#!perl -w
# xNN is a CGI newest nodes client that sorts nodes by date, author, c
+ategory, and threads.
# Displays nodes from n days in the past, or fractions of the current
# Saves node data to disk, uses cookies to remember sort mode, and can
+ undo a refresh.
# Requires XML::Simple
# Note: Threaded mode can get dramatically slower as the number of nod
+es increases,
# so be prepared to wait to thread more than a few days worth (1000+).
# usage:
# Make sure the first 3 variables and the #! line are correct and load
+ in a browser.
# First run involves your first download of new nodes so be online.
# coded by epoptai - http://perlmonks.org/index.pl?node=epoptai
# Updated: 5.23.2002
use strict;
use CGI::Carp 'fatalsToBrowser';
use CGI::Cookie;
use CGI qw(param header url);
use LWP::Simple 'get';
use Data::Dumper;
eval("use XML::Simple 'XMLin'"); # required xml parser
$@ && install_xml_simple();
# check the values of these 3 variables
my$perlmonks = 'www.perlmonks.org'; # your usual perlmonks domain
my$temp = './'; # where to write data and undo files
my$trgt = ' target="_self"'; # link target window
my@days = qw(0.1 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7); # day values for the select menu,
+ can customize but max = 8 days
my$pmurl = "http://$perlmonks/index.pl";
my$nnxml = "$pmurl?node_id=30175"; # new nodes xml ticker
my$method = 'post'; # 'get' may cause a re-refresh when using the back
+ button after refresh
my$done = 0;
use vars qw(
@kids @cache @sorted
%nodes %nodetype %nodetypes %whom %roots
$total $lastcheck $data $data1 $b1 $b2 $numdays $nd
my%types = (
'bookreview' => 'Book Reviews',
'categorized answer' => 'Categorized Answers',
'categorized question' => 'Categorized Questions',
'CUFP' => 'Cool Uses for Perl',
'modulereview' => 'Reviews',
'monkdiscuss' => 'Perlmonks Discussion',
'note' => 'Reply',
'obfuscated' => 'Obfuscated Code',
'perlcraft' => 'Perl Craft',
'perlmeditation' => 'Meditations',
'perlnews' => 'Perl News',
'perltutorial' => 'Tutorials',
'perlquestion' => 'Seekers of Perl Wisdom',
'poem' => 'Poems',
'review' => 'Reviews',
'snippet' => 'Snippets Section',
'sourcecode' => 'Code Catacombs',
'tutorial' => 'Tutorials',
'user' => 'Users',
my%stypes = (
'bookreview' => 'Book',
'categorized answer' => 'Answers',
'categorized question' => 'Questions',
'CUFP' => 'Cool Uses',
'monkdiscuss' => 'Discussion',
'obfuscated' => 'Obfuscated',
'perlquestion' => 'Seekers',
'snippet' => 'Snippets',
'sourcecode' => 'Code',
my$file = $temp.'xnn.dat';
my$undo = $file.'.undo';
my$uri = url();
my$handle = select();
my%i = map {$_ => param($_)} param;
my%cookies = CGI::Cookie->fetch();
my$start = (times)[0];
copy($undo,$file) if (($i{'m'} && $i{'m'} eq 'undo') && -e $undo);
if( (($i{'m'}) && ($i{'m'} eq 'refresh')) || (!-e $file) ){
if($i{'numdays'} && $i{'pageloadtime'}){
$numdays = $i{'numdays'};
my$sut = ( $i{'pageloadtime'} - (86400*$numdays) );
$nnxml = $nnxml."&sinceunixtime=$sut";
my$nn = get "$nnxml";
print header;
print qq~<html>Download failed! <a href="$uri">Return</a>~;
$nn = fixxml($nn);
$data = XMLin($nn, forcearray => 1);
copy($file,$undo) if -e $file;
open(DAT,"> $file") or die "$!";
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 0;
$Data::Dumper::Varname = 'data';
print DAT Dumper($data);
print DAT qq~\$nd = $i{'numdays'};~;
close DAT or die "$!";
if(eval "require '$file'"){
$data = $data1;
$numdays = $nd;
my($c1,$c2,$c3,$c4,$cookie,$mode) = ('') x 6;
if( ($i{'n'}) || ($i{'m'}) || ($cookies{'nn_mode'}) ){ # determine mod
+e, set cookies, execute subs
$mode = $cookies{'nn_mode'}->value if $cookies{'nn_mode'};
if(($i{'n'} && $i{'n'} eq 'categorized') || $mode eq 'ca'){
if($i{'n'} && $i{'n'} eq 'categorized'){
$cookie = CGI::Cookie->new(-name=>'nn_mode',-value=>'ca',-
$c1 = ' checked';
types(); # categorized
if(($i{'n'} && $i{'n'} eq 'chronological') || $mode eq 'ch'){
if($i{'n'} && $i{'n'} eq 'chronological'){
$cookie = CGI::Cookie->new(-name=>'nn_mode',-value=>'ch',-
$c2 = ' checked';
cron(); # chronological
if(($i{'n'} && $i{'n'} eq 'threaded') || $mode eq 'th'){
if($i{'n'} && $i{'n'} eq 'threaded'){
$cookie = CGI::Cookie->new(-name=>'nn_mode',-value=>'th',-
$c3 = ' checked';
threaded(); # threaded
if(($i{'n'} && $i{'n'} eq 'byauthor') || $mode eq 'au'){
if($i{'n'} && $i{'n'} eq 'byauthor'){
$cookie = CGI::Cookie->new(-name=>'nn_mode',-value=>'au',-
$c4 = ' checked';
cron('au'); # by author
$c2 = ' checked';
my$end = (times)[0];
my$sprnt = sprintf "<font size='-1'><b>That took %.2F CPU seconds.</b>
+</font>", $end - $start;
my$prnt = qq~<p><table width=100% border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=
+0 bgcolor="#aaaaaa"><tr><td>$sprnt</td>
<td align=center><a href="#top">top</a></td><td align=right><font size
<a href="$pmurl?node=xNN">xNN</a> by <a href="$pmurl?node=epoptai">epo
print $prnt;
sub initdat
my$threaded = pop;
if(defined @{$data->{'INFO'}}){
for my $when(@{$data->{'INFO'}}){
$lastcheck = $when->{'lastchecked'};
if($lastcheck =~ /^(....)(..)(..)(..)(..)(..)$/){
$lastcheck = "$4:$5:$6 on $2/$3"
if(defined @{$data->{'AUTHOR'}}){
for my $who(@{$data->{'AUTHOR'}}){
$who->{'content'} = encode($who->{'content'}); # UTF8 to latin
$whom{$who->{'node_id'}} = $who->{'content'}
if(defined @{$data->{'NODE'}}){
for my $new(@{$data->{'NODE'}}){
$new->{'content'} = encode($new->{'content'}); # UTF8 to l
$new->{'author_user'} = encode($new->{'author_user'}); # UTF8
+to latin1
$nodes{$new->{'node_id'}}->{'content'} = $new->{'content'};
$nodes{$new->{'node_id'}}->{'nodetype'} = $new->{'nodetype'};
$nodes{$new->{'node_id'}}->{'author'} = $new->{'author_user'
$nodes{$new->{'node_id'}}->{'created'} = $new->{'createtime'}
$nodes{$new->{'node_id'}}->{'parent'} = $new->{'parent_nod
$nodes{$new->{'node_id'}}->{'parent'} = 0;
$nodes{$new->{'node_id'}}->{'kids'} = [@kids]; # empty for
+ now
$nodetype{$new->{'node_id'}} = $new->{'nodetype'}; # hash for
+summary and categorized view
for(values %nodetype){$nodetypes{$_}++; $total++}
my@done = sort {$a <=> $b} keys %nodes;
for my $root1 (@done){
for my $root2 (@done){
if(($nodes{$root2}->{'parent'}) && ($root1 == $nodes{$root
push @{$nodes{$root1}->{'kids'}}, $root2; # populate @
if($nodes{$root1}->{'nodetype'} ne 'user'){
$roots{$root1} = $root1;
$nodes{$root1}->{'created'} = "$4:$5:$6 $2/$3"
sub stance
{ # menu and summary
my($bit,$prnt) = pop;
unless($done > 0){
@sorted = sort {$types{$a} cmp $types{$b}} keys %nodetypes;
print header(-cookie=>[$cookie])
print header
$prnt .= qq~<html><head><title>xNN</title>
<style><!-- td{ font-family:arial;font-size:80%; } --></style></he
+ad><body><a name="top"> </a>~;
$prnt .= qq~<form method="$method">
<table border="1" cellpadding="8" cellspacing="0" width="100%" bgcolor
<tr><td valign="top"> ~;
$prnt .= '<input type="submit" name="m" value="undo">' if -e $undo;
$prnt .= qq~</td><td rowspan="3" align="right">
<table border="1" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td align="right"> <b>Total new nodes</b> </td><td> $total </td></
my$e = '';
if($bit && ($bit eq 'ch' || 'au')){
$e = " bgcolor='#999999'" if $_ eq 'user';
$e = " bgcolor='#ffffff'" if $_ ne 'user' && $_ ne 'note';
$prnt .= qq~<tr$e><td>~;
if($bit && $bit eq 'ca'){
$prnt .= qq~<a href="#$_">$types{$_}</a> ~;
$prnt .= qq~$types{$_} ~
$prnt .= qq~</td><td> $nodetypes{$_} </td></tr>~;
$prnt .= qq~</table></td></tr>
<tr><form method="$method"><td>
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="pageloadtime" value="$^T">
Show nodes created within the past <SELECT NAME="numdays">~;
$prnt .= qq~<OPTION VALUE="$_"~;
if($numdays && $numdays eq $_){
$prnt .= ' selected';
$prnt .= qq~>$_~;
$prnt .= qq~</SELECT> days
<input type="submit" name="m" value="refresh"></td></form></tr>
<tr><form method="$method"><td>
<input type="radio" name="n" value="categorized"$c1> categorized<br>
<input type="radio" name="n" value="chronological"$c2> chronological<b
<input type="radio" name="n" value="threaded"$c3> threaded<br>
<input type="radio" name="n" value="byauthor"$c4> by author<br>
<input type="submit" value="sort">
print $prnt;
sub threaded
my$prnt = '<font size="-1">';
@cache = sort {$b <=> $a} keys %nodes;
$prnt .= print_nodes(); # thread the nodes
$prnt .= qq~<table border="1" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" width="1
<tr><th colspan="4" align="left">Replies to older nodes</td></tr>
for(@cache){ # replies to old nodes
unless( ($nodes{$_}->{'nodetype'} eq 'user') || ($nodes{$_}->{'par
+ent'} == 0) ){
$prnt .= qq~<tr><td><a href="$pmurl?node_id=$nodes{$_}->{'
<td><a href="$pmurl?node_id=$_"$trgt>$nodes{$_}->{'content
<td><a href="$pmurl?node_id=$nodes{$_}->{'author'}"$trgt>$
$prnt .= qq~</table><table border="1" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"
<tr><th colspan="2" align="left">Users</td></tr>~;
for(@cache){ # users
if($nodes{$_}->{'nodetype'} eq 'user'){
$prnt .= qq~<tr><td><a href="$pmurl?node_id=$_"$trgt>$nodes{$_
$prnt .= '</table>';
print $prnt
sub print_nodes
{ # recursive sub for threaded
my@kids = @_;
for( (@kids) ? (@kids) : (@cache) ){
($b1,$b2) = ('') x 2;
if( (@kids) ? (@kids) : ((!$nodes{$_}->{'parent'}) && ($nodes{$_}-
+>{'nodetype'} ne 'user')) ){
$b1 = '<font size="3"><b>';
$b2 = '</b></font>';
$prnt .= '<ul>';
$prnt .= qq~<font size="-1">$types{$nodes{$_}->{'nodetype'
+}} ($nodes{$_}->{'created'})</font><br>~;
$prnt .= qq~<li>$b1 <a href="$pmurl?node_id=$_"$trgt>$nodes{$_
+}->{'content'}</a> $b2
by <a href="$pmurl?node_id=$nodes{$_}->{'author'}"$trgt>$whom{
if(@{$nodes{$_}->{'kids'}}){ # if this node has children
$prnt .= print_nodes(@{$nodes{$_}->{'kids'}}); # recurse
$prnt .= '</ul>';
else{ $prnt .= '</ul>'}
return $prnt
sub cron
{ # chronological or by author
my$bit = pop; # by author if set
my$prnt = qq~<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" width="
<tr align="left"><th colspan="5"><h2>~;
if($bit){ $prnt .= 'Sort by Author'} else { $prnt .= 'Chronological<br
+><font size="-1">top node newest</font>'}
$prnt .= qq~</h2></th></tr><tr align="left">
for($bit ? (sort { lc($whom{$nodes{$a}->{'author'}}) cmp lc($whom{$nod
+es{$b}->{'author'}}) } keys %nodes) : (sort {$b <=> $a} keys %nodes))
my($e,$f) = ('') x 2;
if($nodes{$_}->{'nodetype'} eq 'user'){
$e = " bgcolor='#999999'"; $f = 'user'
$f = '<b>root</b>'
if(($nodes{$_}->{'nodetype'} ne 'note') && ($nodes{$_}->{'nodetype
+'} ne 'user')){
$e = " bgcolor='#ffffff'"
$prnt .= qq~<tr$e>~;
if($nodes{$_}->{'parent'} == 0){
$prnt .= qq~<td> <font size="-2">$f</font> </td>~
$prnt .= qq~<td> <a href="$pmurl?node_id=$nodes{$_}->{'parent'
+}"$trgt>$nodes{$_}->{'parent'}</a> </td>~
$prnt .= qq~<td> <a href="$pmurl?node_id=$_"$trgt>$nodes{$_}->{'co
+ntent'}</a> </td>
<td> <a href="$pmurl?node_id=$nodes{$_}->{'author'}"$trgt>$whom{$n
+odes{$_}->{'author'}}</a> </td>
<td> ~;
if(exists($stypes{$nodes{$_}->{'nodetype'}})){ # use short version
+ of long nodetypes
$prnt .= qq~$stypes{$nodes{$_}->{'nodetype'}}~
$prnt .= qq~$types{$nodes{$_}->{'nodetype'}}~
$prnt .= qq~</td><td> $nodes{$_}->{'created'} </td></tr>~;
$prnt .= '</table><p>';
print $prnt
sub types
{ # by nodetype
my@done = sort {$b <=> $a} keys %nodes;
my$prnt = qq~<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" width="
<tr align="left"><th colspan="4"><h2><a name="cats">Categorized</a><br
<font size="-1">top node newest</font></h2></th></tr>~;
for my $type (sort { $types{$a} cmp $types{$b} } keys %nodetypes){
(my$t = $types{$type}) =~ tr/ /+/;
$prnt .= qq~<tr><th align="left" colspan="4"><br>
<h3><a name="$type" href="$pmurl?node=$t"$trgt>$types{$type}</
if(($nodes{$_}->{'nodetype'} eq $type) && ($type!~/note|user/)
$prnt .= qq~<tr>
<td colspan="2"> <a href="$pmurl?node_id=$_"$trgt>$nodes{$
+_}->{'content'}</a> </td>
<td> <a href="$pmurl?node_id=$nodes{$_}->{'author'}"$trgt>
+$whom{$nodes{$_}->{'author'}}</a> </td>
<td> $nodes{$_}->{'created'} </td></tr>~;
for my $type (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %nodetypes){
if($type eq 'note'){ # notes
$prnt .= qq~<tr><th align="left" colspan="4"><br>
<h3><a name="$type">$types{$type}</a></td></tr>
<tr><td align="left"><b>parent</td><td colspan="3"> </td>
if($type eq 'user'){ # users
$prnt .= qq~<tr><th align="left" colspan="4"><br>
<h3><a name="$type">$types{$type}</a></td></tr>~
for(@done){ # replies
if(($nodes{$_}->{'nodetype'} eq $type) && ($type eq 'note')){
$prnt .= qq~<tr>
<td> <a href="$pmurl?node_id=$nodes{$_}->{'parent'}"$trgt>
+$nodes{$_}->{'parent'}</a> </td>
<td> <a href="$pmurl?node_id=$_"$trgt>$nodes{$_}->{'conten
+t'}</a> </td>
<td> <a href="$pmurl?node_id=$nodes{$_}->{'author'}"$trgt>
+$whom{$nodes{$_}->{'author'}}</a> </td>
<td> $nodes{$_}->{'created'} </td>
for(@done){ # users
if(($nodes{$_}->{'nodetype'} eq $type) && ($type eq 'user')){
$prnt .= qq~<tr>
<td colspan="3"> <a href="$pmurl?node_id=$_"$trgt>$nodes{$
+_}->{'content'}</a> </td>
<td> $nodes{$_}->{'created'} </td>
$prnt .= '</td></tr></table><p>';
print $prnt
sub fixxml
{ # append headers to xml nodes so they parse correctly
my$xml = shift;
my$fix = q{<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE CHATTER SYSTEM "dummy.dtd"[]>}; # mirod to the re
$xml = $fix.$xml;
$xml =~ s/[\r\n\t]//g; # jcwren, strip to eliminate problems matching
+after parsing
return $xml; # to the xml parser
sub encode
{ # UTF-8 to latin1 regex from XML::TiePYX (thanks to mirod)
my($text) = @_;
$text =~ s{([\xc0-\xc3])(.)}{
my $hi = ord($1);
my $lo = ord($2);
chr((($hi & 0x03) <<6) | ($lo & 0x3F))
return $text;
sub copy
{ # simple file copy
if(-e $_[0]){
open(OLD,"< $_[0]") or die "$!";
print header;
print "$_[0] doesn't exist!";
open(NEW,"> $_[1]") or die "$!";
while(<OLD>){ print NEW $_ }
close OLD or die "$!";
close NEW or die "$!";
sub install_xml_simple
{ # link to dist on cpan
print header; print qq~Install
<a href='http://search.cpan.org/search?dist=XML-Simple'>XML::Simple</a