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Win32::GUI Chatterbox client

by Shendal (Hermit)
on Jun 16, 2000 at 18:59 UTC ( [id://18472]=sourcecode: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Category: Chatterbox Clients
Author/Contact Info Shendal
Description: NT GUI Chatterbox client that makes use of Win32::GUI and zzamboni's PerlMonksChat.

Notable features:
- Native Windows look and feel
- GUI username/password changing
- Supports userlist and xp (including progress bar)
- Supports colorization of text
- Supports checkoff of private messages
- GUI no longer locks up on updates by using a separate server process
- hitting return/tab now sends information or moves to next field
#!/usr/local/perl/bin/perl -- # -*-Perl-*-
# NOTE: I always use -w, but I'm not here because there's a bug 
#       in Win32::GUI which constantly spits out warnings.  It's
#       annoying, so I'm not using -w.  Get over it.
# monkchat
# Shendal, June 2000
# Special thanks to zzamboni who created
# Very special thanks to vroom for creating
# Oh, and Larry Wall's okay in my book for making perl
# Notes:
#  - When I output to the chatterbox window, the script needs
#    to append the output to the end of the buffer.  Currently,
#    Win32::GUI doesn't have a nice way to do this.  Instead,
#    I have to select the end of the buffer and then do a 
#    ReplaceSel.  It's kludgy, but it works.
# To-do:
#  - userlist could be double-clickable to get info
#    on selected user (by launching a browser?)
# Version history:
# 1.0 6/21/00
#  - Added File->About to show version information
#  - Chatterbox now automatically scrolls on every insert!  *phew*
# 0.9.4 6/20/00
#  - Hitting return now sends whatever is in the input box. I simply
#    changed the Win32::Window to Win32::DialogBox and it worked.
#    Go figure.
#  - Tabbing around the userinfo/password box now works as well.
# 0.9.3 6/20/00
#  - Spawn new process to alleviate gui locking during updates
# 0.9.2 6/16/00
#  - XP progress bar is more accurate: now reports % of way
#    from current level to next
# 0.9.1 6/16/00
#  - fixed private message formatting
#  - text now inserted at bottom of buffer
#  - added /checkoff, /co for checking off private messages
#  - added /msgs to re-print unchecked private messages
#  - sent private messages now appear in chatterbox buffer
#  - added color
# 0.9 6/15/00
#  - initial release
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use Win32::GUI;
use IPC::Open2;
use Symbol;
use PerlMonksChat;

# Process command-line options
use vars '$opt_server'; # launch in server mode
use vars '$opt_close';  # close dos parent window
use vars '$opt_debug';  # debug
&GetOptions("server","close","debug") or die "Bad options!";

# Since we're communicating line by line, we want everything unbuffere
select STDERR; $|=1;
select STDOUT; $|=1;

# Version info
my($version)     = '1.0';
my($status_idle) = "monkchat version $version is idle";

# Polling itervals (in millisecs)
# set to 0 to disable
my($interval_chat)     = 15000;  # 15 secs
my($interval_xp)       = 30000;  # 30 secs
my($interval_userlist) = 30000;  # 30 secs

# refreshes all caches at the expense of occasional gui locks
# not really needed, unless you REALLY want to be up to date
my($interval_caches)   = 0;

# Colors
my($text_default)  = 0x010101; # black
my($text_private)  = 0x880088; # purple
my($text_username) = 0xFF0000; # blue
my($text_message)  = 0x888800; # aqua
my($text_error)    = 0x0000FF; # red

# perlmonk levels
# the xp xml ticker doesn't return this, so we'll have to hard code it
my(%perlmonk_levels) = (1 => 0,
            2 => 20,
            3 => 50,
            4 => 100,
            5 => 200,
            6 => 500,
            7 => 1000,
            8 => 1600,
            9 => 2300,
            10 => 3000);

# This is the beast that drives everything
my($p); # perlmonkschat object

# user information

# Server Objects
my($serverProcess); # server process object
my($toServer)   = gensym(); # send data glob to server
my($fromServer) = gensym(); # read data glob from server

# GUI Objects
my($Window);        # The over-all window object
my($Chatfield);     # object that displays all the chat text
my($Userlist);      # userlist listbox
my($UserlistLabel); # displays number of users logged in
my($Inputfield);    # object that allows the user to type their own me
my($SayButton);     # send text button
my($Progress);      # progress bar intended to show xp & next level
my($XPLabel);       # displays XP information on the screen
my($Status);        # well, a status bar
my($userinfo_w);    # userinformation window
my($menu);          # Globally declare menu since it affects some user
                    # Thanks to httptech for this one

if ($opt_server) {
    # launch as server process
} else {
    # launch as client process
    # Hide the DOS window that created me, if you want to
    # Warning: This can create a 'zombie' process
    &closeDOSParent if ($opt_close);

# initServer
# Initialize the server process
sub initServer {
    $Status->Text("Initializing server process...");
    my($flags) = '-s';
    $flags .= ' -d' if ($opt_debug);
    $serverProcess = open2($fromServer,$toServer,"$^X","$0","$flags");
    while (<$fromServer>) {
    if (/server started/) {
        printMessage("Server process started successfully ($serverProc
    } else {
        printMessage("Failed to start server process.");
    select $toServer; $|=1; select STDOUT;

# initChat
# Initialize the chat process
sub initChat {
    $Status->Text("Initializing client...");
    $Window->AddTimer("updChatterbox",$interval_chat)   if ($interval_
    $Window->AddTimer("updXP",$interval_xp)             if ($interval_
    $Window->AddTimer("updUserlist",$interval_userlist) if ($interval_
    $Window->AddTimer("refreshCaches",$interval_caches) if ($interval_
    &updChatterbox_Click; # seed the chatterbox
    &updXP_Click;         # seed the XP info
    &updUserlist_Click;   # seed the Userlist area

# runServer
# Run as server
sub runServer {
    select STDERR; $|=1; select STDOUT; $|=1;
    # server-only objects
    my(@chat_cache,%xp_cache,%userlist_cache,@msgs_cache); # caches

    # init perlmonks chat object
    $p = PerlMonksChat->new();
    $p->login($user,$passwd) if $user;

    # Seed caches

    # print advisory information so the gui can continue loading
    print "server started\n";

    while (<STDIN>) {
    print STDERR "SERVER: received \"$_\"\n" if ($opt_debug);
    if (/chat/) {
        foreach (@chat_cache) { print "$_\n"; }
        print "MeSsAgE_eNd\n";
        @chat_cache = (); # flush cache
    } elsif (/xp/) {
        foreach ('level','xp','xp2nextlevel','votesleft') { print "$xp
+_cache{$_}\n"; }
        print "MeSsAgE_eNd\n";
    } elsif (/userlist/) {
        foreach (sort keys(%userlist_cache)) { print "$_\n"; }
        print "MeSsAgE_eNd\n";
    } elsif (/msgs/) {
        my(%msgs) = $p->personal_messages;
        foreach (sort keys(%msgs)) { print "$msgs{$_}\n"; }
        print "MeSsAgE_eNd\n";
    } elsif (/^upd/) {
        &updChatCache     if (/updChatCache/);
        &updXPCache       if (/updXPCache/);
        &updUserlistCache if (/updUserlistCache/);
    } elsif (/^refreshCaches/) {
    } elsif (s/^SEND://) {
        print STDERR "SERVER: Sending \"$_\"\n" if ($opt_debug);
    } elsif (/^CO:(.+)$/) {
        my(@ids) = split /,/,$1;
        my(%msgs) = $p->personal_messages;
        $p->checkoff(map { (sort keys %msgs)[$_-1] } @ids);
    } elsif (/^LOGIN (\S+) (\S+)$/) {
    } else {
        print STDERR "Un-oh -- shouldn't ever get here: $_\n";
    print STDERR "server exited abnormally\n";

    sub updChatCache     { foreach ($p->getnewlines(1)) { push @chat_c
+ache, $_;  }  }
    sub updXPCache       { %xp_cache       = $p->xp;                }
    sub updUserlistCache { %userlist_cache = $p->users;             }
    sub refreshCaches {

# getFromServer
# Interface for client to get information from server
sub getFromServer {
    my($what) = shift;
    my(@result) = ();
    print STDERR "CLIENT: requesting $what\n" if ($opt_debug);
    print $toServer "$what\n";
    while (<$fromServer>) {
    last if (/MeSsAgE_eNd/);
    push @result, $_;
    print STDERR "CLIENT: received @result\n" if ($opt_debug);
    return @result;

# initWindow
# Initialize the GUI window
sub initWindow {
    $menu = Win32::GUI::MakeMenu (
        "&File" => "File",
          ">  &About" => "About",
          ">  E&xit"  => "Exit",
    "&Update" => "Update",
          ">  Force update on &chatterbox"  => "updChatterbox",
          ">  Force update on &XP"          => "updXP",
          ">  Force update on &userlist"    => "updUserlist",
          ">  -"                            => 0,
          ">  Change username and password" => "updUsername",
    $Window = new Win32::GUI::DialogBox(
    -title  => "Perlmonks Chat",
    -left   => 100,
    -top    => 100,
    -width  => 600,
    -height => 400,
    -name   => "Window",
    -menu   => $menu,
    $Chatfield = $Window->AddRichEdit(
    -name     => "Chatfield",
    -left     => 5,
    -top      => 5,
    -text     => "",
    -width    => $Window->ScaleWidth-105,
    -height   => $Window->ScaleHeight-70,
    -readonly => 1,
    -exstyle  => WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE,
    $Userlist = $Window->AddListbox(
        -name     => "Userlist",
        -text     => "Userlist",
        -left     => $Window->ScaleWidth-100,
        -top      => 5,
        -width    => 95,
        -height   => $Window->ScaleHeight-65,
        -multisel => 0,
        -sort     => 1,
    $UserlistLabel = $Window->AddLabel(
        -text     => "Getting userlist...",
        -sunken   => 1,
        -name     => "UserlistLabel",
        -left     => $Window->ScaleWidth-100,
        -top      => $Window->ScaleHeight-86,
        -width    => 95,
        -height   => 21,
    $Inputfield = $Window->AddTextfield(
    -name     => "input",
    -left     => 5,
        -top      => $Window->ScaleHeight-60,
    -text     => "",
        -width    => $Window->ScaleWidth-50,
        -height   => 22,
        -foreground => [0,0,0],
        -background => [255,255,255],
    -tabstop  => 1,
    $SayButton = $Window->AddButton(
    -name     => "Say",
        -left     => $Window->ScaleWidth-40,
        -top      => $Window->ScaleHeight-60,
        -width    => 35,
        -height   => 22,
        -text     => "Say",
    -tabstop  => 1,
    -default  => 1,
    -ok       => 1,
    $Progress = $Window->AddProgressBar(
        -name     => "Progress",
        -left     => $Window->ScaleWidth/2,
        -top      => $Window->ScaleHeight-34,
        -width    => ($Window->ScaleWidth/2)-5,
        -height   => 10,
        -smooth   => 1,
    $XPLabel = $Window->AddLabel(
        -text     => "Getting XP info...",
        -sunken   => 1,
        -name     => "XPLabel",
        -left     => $Window->ScaleWidth/2,
        -top      => $Window->ScaleHeight-22,
        -width    => ($Window->ScaleWidth/2)-5,
        -height   => 20,
    $Status = $Window->AddLabel(
        -name     => "Status",
        -text     => "$status_idle",
    -sunken   => 1,
        -left     => 5,
        -top      => $Window->ScaleHeight-22,
        -width    => ($Window->ScaleWidth/2)-10,
        -height   => 20,

# Window_Terminate
# What to do when the user closes the window
sub Window_Terminate { 
    if (kill('KILL',$serverProcess)) {
    print "Successfully shutdown server.\n";
    } else {
    print "An error occurred shutting down server ($serverProcess).\n"
    return -1;

# Timers
# Checks for new message or updates info on timers
sub updChatterbox_Timer { &updChatterbox_Click; print $toServer "updCh
+atCache\n";     }
sub updXP_Timer         { &updXP_Click;         print $toServer "updXP
+Cache\n";       }
sub updUserlist_Timer   { &updUserlist_Click;   print $toServer "updUs
+erlistCache\n"; }
sub refreshCaches_Timer { print $toServer "refreshCaches\n"; }

# Say_Click
# What to do when the user clicks the say button
sub Say_Click {
    $Status->Text("Sending data...");
    my($text) = $Inputfield->Text();
    $text =~ s/\r*\n//g;
    if ($text =~ /^\s*\/msg\s+(\S+)\s*(.+)$/i) {
    print $toServer "SEND:$text\n";
    printMessage("Sent private msg to $1: $2");
    } elsif ($text =~ /^\/?(checkoff|co)\s+/ && (my @ids=($text=~/(\d+
+)/g))) {
    my($list) = join ',',@ids;
    print $toServer "CO:" . join ',',@ids . "\n";
    printMessage("* Checked off private msgs");
    } elsif ($text =~ /^\s*\/msgs\s*$/) {
    my(@msgs) = &getFromServer('msgs');
    printMessage("* No personal messages") unless @msgs;
    my($msg_num) = 1;
    foreach (@msgs) {
        printMessage("($msg_num) $_",$text_private);
    } else {
    print $toServer "SEND:$text\n";

# Exit_Click
# What to do when the user clicks the exit menu option
sub Exit_Click { 
    if (kill('KILL',$serverProcess)) {
    print "Successfully shutdown server.\n";
    } else {
    print "An error occurred shutting down server ($serverProcess).\n"

# About_Click
# What to do when the user clicks the about menu option
sub About_Click {
    my($gui_ver) = $Window->Version();
    printMessage("monkchat version $version");
    printMessage("Win32::GUI version $gui_ver");
    printMessage("by Shendal, copyleft 2000");

# updChatterbox_Click;
# Checks for new chat messages
sub updChatterbox_Click {
    $Status->Text("Checking for new chat messages...");
    my($msg_num) = 1;
    foreach (&getFromServer('chat')) {
    $Chatfield->Select(999999,999999); # See note above on this kludge
    if (s/^\(\d+\)/\($msg_num\)/) { 
    } elsif (s/^<(\S+)>//) {
    } else {

    sub printuser {
    my($user) = shift;

# updXP_Click
# Find user's current XP level and what the next level will be
sub updXP_Click {
    $Status->Text("Checking for new XP information...");
    my($level,$xp,$xp2next,$votesleft) = &getFromServer('xp');
    if ($level =~ /^\s*$/) {
    $XPLabel->Text("Error accessing your XP node");
    } else {
    my($position) = int(( ($xp-$perlmonk_levels{$level}) /
                  ($xp-$perlmonk_levels{$level}+$xp2next)) * 100) ;
    my($XPLabelStr) = "Level: $level, XP: $xp, "
        . "To next: $xp2next ($position%), Votes left: $votesleft";

# updUserlist_Click
# Updates the userlist listbox
sub updUserlist_Click {
    $Status->Text("Checking userlist...");
    my($num_users) = 0;
    foreach (&getFromServer('userlist')) {
    $UserlistLabel->Text("# Users: $num_users");
    printError("Ack!  Noone's logged in!") unless $num_users;

# updUsername_Click
# Updates the username/password cookie
sub updUsername_Click {
    $Status->Text("Updating user information...");
    if (!$userinfo_w) {
    $userinfo_w = new Win32::GUI::DialogBox(
        -title  => "Update user info",
        -left   => 200,
        -top    => 200,
        -width  => 250,
        -height => 150,
        -name   => "userinfo_w",
        -style  => WS_CAPTION,
    $unField = $userinfo_w->AddTextfield(
            -name   => "username",
            -prompt => "Username:",
            -left   => 5,
            -top    => 5,
        -height => 22,
            -width  => 150,
        -tabstop=> 1,
    $pwField = $userinfo_w->AddTextfield(
            -name     => "password",
            -prompt   => "Password:",
            -left     => 5,
            -top      => 32,
            -height   => 22,
            -width    => 150,
            -password => 1,
        -tabstop=> 1,
        $confField = $userinfo_w->AddTextfield(
            -name     => "confirm",
            -prompt   => "Confirm:",
            -left     => 5,
            -top      => 56,
        -height   => 22,
            -width    => 150,
            -password => 1,
        -tabstop=> 1,
        my($cancelButton) = $userinfo_w->AddButton (
            -name     => "Cancel",
            -text     => "Cancel",
            -left     => 5,
            -top      => 83,
            -height   => 30,
            -width    => ($userinfo_w->ScaleWidth/2)-5,
        -tabstop=> 1,
        my($okButton) = $userinfo_w->AddButton (
            -name     => "Ok",
            -text     => "Ok",
            -left     => ($userinfo_w->ScaleWidth/2)+5,
            -top      => 83,
            -height   => 30,
            -width    => ($userinfo_w->ScaleWidth/2)-5,
        -tabstop=> 1,

    sub userinfo_w_Terminate { return -1; }
    sub Cancel_Click { $userinfo_w->Hide; }
    sub Ok_Click { 
    unless ($unField->Text && $pwField->Text && $confField->Text) {
        printError("All fields required. Nothing changed.");
    if ($pwField->Text ne $confField->Text) {
        printError("Password and confirmation did not match. Nothing c
    } else {
        print $toServer 'LOGIN ' . $unField->Text . ' ' . $pwField->Te
+xt . "\n";
        printMessage("Logged in as " . $unField->Text);

# Userlist_DblClick
# What to do when a user double-clicks someone in the user list
sub Userlist_DblClick {
    printMessage("Detected double click in userlist!");
    my($selected) = $Userlist->GetString($Userlist->SelectedItem);
    if ($selected) {
    printMessage("Launch browser to look at user $selected.");

# printMessage and printError
# Prints an error or message to the chatterbox
sub printMessage {
    my($msg) = shift;
    my($color) = shift || $text_message;
    my($omit_return) = shift;
    $msg .= "\n" unless $omit_return;
    $Chatfield->Select(999999,999999); # See hack message above
sub printError {
    my($error) = shift;
    printMessage("ERROR: $error","$text_error")

# setColor
# sets text color for chatterbox
sub setColor {
    my($color) = shift;
    $Chatfield->SetCharFormat(-color => "$color");

# closeDOSParent
# Closes the dos prompt that created this process
sub closeDOSParent {
    my($DOShwnd, $DOShinstance) = Win32::GUI::GetPerlWindow();
    # either close it or hide it, but it's gonna be around when you qu
+it this
    # program!
Replies are listed 'Best First'.
RE: Win32::GUI Chatterbox client
by httptech (Chaplain) on Jun 17, 2000 at 03:18 UTC
    I've done some thinking about how you can avoid the locking up of the gui while the new messages are retrieved. That is, if you don't want to attempt some fork()ing and force everyone to upgrade to perl 5.6.

    My solution is to separate the gui from the calls to retrieve the messages and have the messages stored in a file. Then make it so the program can be started with an argument, to tell it which mode it should start up in.

    So, you would launch the program in gui mode first, then it would use the Win32::Process module to launch a second copy of itself in retrieval (non-gui) mode. So then you have 2 processes running independantly of each other, communicating via disk files.

    It's a kludge, but it totally gets rid of the problem with the frozen gui. Unfortunately it requires nearly a complete rewrite of the code.

      Sure, but why not use pipes or sockets? The select statement works fine in Windows, so blocking won't be an issue.

        No good reason. I could always say its so you could maintain a logfile of past chat sessions, but the truth is I'm a lot more comfortable working with files than sockets and pipes. Laziness. Go figure.

        I'm not 100% sure about Perl 5.8, but in 5.6.1 select() only worked on socket()s, not on pipe()s.


      Interesting concept. Win32::GUI locks up during any event that Win32::Dialog() processes. I'm not sure if this will eliminate this issue, but it may reduce the amount of time that it's locked up. Let me give it a try.

      BTW, I think that Win32::Process with IPC communication is the way to go.

Re: Win32::GUI Chatterbox client
by lolindrath (Scribe) on Jan 02, 2001 at 04:15 UTC
    Make sure you get Win32::GUI from Shendals link. The CPAN version is older and doesn't have AddTimer.

Re: Win32::GUI Chatterbox client
by patgas (Friar) on Aug 29, 2001 at 00:55 UTC

    It choked when I first tried to run it, because there's a space in my path to perl.exe. I changed line 148 to this, and now it runs, and I receive messages, but I can't send back. It looks pretty cool, though, and it's inspiring me to come up with GUI stuff on my own.

    $serverProcess = open2($fromServer,$toServer,"\"$^X\"","$0","$flags");

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