=head1 NAME
Pod::Master - I am the master of HTML Pod.
This module uses L<Pod::Html|Pod::Html> to generate HTML versions of
all the documentation it finds using L<Pod::Find|Pod::Find>.
It also creates a neat-o table of contents.
Look at B<L<this|"Modules">> to see if you like it.
C<perl -MPod::Master -e Update()>
C<perl -MPod::Master -e " Update()->MiniTOC() ">
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Pod::Master;
use strict;
my $pM = new Pod::Master( { verbose => 1 } );
=head1 EXPORTS
L<C<Update>|"Update"> is the only exported function, and the only
one you need to call, to have a this module do what it does
and have the results end up in C<perl -V:installhtmldir>
package Pod::Master;
require 5.005; # let's be reasonable now ;)(cause File* and Pod* are)
use Config;
use File::Path qw( mkpath );
use File::Spec::Functions qw( canonpath abs2rel splitpath splitdir cat
+dir );
use Pod::Html qw( 1.04 );
use Pod::Find qw( pod_find );
# now it's my problem
use strict;
BEGIN{eval q{use warnings};} # where available only (i wan't em)
use vars qw(
$ScriptDir $PrivLib $SiteLib $InstallPrefix $InstallHtmlDir
$VERSION = 0.014;
@ISA = qw( Exporter );
@EXPORT = qw( Update );
$ScriptDir = canonpath $Config{scriptdir}; # must be canonical!!!!
$PrivLib = canonpath $Config{privlib};
$SiteLib = canonpath $Config{sitelib};
$InstallPrefix = canonpath $Config{installprefix};
$InstallHtmlDir = canonpath $Config{installhtmldir};
=head1 Methods
Most of these return C<$self> if they're not supposed to return anyth
=head2 C<new>
The constructor (a class method).
Takes an optional hashref of C<$options>, which are:
=over 4
=item boiler
I<See L<Header|"Header">>.
=item outdir
A path (which must exist) where
will reside.
=item overwrite
A boolean. Default is 0. It's the default argument to L<"UpdatePOD">.
=item verbose
A boolean. If true, prints out messages (it's all or none).
=item path
An array reference of additional directories to search for pod files.
C<perl -V:privlib -V:sitelib -V:scriptdir> are in there by default.
=item pod2html
A hashref, with options to pass to L<Pod::Html|Pod::Html>.
Only the following L<Pod::Html|Pod::Html> options are allowed
(the rest are either automagically generated or not available):
$self->{pod2html}{flush} # valid only on 1st run only
# good idea after uninstalling
B<BEWARE> the css option.
Any filename you pass to css should reside in $self->{outdir},
otherwise the css link won't be generated correctly.
It has to be a relative link, meaning you can't do
my $pM = new Pod::Master({
pod2html {
css => 'F:/foo/bar.css',
outdir => 'G:/baz',
and expect it to work.
sub new {
my( $class, $options ) = @_;
my $self = ref $options eq 'HASH' ? $options : {};
$self->{boiler} ||= 0;
$self->{verbose} ||= 0;
$self->{overwrite} ||= 0;
$self->{outdir} ||= $InstallHtmlDir || catdir($InstallPrefix,"h
$self->{outdir} = canonpath $self->{outdir};
$self->{pod2html} ||= {
css => 'podmaster.css',
backlink => '__top',
quiet => 1,
verbose => 0,
header =>1,
flush =>0,
$self->{path} = [
grep{'.' ne $_ }
$PrivLib, $SiteLib, $ScriptDir,
exists $self->{path} ? @{$self->{path}} : ()
return bless $self, $class;
=head2 C<Update>
The only exported function.
Takes a single optional argument, which it passes to L<new|"new">.
Unless invoked as a method, creates a new Pod::Master object.
Subsequently invokes L<"UpdatePOD"> and L<"UpdateTOC">.
If you have ActivePerl::DocTools, you may wish to invoke it as
sub Update {
my( $self ) = @_;
$self = __PACKAGE__->new($self)
if not defined $self
or not UNIVERSAL::isa($self,__PACKAGE__);
return $self;
=head2 C<UpdatePOD>
Runs pod2html for every pod file found whose .html
equivalent is missing, or outdated (modify time).
Takes a single optional argument, a true value (1),
which forces pod2html to be run on all pod files.
Default agrument is taken from C<$$self{overwrite}>
sub UpdatePOD {
my($self, $overwrite ) = @_;
$overwrite = $self->{overwrite} unless defined $overwrite;
$self->_FindEmPods() unless exists $self->{Modules};
chdir $InstallPrefix or die "can't chdir to $InstallPrefix $!";
print "chdir'ed to $InstallPrefix\n" if $self->{verbose};
my $libPods = 'perlfunc:perlguts:perlvar:perlrun:perlopt:perlapi:p
my $BackLink = $self->{pod2html}{backlink};
my $css = $self->{pod2html}{css} || "podmaster.css";
my $p2quiet = $self->{pod2html}{quiet};
my $p2header = $self->{pod2html}{header};
my $p2verbose = $self->{pod2html}{verbose};
my $p2flush = $self->{pod2html}{flush};
$self->{pod2html}{flush}=0 if $self->{pod2html}{flush};
my $PodPath = join ':',
print "podpath = $PodPath\n" if $self->{verbose};
my $OutDir = $self->{outdir};
for my $What (qw( PerlDoc Pragmas Scripts Modules )) {
print "processing $What \n" if $self->{verbose};
while( my( $name, $InFile ) = each %{$self->{$What}}) {
# my $RelPath = abs2rel( catdir( (splitpath$InFile)[1,2] ),
+ $InstallPrefix );
my $RelPath = $self->_RelPath( $InFile, $InstallPrefix );
my $HtmlRoot = catdir map { $_ ? '..' : $_ } splitdir((spl
my $OutFile = catdir $OutDir, $RelPath;
$OutFile =~ s{\.([^\.]+)$}{.html};
my $HtmlDir = catdir( ( splitpath($OutFile) )[0,1] );
my @args = (
"--css=".catdir($HtmlRoot, $css),
$p2header ? "--header" : (),
$BackLink ? "--backlink=$BackLink" : (),
( $p2quiet ? "--quiet" : () ),
( $p2verbose ? "--verbose" : () ),
( $p2flush ? "--flush" : () ),
$p2flush = 0 if $p2flush; # first run only
if( $overwrite ) {
print "forced overwrite" if $self->{verbose};
$self->pod2html( @args );
print "out of sync" if $self->{verbose};
$self->pod2html( @args );
return $self;
=begin ForInternalUseOnly =head1 C<_AmIOlderThanYou>
Takes 2 filenames ( C<$in,$out>). Returns 1 if $in is older than $out,
or $in doesn't exist. Returns 0 otherwise.
=end ForInternalUseOnly
sub _AmIOlderThanYou {
my($self, $in, $out ) = @_;
return 1 if not -e $in or (stat $in)[9] > (stat $out)[9] ;
return 0;
=head2 C<UpdateTOC>
Refreshes the MasterTOC (podmaster.toc.html).
Takes 1 argument, C<$ret>, a boolean, and if it's true,
returns the MasterTOC as string.
Re-Creates podmaster.frame.html and podmaster.css if they're missing,
but only if C<$ret> is false.
The standard css is contained in C<$MasterCSS>,
and it is printed if C<$$self{css}> isn't defined.
C<$self->_Frame> contains the frameset to be printed.
sub UpdateTOC {
# eval q[use ActivePerl::DocTools::TOC::HTML::Podmaster; ActivePerl
+::DocTools::TOC::HTML::Podmaster::WriteTOC() ];
my($self, $ret ) = @_;
$ret ||=0;
$self->_FindEmPods() unless exists $self->{Modules};
my $OutDir = $self->{outdir};
chdir $OutDir or die "can't chdir to $OutDir $!";
print "chdir'ed to $OutDir\n" if $self->{verbose};
my $MasterTOC = 'podmaster.toc.html';
my $MasterFrame = 'podmaster.frame.html';
open(OUT,">$MasterTOC") or die "Couldn't clobber $MasterTOC $!
print "outputting html to $MasterTOC\n" if $self->{verbose};
print OUT $self->_TOC();
close OUT;
print "done\n" if $self->{verbose};
return $self->_TOC();
my $MasterCss = $self->{pod2html}{css};
if(not -e $MasterCss and $MasterCss =~ /podmaster\.css/){
$MasterCss = catdir $OutDir, $MasterCss;
open(OUT,">$MasterCss") or die "Couldn't refresh $MasterCss $!
print "Refreshing $MasterCss " if $self->{verbose};
print OUT $MasterCSS; ## Oouh, case sensitivity ;^)
open(OUT,">$MasterFrame") or die "Couldn't refresh $MasterFrame $!
print "Refreshing $MasterFrame " if $self->{verbose};
print OUT $self->_Frame($MasterTOC);
return ($self);
sub _TOC {
my( $self ) = @_;
return join '',
=head2 C<MiniTOC>
Like C<UpdateTOC> except it writes to C<podmaster.minitoc.html>.
sub MiniTOC {
my( $self ) = @_;
my $OutDir = $self->{outdir};
$self->_FindEmPods() unless exists $self->{Modules};
chdir $OutDir or die " can't chdir to $OutDir $!";
open(OUT,">podmaster.minitoc.html") or die "oops podmaster.minitoc
+.html $!";
print OUT $self->Header();
print OUT q[
<div class="likepre">
<form method=get action="http://search.cpan.org/search" name=f>
<input type="text" name="query" value="" size=36 >
<input type="submit" value="CPAN Search"> in
<select name="mode"><option value="all">All</option>
<option value="module" >Modules</option>
<option value="dist" >Distributions</option>
<option value="author" >Authors</option>
<a TARGET="_self" href="podmaster.perldoc.html">Perl Core Document
<a TARGET="_self" href="podmaster.pragmas.html">Pragmas</a><br>
<a TARGET="_self" href="podmaster.scripts.html">Perl Programs</a><
<a TARGET="_self" href="podmaster.modules.html">Installed Modules<
go to <a target=_self href='podmaster.toc.html'>toc</a>(the big one)
print OUT $self->Footer();
close OUT;
open(OUT,'>podmaster.miniframe.html') or die "oops podmaster.minif
+rame.html $!";
print OUT $self->_Frame('podmaster.minitoc.html');
close OUT;
my $MasterCss = $self->{pod2html}{css};
$MasterCss = catdir $OutDir, $MasterCss;
if(not -e $MasterCss and $MasterCss eq 'podmaster.css'){
open(OUT,">$MasterCss") or die "Couldn't refresh $MasterCss $!
print "Refreshing $MasterCss " if $self->{verbose};
print OUT $MasterCSS; ## Oouh, case sensitivity ;^)
for my $f (qw( PerlDoc Pragmas Scripts Modules ) ) {
open(OUT,">podmaster.\L$f.html") or die "oops podmaster.\L$_.h
+tml $!";
print OUT $self->Header();
print OUT "back to <a TARGET=_self href='podmaster.minitoc.htm
+l'>minitoc</a> <br>";
print OUT $self->$f();
print OUT $self->Footer();
close OUT;
return $self;
=begin ForInternalUseOnly =head1 C<_FindEmPods>
Invokes C<Pod::Find::pod_find()> and stores the results as
$self->{PerlDoc} = \%Perldoc;
$self->{Pragmas} = \%Pragmas;
$self->{Modules} = \%Modules;
$self->{Scripts} = \%Scripts;
=end ForInternalUseOnly
sub _FindEmPods {
my( $self ) = @_;
my( %Perldoc, %Pragmas, %Scripts, %Modules);
my @BINC = map { canonpath($_) } @{$self->{path}}; # Must be canon
print "BINC= @BINC \n" if $self->{verbose};
my @PodList = pod_find( {
-verbose => 0,
-perl => 0,
-inc => 0, # both -inc and -script automatically turn on
-script =>0,# this is NOT ****ING DOCUMENTED and cost me a
}, # must complain to perl5porters to document o
+r remove
for( my $ix = 0; $ix < $#PodList; $ix+=2 ) {
my( $filename, $modulename ) = @PodList[$ix,$ix+1];
$filename = canonpath( $filename );
print "$filename\n" if $self->{verbose};
# perl pragmas are named all lowercase
# and as of Mon Nov 4 2002, no pragma has a matching .pod file
# Characters such as the following are not pragmas:
# cgi_to_mod_perl
# lwpcook
# mod_perl
# mod_perl_cvs
# mod_perl_method_handlers
# mod_perl_traps
# mod_perl_tuning
# perlfilter
if( $modulename =~ /^[Pp]od::(perl[a-z\d]*)/ ) {
$Perldoc{$1} = $filename;
}elsif( $filename =~ /^\Q$ScriptDir/i) {
$Scripts{$modulename} = $filename;
}elsif($modulename =~ /^([a-z:\d]+)$/
and ( substr($filename,-4) ne '.pod'
or $1 eq 'perllocal'
$Pragmas{$1} = $filename;
$Modules{$modulename} = $filename;
$self->{PerlDoc} = \%Perldoc;
$self->{Pragmas} = \%Pragmas;
$self->{Modules} = \%Modules;
$self->{Scripts} = \%Scripts;
return $self;
=begin ForInternalUseOnly =head1 C<_RelPath>
Takes 2 absolute paths ( C<$file,$base>).
Returns a absolutely relative path from C<$base> to C<$file>
=end ForInternalUseOnly
sub _RelPath {
goto &_RelPathForNewerFileSpec if File::Spec->VERSION >= 0.84;
goto &_RelPathForOlderFileSpec ;
sub _RelPathForNewerFileSpec {
my($self, $file, $base ) = @_;
return abs2rel($file,$base);
sub _RelPathForOlderFileSpec {
my($self, $file, $base ) = @_;
return abs2rel(
catdir( (splitpath $file )[1,2] ),
# idea care of ActivePerl::DocTools::TOC
# this crap be maintained manually (i'll fix this);
use vars qw( @PodOrdering );
@PodOrdering = qw(
perl perlintro perlfaq perltoc perlbook
perlsyn perldata perlop perlsub perlfunc perlreftut perlds
perlrequick perlpod perlpodspec perlstyle perltrap
perlrun perldiag perllexwarn perldebtut perldebug
perlvar perllol perlopentut perlretut perlpacktut
perlre perlref
perlboot perltoot perltootc perlobj perlbot perltie
perlipc perlfork perlnumber perlthrtut perlothrtut
perlport perllocale perluniintro perlunicode perlebcdic
perlmod perlmodlib perlmodinstall perlmodstyle perlnewmod
perlfaq1 perlfaq2 perlfaq3 perlfaq4 perlfaq5
perlfaq6 perlfaq7 perlfaq8 perlfaq9
perlembed perldebguts perlxstut perlxs perlclib
perlguts perlcall perlutil perlfilter
perldbmfilter perlapi perlintern perlapio perliol
perltodo perlhack
perlhist perldelta
perl572delta perl571delta perl570delta perl561delta
perl56delta perl5005delta perl5004delta
perlapollo perlaix perlamiga perlbeos perlbs2000
perlce perlcygwin perldos perlepoc perlfreebsd
perlhpux perlhurd perlirix perlmachten perlmacos
perlmint perlmpeix perlnetware perlplan9 perlos2
perlos390 perlqnx perlsolaris perltru64 perluts
perlvmesa perlvms perlvos perlwin32
=head1 Subclassing
If you wish to change the way the MasterTOC looks,
subclass C<Pod::Master> and override the following methods.
=head3 C<Header>
B<Returns> a header ( in this case html).
Takes 1 argument, which defaults to L<C<$$self{boiler}>|"new">.
If it's true, and you are using ActivePerl
( C<$Config{cf_by} eq 'ActiveState'> ),
then the standard boiler from the ActivePerl documentation
will be printed as well (links to the ActivePerl FAQ and stuff).
This is all asuming you have C<ActivePerl::DocTools> installed.
sub Header {
my( $self, $boiler) = @_;
$boiler ||= $self->{boiler};
my $ret = q[
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<title>Perl User Guide - Table of Contents (according to Pod::Master)<
<link rel="STYLESHEET" href="podmaster.css" type="text/css">
<h1>Table of Contents</h1>
<base target="PerlDoc">
$ret.= "<!-- generated ".scalar(gmtime())." by Pod::Master -->\n";
if( $boiler
$Config{cf_by} eq 'ActiveState'
and eval q{require ActivePerl::DocTools::TOC::HTML} ){
$ret.= ActivePerl::DocTools::TOC::HTML->boiler_links()."</div>
return $ret;
=head3 C<PerlDoc>
B<Returns> the "Perl Core Documentation" part of the toc.
Uses C<@Pod::Master::PodOrdering> to do the neato topicalization
of the core pod (inspired by ActivePerl::DocTools).
Accounts for all the Pod::perl files released up to perl-5.8.0.
sub PerlDoc {
my $self = shift;
my $OutDir = $self->{outdir};
$self->_FindEmPods() unless exists $self->{PerlDoc};
my %PerlDoc = %{$self->{PerlDoc}};
my $ret = "<h4>Perl Core Documentation</h4>";
for my $item(@PodOrdering) {
if($item eq "__") {
$ret .= "<br>";
}elsif( exists $PerlDoc{$item} ) {
my $OutFile = $self->_RelPath($PerlDoc{$item}, $InstallPre
+fix );
delete $PerlDoc{$item};
$OutFile =~ s{\.([^\.]+)$}{.html};
$OutFile =~ y[\\][/];
$ret .= qq[<A href="$OutFile">$item</a><br>];
$ret .= "<br>"; # In case we have unknown docs, but we shouldn't
for my $item(keys %PerlDoc) {
my $OutFile = $self->_RelPath($PerlDoc{$item}, $InstallPrefix
delete $PerlDoc{$item};
$OutFile =~ s{\.([^\.]+)$}{.html};
$OutFile =~ y[\\][/];
$ret .= qq[<A href="$OutFile">$item</a><br>];
return $ret;
=head3 C<Scripts>
B<Returns> the "Perl Programs" part of the toc.
sub Scripts {
my $self = shift;
my $OutDir = $self->{outdir};
$self->_FindEmPods() unless exists $self->{Scripts};
my $ret = "<h4>Perl Programs</h4>";
for my $item(sort{lc($a)cmp lc($b)}keys %{$self->{Scripts}}) {
my $OutFile = $self->_RelPath( $self->{Scripts}->{$item}, $Ins
$OutFile =~ s{\.([^\.]+)$}{.html};
$OutFile =~ y[\\][/]; # fsck MOZILLA HAS ISSUES WITH THIS (MOR
$ret .= qq[<A href="$OutFile">$item</a><br>];
return $ret;
=head3 C<Pragmas>
B<Returns> the "Pragmas" part of the toc.
sub Pragmas {
my $self = shift;
my $OutDir = $self->{outdir};
my $ret = "<h4>Pragmas</h4>";
for my $item(sort{lc($a)cmp lc($b)}keys %{$self->{Pragmas}}) {
my $OutFile = $self->_RelPath( $self->{Pragmas}->{$item}, $Ins
$OutFile =~ s{\.([^\.]+)$}{.html};
$OutFile =~ y[\\][/];
$ret .= qq[<A href="$OutFile">$item</a><br>];
return $ret;
sub pod2html {
my($self, @args ) = @_;
print join"\n","\n",@args,"\n" if $self->{verbose};
=head3 C<Modules>
B<Returns> the I<oh-so-pretty> "Installed Modules" part of the toc,
that looks something like
(note the links won't work, and you'll need a css capable browser):
=begin html
<blockquote> <!-- blockquote not really here -->
<style type="text/css">
.blend {
color: #FFFFFF;
text-decoration: underline;
<h4>Installed Modules</h4>
<A href="site/lib/Apache.html">Apache</a><br>
<span class="blend">Apache</span><a href="site/lib/Apache/AuthDB
<span class="blend">Apache</span><a href="site/lib/Apache/Build.
<span class="blend">Apache</span><a href="site/lib/Apache/Consta
<span class="blend">Apache</span><a href="site/lib/Apache/CVS.ht
<A href="site/lib/Bundle/Apache.html">Bundle::Apache</a><br>
<span class="blend">Bundle</span><a href="site/lib/Bundle/Apache
+Test.html">::ApacheTest</a><br> <A href="site/lib/Bundle/DBD/mys
<span class="blend">Bundle</span><a href="site/lib/Bundle/DBI.ht
<span class="blend">Bundle</span><a href="site/lib/Bundle/LWP.ht
<span class="blend">DBD</span><a href="site/lib/DBD/Proxy.html">
+::Proxy</a><br> <A href="site/lib/DBI.html">DBI</a><br>
<span class="blend">DBI</span><a href="site/lib/DBI/Changes.html
<A href="site/lib/DBI/Const/GetInfo/ANSI.html">DBI::Const::GetIn
<span class="blend">DBI::Const::GetInfo</span><a href="site/lib/
<A href="site/lib/DBI/Const/GetInfoReturn.html">DBI::Const::GetI
<span class="blend">DBI::Const</span><a href="site/lib/DBI/Const
<span class="blend">DBI</span><a href="site/lib/DBI/DBD.html">::
<span class="blend">DBI</span><a href="site/lib/DBI/FAQ.html">::
=end html
In the above example,
you can now search for 'Bundle::DBI' and find it.
You can also search for 'E<32>DBI' (note the space prefix) and find it
If you only search for 'DBI', you'll find
'Apache::AuthDBI' followed by
'Bundle::DBI' until you get to DBI.
Don't you just love Pod::Master ?
sub Modules {
my $self = shift;
my $ret = "<h4>Installed Modules</h4>";
my %seen = ();
$self->_FindEmPods() unless exists $self->{Modules};
my %Modules = %{$self->{Modules}};
for my $key(keys %Modules) {
my @chunks = split /::/, $key;
my $chunk = shift@chunks;
$chunk.= '::'.shift @chunks;
for my $key(keys %seen) {
unless(exists $Modules{$key} ) {
$Modules{$key} = undef;
# printf("%-70.70s = %-5.5s\n",$_,$Modules{$_}) for(sort{lc($a)cmp
+lc($b)} keys %Modules);die;
my($oldLetter, $newLetter ) = ('a','a');
my($oldD,$newD) = (0,0);
for my $modulename(sort{lc($a)cmp lc($b)}keys %seen) {
my $OutFile = $self->_RelPath( $Modules{$modulename}, $Install
$OutFile =~ s{\.([^\.]+)$}{.html};
$OutFile =~ y[\\][/];
$oldLetter = $newLetter;
$newLetter = lc substr $modulename, 0, 1;
if($oldLetter ne $newLetter ) {
$ret.=qq[\n <hr>\n];
=for NoUse
$oldD = $newD;
$newD = () = $modulename =~ /::/g;
$ret.=' <br>' if $newD == 0 and 0 != $oldD;
if( not defined $Modules{$modulename}) {
if( $modulename =~ /^(.*?)::([^:]+)$/ ) {
$ret .= qq[
<span class="blend">$1</span>::$2<br>
} else {
$ret .= qq[
}elsif( $modulename =~ /^(.*?)::([^:]+)$/ ) {
$ret .= qq[
<span class="blend">$1</span><a href="$OutFile">::$2</a><br>
} else {
$ret .= qq[
<A href="$OutFile">$modulename</a><br>
return $ret;
sub ModulesOriginal {
my $self = shift;
my $ret = "<h4>Installed Modules</h4>";
my %seen = ();
for my $modulename(sort{lc($a)cmp lc($b)}keys %{$self->{Modules}})
+ {
my $OutFile = $self->_RelPath( $self->{Modules}->{$modulename}
+, $InstallPrefix);
$OutFile =~ s{\.([^\.]+)$}{.html};
$OutFile =~ y[\\][/];
if( $modulename =~ /^(.*?)::([^:]+)$/ and $seen{$1}) { # $modu
+lename =~ /::/ and
$ret .= qq[
<span class="blend">$1</span><a href="$OutFile">::$2</a><br>
} else {
$seen{$1}++ if $1; # wasn't seen, so we sees it now
$ret .= qq[
<A href="$OutFile">$modulename</a><br>
$seen{$modulename}++; # of course we gots to see the module
return $ret;
=head3 C<Footer>
B<Returns> a footer ( in this case, closing body and html tags )
sub Footer {q[
=head1 BUGS
C<Pod::Find> version 0.22 is buggy.
It will not find files in C<perl -V:scriptdir>.
I've sent in a patch, but maybe I ought to distribute a copy.
If you run L<Pod::Checker|Pod::Checker> on this document,
you may get a few warnings like:
*** WARNING: line containing nothing but whitespace
The L<SYNOPSIS|"SYNOPSIS"> generates these, but don't it look pretty
(I think a single code block is better than 3, for a single example).
=head1 AUTHOR
D.H. <podmaster@cpan.org>
=head1 LICENSE
copyright (c) D.H. 2002
All rights reserved.
This program is released under the same terms as perl itself.
If you don't know what that means, visit http://perl.com
or execute C<perl -v> at a commandline (assuming you have perl install
$MasterCSS = <<'MASTERCSS';
/* for the MasterTOC modules list */
.blend {
color: #FFFFFF;
text-decoration: underline;
/* standard elements */
body {
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sub _Frame {
my($self, $toc ) = @_;
$toc ||= 'podmaster.toc.html';
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+ $InstallPrefix );
$Initial = $self->_RelPath( $Initial, $InstallPrefix );
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$Initial =~ y[\\][/];
return qq[
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1; # just in case i screwed up