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by strat (Canon)
on Nov 08, 2001 at 03:38 UTC ( [id://123953]=user: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

homepage: (available only in German)
country: Germany (but was born and grew up somewhere in Tyrol/Austria)
city: Cologne
profession: Software Engineer

When I entered the Internet in 1995, I suddenly needed a nick for IRC chat and so on. Since I used to play a lot of Blues and Rock on my favourite electric guitar (a black and white Fender Stratocaster), the first nickname that popped up into my mind was Strat. I still have got the guitar, but hardly play any more, because I recently (=1998) found out that perl is by far the better "game". So the nick is alive, while the reason for it nearly is dead... (Update: I started playing the guitar again...)

Links at perlmonks:

Links to other pages:

Monks I've met so far:

Aristotle betterworld brian_d_foy busunsl Corion Crian davorg demerphq esskar Happy-The-Monk Joost Jouke Juerd kabel mdupont phaylon pKai reneeb shmem snadra sri TheDamian TimToady tinita
(If I missed somebody, please tell me)

1InitiateNovember 7, 2001
2NoviceDecember 5, 2001
5MonkFebruary 27, 2002
6FriarMarch 11, 2002
7AbbotApril 3, 2002
8BishopMay 15, 2002
9PontiffJuly 29, 2002
10SaintNovember 04, 2002
5000SaintJune 15, 2003
10000SaintOct 27, 2004
16000AbbotMay 10, 2006
22000CanonFeb 05, 2008
I am fond of statistics somehow :-)

Sorry for my bad English, for I'm not a native speaker; but I will go on learning :-)

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