    my $self = shift;
    my %parms = @_;
    if (defined $self->user) {
      $parms{user} = $self->user;
      $parms{op}   = 'login';
    if (defined $self->password) {
      $parms{passwd} = $self->password;

  sub fetch {
    my $self = shift;
    my $str = get($self->uri) or croak("Fetch failed for " . $self->ur
+i->as_string, "\n");

  sub nodes {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->extract_writeups($self->fetch(@_)) unless scalar keys %{$se

  sub add_writeups {
    my($self, $wref) = @_;
    foreach (keys %$wref) {
      $self->{writeups}{$_} = $wref->{$_};

  sub reset_writeups { shift->{writeups} = {} }

  # Override
  sub extract_writeups { shift->add_writeups(@_) }
  sub init_query       { croak "init_query() method must be overidden\
+n" }


  package PerlMonks::StatsWhore::XML;

  use strict;
  use Carp;
  require XML::Twig;
  use base qw(PerlMonks::StatsWhore::Base);

  sub init_query {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->set_query( node => 'User nodes info xml generator' );

  sub extract_writeups {
    my($self, $page) = @_;
    return unless $page;
    my %nodehash = ();
    my $twig = $self->make_xml_twig( TwigRoots => { NODE => $self->mak
+e_xml_twig_sub(\%nodehash) } );
    # Remove home node from results
    foreach (keys %nodehash) {
      if ($nodehash{$_}{title} eq $self->{user}) {
        delete $nodehash{$_};

  sub make_xml_twig { shift; XML::Twig->new(@_) }

  sub make_xml_twig_sub {
    my($self, $nodehash) = @_;
    ref $nodehash or croak "Hash ref required.\n";
    sub { my ($t, $node) = @_;
          my $nodeid = $node->att ('id');
          !exists ($nodehash->{$nodeid}) or croak "Node $nodeid is dup
          $nodehash->{$nodeid}{nodeid} = $nodeid;
          $nodehash->{$nodeid}{title}  = $node->text;
          $nodehash->{$nodeid}{rep}    = $node->att('reputation');
          $nodehash->{$nodeid}{date}   = $node->att('createtime');


  package PerlMonks::StatsWhore::HTML;

  use strict;
  use Carp;
  require HTML::TableExtract;
  use LWP::Simple;
  use base qw(PerlMonks::StatsWhore::Base);

  sub init_query {
    my $self = shift;
                     node    => 'Perl Monks User Search',
                     orderby => 'nf',
                     start   => 0,

  sub set_query {
    my $self = shift;
    my %params = @_;
    $params{length} = $self->fetch_writeup_count;

  sub fetch_writeup_count {
    my $self = shift;

    $self->user or croak "No username defined!\n";
    my $c_uri = $self->uri->clone;
    $c_uri->query_form(node => $self->user);
    my $page = get(URI->new($c_uri)) or croak("Get failed for " . $c_u
+ri->as_string . "\n");

    my $te = $self->make_table_extract(headers => ['User since', '\w+'
    my $w_count;
    foreach my $row ($te->first_table_state_found->rows) {

      if ($row->[0] =~ /Writeups/) {
        $w_count = $row->[1];
    die "Failed to retrieve total writeup count." unless defined $w_co

  sub extract_writeups {
    my $self = shift;
    return unless @_;
    my $page = shift;
    my $te = $self->make_table_extract(headers => ['Node ID', 'Writeup
+', 'Rep', 'Created']);
    my %nodehash;
    foreach ($te->first_table_state_found->rows) {
      $nodehash{$_->[0]}{nodeid} = $_->[0];
      $nodehash{$_->[0]}{title}  = $_->[1];
      $nodehash{$_->[0]}{rep}    = $_->[2];
      $nodehash{$_->[0]}{date}   = $_->[3];

  sub make_table_extract { shift; HTML::TableExtract->new(@_) }




=head1 NAME

PerlMonks::StatsWhore - Perl module for tracking node stats on www.per


 use PerlMonks::StatsWhore;

 # Default relies on XML ticker and XML::Twig
 my $sw = PerlMonks::StatsWhore->new(
                                     user     => 'username',
                                     password => 'password',
 print $sw->summary_as_string;
 print $sw->histogram_as_string;

 # If you do not want to mess with XML::Twig,  or are having
 # trouble with odd characters in titles, fall back to 
 # HTML pages and HTML::TableExtract
 my $sw2 = PerlMonks::StatsWhore->new(
                                      user     => 'username',
                                      password => 'password',
                                      mode     => 'HTML',
 print $sw->summary_as_string;

 # Or pull statistics directly
 print "User: ", $sw->user, "\n";
 printf( "Average reputation: %5.2f\n", $sw->average    );
 printf( "Minimum reputation: %d\n",    $sw->repmin     );
 printf( "Maximum reputation: %d\n",    $sw->repmax     );
 printf( "  Total reputation: %d\n",    $sw->reputation );


PerlMonks::StatsWhore fetches and calculates the reputation of your
nodes on The module encapsulates the functionality

and much of the code from the scripts C<>,
C<>, C<>, and C<>
written by B<jcwren>, including the histogram code provided by
B<larryl>. The module has the advantage of allowing you to select eith
XML or HTML fetch modes -- XML, the default, is faster. For those peop
that have trouble installing XML::Twig(3) and its associated libraries
choose HTML mode which uses traditional HTML page fetches and
HTML::TableExtract(3). If XML seems to be having problems with parsing
+ node titles due to "odd" characters, then use HTML and things should
+ work as intended.

If behind a proxy, set your C<html_proxy> environment variable to the 
+URL of your proxy server, as per  L<LWP::Simple>

=head1 METHODS


=item new()

Return a new PerlMonks::StatsWhore object. Valid attributes are:


=item user

PerlMonks account name.

=item password

Password for perlmonks account.

=item mode

Fetch mode. Valid choices are 'XML' and 'HTML' (case sensitive). XML
mode requires XML::Twig(3), XML::Parser(3), etc. HTML mode requires
HTML::TableExtract. XML mode is much faster and is the default mode.

=item binsize

Specifies the resolution of each bar of the histogram. Default 5.


=item user()

=item password()

=item mode()

=item binsize()

Access or set the associated parameter.

=item summary_as_string()

String detailing username, article count, and reputation (total, min,
max, average)

=item histogram_as_string()

String depicting a histogram of article frequency vs. reputation.

=item repmax()

=item repmin()

=item reputation()

=item average()

Return relevant statistics for the current writeup list. Automatically
fetch writeups if not fetched already.

=item reset()

Resets summary statistics and writeup cache -- subsequent queries will
fetch a new list of writeups.

=item writeups()

Returns a list of writeup descriptors. Each is a reference to a hash
with the following keys: C<nodeid>, C<title>, C<rep>, C<date>

=item writeups_ref()

Returns a single reference to a hash of writeups, keyed by C<node_id>.

=item node_ids()

Returns a list of node_ids for all writeups -- suitable for use as key
in the writeups_ref() hash.



LWP::Simple(3), XML::Twig(3) (only for XML mode), HTML::TableExtract(3
+) (only for HTML mode)

=head1 AUTHORS

Perlmonk B<jcwren> with contributions from B<larryl>. Crammed into a
module and modified by B<mojotoad>.


Public domain. In the spirit of the original scripts, feel free to let
B<jcwren> know of any interesting applications inspired by the code.

=head1 SEE ALSO

LWP::Simple(3), URI(3), XML::Twig(3), HTML::TableExtract(3)

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: PerlMonks::StatsWhore
by Biker (Priest) on May 17, 2002 at 08:15 UTC

    A minor bug in the POD:

    The POD states that PerlMonks::StatsWhore requires HTML::Twig, where that should be XML::Twig.

    Everything went worng, just as foreseen.

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