Dear Monks,
I have a tab-delimited table that I want to sort (descending) its records based on the entries in two columns (score and value), an excerpt of this table is provided below. The scenario is that if two consecutive records have an equal reading for the value then we resort to sorting these based on which score reading is higher. I thought it will be easy, but I tried everything from simple sorting to indexed looping to a Schwartzian transform and apparently I am not sure I am implementing anything right after all hence I seek more enlightenment from you. My data structure is an array of arrays.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper
my $header = <DATA>; #capture the header line
my @headers = split(/\t+/,$header);
while(my $line = <DATA>){
my @records = split(/\t+/,$line);
# print "@records";
push @recordsArray,@records;
#I lost control
#my @sorted_array = map{$_->[0]} sort{$a->[1] <=> $b->[1]} map{[$_, sp
+lit /\t+/]} @recordsArray;
#the only little bit of the above line which is operational
my @sorted_array = map{split(/\t/, $_)} @recordsArray;
print join("\t", @headers);
print join("\t",@sorted_array);
#print Dumper(\@recordsArray);
ID distance score value start stop done remaining
N_425 614 17.01 425 40 12 308 322
N_542 1290 18.74 542 53 15 237 251
N_372 870 15.66 372 80 15 262 276
N_236 814 15.65 236 69 13 185 200
After sorting the table will look like the following:
ID distance score value start stop done remaining
N_542 1290 18.74 542 53 15 237 251
N_372 870 15.66 372 80 15 262 276
N_236 814 15.65 236 69 13 185 200
N_425 614 17.01 425 40 12 308 322