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Do you know where your variables are?


by greenFox (Vicar)
on Feb 04, 2001 at 06:37 UTC ( [id://56270]=user: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

I'm a Unix sys admin, Linux (RHEL) with a little Solaris and HP-UX at work, Linux (Fedora) at home. Day to day I mainly use perl for sys admin type stuff but I also like to play around with CGI and pTk.


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Monastery Stuff

FWIW I recommend the "red theme" for the Monastery, it is the only one with a light background (which I like) that has a reasonable contrast between visited and unvisited links. Or you can try my CSS theme (latest version).

Other Aussie Monasterians

TheDamian, rob_au, pjf, jarich, adamk, ryan, jens, jepri, Nomis52, rcxau, Cody Pendant, nashdj, Tardis, repson, Ay_Bee, blm, BatGnat, mildside, submersible_toaster, Moriarty, hagen, BigLug, Ryszard, tachyon, Roger, rdm, eyepopslikeamosquito, leriksen, edoc, Ponky, bsb, EventHorizon, monarch, coec, lcanty, erroneousBollock

(in no particular order :) /msg me to be added. You might also want to see the Monk Map

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