Well, I've been The Orb for ages. I wanted to reinvent
myself, since the myself I had been using started becomming
a looser wasting all of his time downloading things over a
2400 baud modem from local BBSes.
I wanted a name that signified some sort of mysterious
power. Hell, I couldn't have been more then 12. So thus, The Orb
it was. Since I'm lazy, it was theorb. But then, I lost the
password of The Orb on somethingoranother. I think it might
have been Yahoo!, and I needed an email account, and refused
to use hotmail. Anyway, thus, I became theorbtwo. Since,
I've found a number of places where theorb is a haX0R d00d.
(BTW, I have a theorb2 account on the NYT web site, and I
think I got that during HS, so that puts the two in theorbtwo
sometime after '96.)