User since: |
Apr 14, 2000 at 00:12 UTC
(25 years ago) |
Last here: |
Jun 05, 2001 at 01:21 UTC
(24 years ago) |
Experience: |
Level: | Monk (7) |
Writeups: |
Location: | Coventry, UK |
User's localtime: |
Feb 07, 2025 at 10:16 +01
Scratchpad: |
For this user: | Search nodes |
This is just a variant on something I posted to obfuscated
code, but to find my email address, run this:
use strict;$_=' RZzqDaL ^IYt}WigMQo r|FD}Ms `UVwIIj';my @w=my $z=lengt
$_=join'',map { (/\s/)?' ':chr(ord($_)^++$z) } split //; while (/[xX]/
+) {push
@w, scalar(join '', map {$z=1;join '', grep {$z&&((/[A-Z]/&&(($_.='x')
($z=0))}split//}split/\s/);s/\s[A-Z]+/ /g;tr/[A-Z][a-z]/[a-z][A-Z]/;}$
' ',@w[1..$#w]);s/[xX ]//g;$_=lc;tr/[yz]/[.@]/; print; print "\n"; ###
+# Email