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TheOrbTwo's Name Space

by theorbtwo (Prior)
on Oct 07, 2001 at 11:57 UTC ( [id://117292]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Name Space

Well, I've been The Orb for ages. I wanted to reinvent myself, since the myself I had been using started becomming a looser wasting all of his time downloading things over a 2400 baud modem from local BBSes.

I wanted a name that signified some sort of mysterious power. Hell, I couldn't have been more then 12. So thus, The Orb it was. Since I'm lazy, it was theorb. But then, I lost the password of The Orb on somethingoranother. I think it might have been Yahoo!, and I needed an email account, and refused to use hotmail. Anyway, thus, I became theorbtwo. Since, I've found a number of places where theorb is a haX0R d00d. (BTW, I have a theorb2 account on the NYT web site, and I think I got that during HS, so that puts the two in theorbtwo sometime after '96.)

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Re: TheOrbTwo's Name Space
by George_Sherston (Vicar) on Oct 09, 2001 at 12:05 UTC
    Funny how names carry associations. Having read this I shall now not see theorbtwo without thinking of Palantirs (yes, I can't really claim to be a geek but I do like the Lord of the Rings). But in the past whenever I've seen Theorbtwo in the CB or wherever, I've always thought of a theorbo, which is an early stringed instrument like a large lute. Now, this tells you more about me than about The Orb... but it might add a new layer of significance to an already multi-layered name. So here's some information about theorboes.

    § George Sherston

      My guess seeing the name, and especially seeing it spelled out as The Orb, was a possible reference to the Orb that circles the head of the Emperor of Dragaera.

        Mmmmm...     Brust!

                        - tye (impatiently waiting for the Sethra book and the next Vlad...)

Re: TheOrbTwo's Name Space
by zby (Vicar) on Apr 17, 2003 at 10:51 UTC
    I thought it was from Theo Rob Two.

      No, no. It is clearly short for THEOlogical RoBoT World Order (which is headed by Theodore Robert Wo).

                      - tye

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